Part of getting away from the JWS and HEALING is knowing when you have to move on.
Its been shown that your cell tissue RECORDS your each and every move and emotion, and if we are not careful we can become an agent for bonding on negativity........a witness woundologists, comparing scars.
I was quite on the road my self to fine separation and find myself drawn to this forum because of the amount of time in my life spent in & around this CULT.
Since I have unbeliveing mate(see thats witness BS)..I mean I have a mate who still has not seen for herself that this is not a genuine organization , it makes it hard form me to close the door. I also have children who are at a very impressionable age, and perhaps in that remains the challenge for me.
But isnt that what life is about. Learning , and cahllenges. If we pray for forgiveness or to forgive........someone has to err in our opinion to forgive them. Its not always pleasant. But we can build our integrity and honor and endurance all the while. We can learn to manage this thing called SPIRIT
THe challenge to me is of not being threatening , of not showing more emotion or ego than necessary , but to show dignity and honor and through example to allowmy children to clearly see the difference of a mind controlling group and the free thougth they posses and must learn to use effectivley.
In my eyes , its all a learning expereince, with nothing happening per chance...I know I will hear much argument on this but that is ok... Ive felt the other way to...that I could do anything , that I had complete control over my own destiny...... I choose to look at the guy who was closest to the top and still chose lack of ego and love and compassion to solve issues. Not that you cant have a sense of humor about it.
Any 12 step recovery program is a boat to get you across the river. YOu still have to get off onthe other side. When we dont get off, we are wasting our precious cell energy and our ANgels start screaming...........”You wanted to get past all this and now all you want to do is RELIVE it and say poor me!”
Ill keep an eye on you if you promise to set me straight as well *S*
Corner stone , forgivenss is a critcal point of healing . Its funny that is in the lords prayer not love.Its also easier if you get your self inot present time and realize your wasting you days energy holding onto a bad memory like a debt owed.