'Energy information is always truthful.'
JoinedPosts by stephenw20
CM Message of the Day
by stephenw20 in'it doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.'.
An honest question for women only
by Skimmer inrecently, i came across the web site.
* http://www.classmates.com.
which is a directory of high school graduates throughout north america with many millions of entries.
no I am not a lady but this might help.....
I contacted a girl who I was INTERESTED in then and she has been married for almost twenty years to another classmate. She was pleased to hear from me and even apologized for in her opinion being rude way back then. We exchanged emails and pics...
One other point, if they did not want any intrusion they would not have joined Clasmmates in the first place. And if they really want no intrusion they wont answer.
I say be yourself... live on the edge....... and say HI
Just my 2¢
s -
CM Message of the Day
by stephenw20 in'it doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.'.
'Learning the symbolic language of energy means learning to evaluate the dynamics of power in yourself and others.'
8/3/2001 -
Edgar Cayce
by stephenw20 inthe cayce reading of the day.
quote of the day for thursday , the 2 of august 2001. .
preferring others.
. . . in love all life is given, in love all things move. In giving one attains. In giving one acquires. In giving love comes as the fulfillment of desire, guided, directed, in the ways that bring the more perfect knowledge of application of self as related to the universal, all powerful, all guiding, all divine influence in life--or it is life.
Reading 345-1 -
Edgar Cayce
by stephenw20 inthe cayce reading of the day.
quote of the day for thursday , the 2 of august 2001. .
preferring others.
The Cayce Reading of the Day
Quote of the day for Thursday , the 2 of August 2001.
Preferring OthersAnd in love show the preference for that companionship, in the little things that make the larger life the bigger and the better!
Reading 903-3
What do you prefer? That's the sort of choice we face each day in many little ways; for example, picking a flavor of ice cream or choosing which brand of soup to buy at the grocery store. Or selecting one channel over another when sitting down to watch the evening news.
But those are commonplace, mundane examples. Preference has a deeper meaning, too. It implies value - even love. What you prefer is that to which you give energy and attention. It's what you love, so to speak. Nowhere is this clearer than in the challenge to prefer someone else and his or her needs, even over your own.
Cayce's frequent advice was to show love by preferring the other. An ancient Jewish folk tale illustrates this wonderfully.
There were once two brothers who labored each day in a common field. Life wasn't easy for them, but they felt blessed to have a way to sustain themselves. The elder had never married, but the younger had a wife and three small children.
When autumn came and the harvest was brought in, they divided the fruits of their labors in half. It had always been their custom to divide the grain fifty-fifty. Each took his share to his own storage barn. Some of the grain would be sold and the money used for other necessities. The rest of the food would be slowly consumed in the months ahead.
But shortly after the grain had been divided this year, the older brother had trouble sleeping. Something didn't seem right to him about the method they were using. He thought to himself, "my brother has a wife and children. His needs are greater than mine. He should have gotten a bigger portion than I." So, in the middle of the night, he secretly carried sacks of his grain to his brother's home and left them outside behind the barn.
Somewhat later that same night, the younger brother also had trouble sleeping. He, too, felt that something wasn't right about the way the grain had been allocated. He reasoned, "My brother has no family. I have children who will care for me and for my wife when we are old, but he has none. A greater portion of the grain should go to him each year so that he can sell it and save the money for his old age." So the younger brother got up and, taking sacks of grain from inside his barn, he traveled secretively across the field and unloaded them behind his brother's barn.
The next morning each brother was surprised to find sacks of grain behind his respective barn. It seemed like a miracle. Each had given away some of his own portion during the night, only to find that some mysterious source, it seemed, had replaced it.
The following night both the elder and the younger brother repeated their deeds. Again, the morning brought amazement.
But on the third night, as both brothers continued their efforts to redivide the harvest, they happened to meet under the moonlit sky in the middle of their field. Then they realized what a miracle it had really been! Out of love, each had preferred the other over himself. Even though neither was any the richer with money or grain for these nightly trade-offs, both were profoundly enriched with love.
Mini-MotivatorPick one person in your life with whom you have frequent interactions. Then for even just a single day try as often as possible to prefer him or her over yourself - that is, put that individual's needs before your own.
Global Renaissance Alliance
by stephenw20 inwhat is the gra and circles?
imagine.... ... if you will, a ring around the planet, much like the rings around saturn.
imagine that this ring consists of spiritual stardust, glittering and dancing against an illumined sky.
What is the GRA and Circles?
… if you will, a ring around the planet, much like the rings around Saturn. Imagine that this ring consists of spiritual stardust, glittering and dancing against an illumined sky. It blesses the earth with a pulsating power, extracting fear from every darkened corner and pouring forth love on every hungry heart. This ring is woven from threads of love, words of inspiration, feelings of forgiveness, prayers for peace and hours of meditation. And this ring is not just metaphor, or the vain imaginings of a hopeful soul. It is an actual forcefield, more powerful than anything made by merely mortal hands. It is the product of the collective yearning to pool our spiritual resources in the service of a world made new. It is a rich and meaningful, eminently practical contribution to the miraculous transformation of our world.
… millions of people throughout the world, joined in small, intimate circles of spiritual support, praying together, meditating together, envisioning a healed and peaceful world, creating among its members a sense of sacred communion. Imagine these circles meeting regularly, like tiny clusters of grace, forming together a mystical grid of love and light around the planet.
by philo inthe wtbts is looking to the perfection of the obedient humans in happiness.
but they have also acknowledged the psychological truth that happiness is not a state we can arrive at, but is a process of change, transformation and book selling.. my question is, is the idea of humanity ever being perfectly happy fundamentally flawed?
do we need to be discontent as humans in order to continue human progress, transformation etc and gain temporary happiness along the way?
Ok Philo..but does it not come back to the ORIGiNAL question we WERE happy here on earth and then? GOD ruined us or?
I don't know many places you can have the Run of the place except for sleeping with the landlords wife.
Most people would not consider doing that to the landlord.
We had a RENT free earth, full of power (free), Full of food(free),
there was in fact NO command to EVEN WORSHIP.. just don't sleep with the guys wife( or eat his fruit)...... what is so damn hard about that.
I see in your retort that god is painted as not caring about life... and he has shown us both sides of that... he does and he does not.. just ask Bathsheebas first hubby........
did this
day come fromis that not worth a celebration
in the history of man the lights have not gone out and the earth has shown up everyday
yet its not enough
we were born with happiness built in .... from lessons we learn.....about happy and sad....... sadness is just the opposite ...... why is it bad.......
Is cold good or bad..is hot good or bad..........
why is happy good and sad bad... we contain it all
by philo inthe wtbts is looking to the perfection of the obedient humans in happiness.
but they have also acknowledged the psychological truth that happiness is not a state we can arrive at, but is a process of change, transformation and book selling.. my question is, is the idea of humanity ever being perfectly happy fundamentally flawed?
do we need to be discontent as humans in order to continue human progress, transformation etc and gain temporary happiness along the way?
I can appreciate your point, but feel humanity is not in the mind...
its ~about~ us not in us........ we can become it... or not.....
Removing HUMAN thinking in my original post was just to look @ things k at a higher form of thought.......unless you feel that the creator is not humane.
Which would beg the question if he is .. why are we here
Your welcome to that point as well........I just dont agree with it....
Shepherding Calls and Depression
by KSJordan inwhen we lived in west helena, arkansas, the elders would only make their "shepherding calls" when the circuit overseer was down to visit.
they would give my mom pat answers like "the new sytem will be here soon" and "you don't know what problems really are, my pipes busted last week", etc.
one elder really did want to help us it seemed, but he was prevented by the other elders who told him "we knoe them better than you do, we will handle it".
Its really amazing how much an organization that "SELLS" the love theory amongst the group doesnt know how to show love.
Love is not about rules, its about listening , putting your self in someoneleses shoes , seeing their perspective to expand your own.
When issues arise the elders for the most part if they wish to retain their postion MUST follow the compnay line... if they OPENED their minds and other books to new enlightenment the SOCIETY could not handle it.YOU see wit hthe UNITY of organization it is no longer doing the RIGHT THING and being one with GOD its being ONE with organization and PROMOTING THE SOULTIONS the GROUP HAS FOUNDED>
funny thing is love and GOD(one & the Same) existed well before any organization and will exist when its gone as well.
I know this does not hel the situation , but your recognizing the problem may as it will help you get peace within yourself knowing these folks cant provide any.
CM Message of the Day
by stephenw20 in'it doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.'.
' Spiritual teachings encourage us to grow past and through painful experiences, each of which is a spiritual lesson.'