'Therapy is a boat to cross the river, we just have to remember to get off on the other side.'
JoinedPosts by stephenw20
CM Message of the Day
by stephenw20 in'it doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.'.
Edgar Cayce
by stephenw20 inthe cayce reading of the day.
quote of the day for thursday , the 2 of august 2001. .
preferring others.
Thus ye may find in thy mental and spiritual self, ye can make thyself just as happy or just as miserable as ye like. How miserable do ye want to be?
Edgar Cayce Reading 2995-3 -
CM Message of the Day
by stephenw20 in'it doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.'.
'Release victim
consciousness and
embrace forgiveness.'
8/26/2001 -
Edgar Cayce
by stephenw20 inthe cayce reading of the day.
quote of the day for thursday , the 2 of august 2001. .
preferring others.
Depend more upon the intuitive forces from within and not harken so much to that of
outside influences--but learn to listen to that still small voice from within,
remembering as the lesson as was given, not in the storm, the lightning, nor in any of
the loud noises as are made to attract man, but rather in the still small voice from
within does the impelling influence come to life in an individual that gives for that
which must be the basis of human endeavor; for without the ability to constantly hold
before self the ideal as is attempted to be accomplished, man becomes one as adrift,
pulled hither and yon by the various calls and cries of those who would give of this
world's pleasure in fame, fortune, or what not. Let these be the outcome of a life spent
in listening to the divine from within, and not the purpose of the life.Edgar Cayce Reading 239-1
TW Thank You!
sexual compatability
by Cowboy inthis subject has been touched on by some recent threads,but not addressed directly.so here goes.....just how important is sexual compatability in a marriage or other long term relationship?should it be important enough to dissolve an existing long term relationship?or should the partners be willing to compromise their level of desire in order to keep peace?.
my thoughts are that sex and intimacy in general are a big part of any relationship.they are necessary components in maintaining the communication,trust and happiness that is the foundation for a marriage,or other long term relationship.if sex and intimacy are absent from a relationship,eventually the rest of the relationship will erode away as well.. cowboy.
"i know there's a balance,i see it when i swing past"-john mellencamp
"I would never consider entering into a marriage or long term relationship will someone I wasn't sexually compatable with. It's all part of the package of what makes us desire and ultimately fall in love. I think people realize early on in a relationship what their levels of desire are and if they are on the same page. If you are true to yourself and are up front with your partner, then it just might be forever."
As Rob Reiners mother said in the deli scene of WHEN HARRY MET SALLY after MEG FAKES the BIG "O"
"I 'll have what SHE Is having..........."
brillinatly said sister!
I would add this . Many times in relationship, especially when bound by ~paper~, we EXPECT certain components to a relationship , perhaps certain things from our partner. It is not wrong IMHO to want these items, but we may be missing the best part of what a PERSON CAN BE if we are focused on what WE need from them , instead of what they are capable of giving.
In sexual terms, especialy in the JW or even former JW context there is much BS to get through to OPEN communication to be able to even clearly get across what you migth like or not.
We lived in side fences before , and even with them gone , we at times stay within the boundry of where the fence use to be.
.......enough babble!
S -
CM Message of the Day
by stephenw20 in'it doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.'.
'We don't want to be in pain, but we sure don't want to heal.'
8/25/2001Because if we heal ,WE WILL HAVE TO MOVE ON...GROW
Read the last three days together!
Enjoy the day!
S -
Edgar Cayce
by stephenw20 inthe cayce reading of the day.
quote of the day for thursday , the 2 of august 2001. .
preferring others.
There has been and is ever the promise to every soul that He, thy Father, thy God, will meet thee in thy holy temple. Then accept same. Prepare self. Dedicate self; making those necessary activities for insuring self of that influence, that activity on the part of self, and there needs be little fear--ever--to enter. For he that does so doubting already invites that which would bring corruption, dissension. But he that does so in the assurance that the promises are true, the promises are thine own, in insuring self and making secure.
Edgar Cayce Reading 877-2 -
CM Message of the Day
by stephenw20 in'it doesn't matter what you choose, what matters is the energy with which you choose it.'.
We are addicted to the power of the wound.'
8/24/2001yes..... its so easy to BOND on negative BS.... because we all have so much to draw from.........it allows us to fit in and also allows others to go ... awwwweeee it will be ok.........
Edgar Cayce
by stephenw20 inthe cayce reading of the day.
quote of the day for thursday , the 2 of august 2001. .
preferring others.
If you would have friends, be friendly. If you would even have fun, make fun for someone else.
Read the comic papers; not as to become sarcastic, no--but remember, ever, even thy Master, Jesus, could laugh in the face of the Cross. Can ye find a better example?
Edgar Cayce Reading 3440-2OUCH!
When is sex acceptable
by stephenw20 incan anyone comment on this.
it appears that in our universe we have differing rules pertaining to sex being acceptable or not.. when you married , you are suppose to only have sex with your spouse.. if you are not married or have never been in a committed realtionship, it seems at a certain stage of ones life, it is either understandable or acceptable to just have or maintain a relationship that has nothing to do with anything but sex, or the closeness of another human being.. perhaps there were failed relationships that someone does not want to indulge in again , but still want to feel close to another person for a limited amount of time.. i am finding this to be acceptable not just among males but females as well in the 30-40 age range.
we humans are a strange breed.. comments are appreciated.. ps i am quite familiar with the biblical texts... i would rather not go there on this thread/
Scott,,welcome and thanks for the response... I thank everyone for the responses...
I would say ~yes~! we are suppose to enjoy life, as well as expereince pain, joy ,sorrow, happiness.
I would say we are here to #learn# .. not good or bad
learnsex is part of that
when you can bond with anyone
I dont care on what level it is
it should be valued , not ostracized.if we are open to who people ~are~ as opposed to who we need them to be
what else can be more spiritual and more of a compliment ...
we acknowlege another being on this earth, created and put here by the same force as got us here.........
acknowleging that person , acknowleges that source of life......