A bundle of thanks.........and the text was ... up to above.....your usual standarD!
i recieved this note from a young person i know personally.
it brought tears to my eyes for someone so young to see things so clearly.
why can't six million others see this simple reality and the need for change?.
A bundle of thanks.........and the text was ... up to above.....your usual standarD!
since the subject seems to interest many among you,.
[box on page 22].
ways in which some choose to give.
this just in
Australia 02/01
it seems the charitable fellows are lobbying for TAX exemptions
from there submission for tax exempt charitable doantion.....
"Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Society do not carry on any commercial activities to raise funds or obtain support for any of their charitable activities. They rely solely on voluntary contributions which are, for the most part, made by members of the congregations. They believe that they ‘must love their neighbour as themselves’ and therefore have a moral and Scriptural obligation to help their fellowman.
Donations to the Society are not tax-deductible, even when they are made for disaster relief or church building. We believe that more funds would be available if donations of reasonably large amounts "for the advancement of religion" were tax-deductible."
Ah yes Reasonbly large amount s
you will also notice that in this brief there is a statement regarding their international activites
"Issues Regarding Definitions Used in Australia Compared to Other Countries
The Society is not an international organization having branches in other countries. However, Jehovah’s Witnesses are worldwide, and a different not-for-profit organization is registered in each country. The structures of these corporations vary according to the laws applying in each country. In some countries, such as the United States of America and New Zealand, donors to our religious organizations are exempt from gift duty and may claim tax deductions for donations made to the church.
In some countries, we are limited by the fact that funds received cannot be distributed to another country, thus preventing an international support arrangement. Although this has, at times, proven to be inconvenient, it has not unduly hampered our work."
A Submission by
the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia
on behalf of
Jehovah’s Witnesses in Australia
February, 2001
i would apprecaite all input for a longer contrasting list, feel free to edit mine............ .
human life/limited in length.
human /free will.
I would apprecaite all input for a longer contrasting list, feel free to edit mine...........
Human life/Limited in length
Human /free will
spirit/ free will
Human /can create reproduce
Spirit /can’t marry or have children
human/ has to sleep
spirit /24/7
human/ resides in a home
spirit /resides?
human/ must eat,
Human/ feel the pain/love of realtionships
Spirits./.jury still out
Human /realationship with higher power
spirit / same
Human /consumed with physical life
Spiri/consumed with?
stand back baby, i don't know how big this thing gets!.
[with head hanging in shame and waiting for the flak].
I want to KNOW you!
Gen 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.
it`s been interesting watching the org.
trying different ways to make money while at the same time keeping up a front of not being interested in money.
especially since they were forced to drop the.
Welcome Jerry
I look forward to more of your interesting comments
there are lots of outrageous things that have happened to each of us in our longer or shorter association with the jay-dubs.
but it's amazing sometimes what teeny things have been the final straw.. being raised as a jw, i swallowed most stuff whole my entire life.
then, as a teen began to question some things, but waited patiently for jehovah to straightened things out.
Oh this is like shooting fish in a barrel........
the straw....hmmmmmm...well i could say the refusal of the HEAD Cheeses to counsel my parents on their relationship , as my father was a prominent elder , and they barely spoke(he and Mom) and then the elders were surprised when pops resigned...and even encouraged him not to.....
.but nope...not that one........
.I could say it was at a certain crossroads of my brothers life , when he was inactive for years ,and my moms told the elders he was celebrating christmas.......and he got the ax.........
... but no not that one....
....It could be the general busybody nature many witnesses have , and dont heed the words of Jesus to Peter and concern themselves with themselves.
..but NOPE.....
... It could have been the comment made by an elder, "ya know I am getting tired to...tired of waiting for the new system............."
just one thing...reading the bible...thats it..... reading it and seeing they dont follow it......... its suppose to be the core of their belief, and it doesnt happen.
If you Examine all their beliefs few if any hold any water....
Bible is God's Word and is truth 2 Tim. 3:16, 17
2 Pet. 1:20, 21
John 17:17
Yes his word is, but they dont follow it.....
Bible is more reliable than tradition Matt. 15:3
Col. 2:8
Evidently this is true........yet they follow the traditons of men
God's name is Jehovah Ps. 83:18
Isa. 26:4, AS
Isa. 42:8, AS
Ex. 6:3
Well we know there is no J in the hebrew language..... Sorry its Yahweh..Proper.names dont change per language
Christ is God's Son and is inferior to him Matt. 3:17
John 8:42
John 14:28
John 20:17
1 Cor. 11:3
1 Cor. 15:28
THis is true, but they are one, and Jesus is running the show at this point , and has been since the beginning.......except for a brief 33 1/2 yr period.
Christ was first of God's creations Col. 1:15
Rev. 3:14
OK they get one!
Christ died on a stake, not a cross Gal. 3:13
Acts 5:30
Perhaps evidently..but really does it matter....isn't the point that he died as a criminal , a blasphemer the point.....
Christ's human life was paid as a ransom for obedient humans Matt. 20:28
1 Tim. 2:5, 6
Titus 2:14
1 Pet. 2:24
You mean this is what they believe, i thought he died for JWS only ...for gods spirit annointed org...isn't that what they teach?
Christ's one sacrifice is sufficient Rom. 6:10
Heb. 9:25-28
If its sufficient why do we need this JW organization.....
Christ was raised from the dead as an immortal spirit person 1 Pet. 3:18
Rom. 6:9
Rev. 1:17, 18
Ok but if he is the firstborn of the dead , as he was of all creation... raised in spirit, why did he tell thomas look at the holes in my hands........ ANY ONE ~seen~ a spirit LATLEY?
While I know he is a spirit person :) , but if this is how he ended up after being human and then ressurected..what clue is there that ones ressurected later would not be the same........
Christ's presence is in spirit John 14:19
Matt. 24:3
2 Cor. 5:16
Ps. 110:1, 2
Ok thats # 2..that is correct.......
Kingdom under Christ will rule earth in righteousness and peace Isa. 9:6, 7
Isa. 11:1-5
Dan. 7:13, 14
Matt. 6:10
Just Earth?.hmmmmmmm ...dont tell the ressurected ones......they will just go their own way....... where ever they end up.......
Kingdom brings ideal living conditions to earth Ps. 72:1-4
Rev. 7:9, 10, 13-17
Rev. 21:3, 4
Ideal living conditions?........well we have had them.........
man ruined are we to no longer have free will at some point? what was not ideal about Adams conditions, Noahs?
Earth will never be destroyed or depopulated Eccl. 1:4
Isa. 45:18
Ps. 78:69
Depopulated........well ok I am sure the dinosaurs read this too!
God will destroy present system of things in the battle at Har–Magedon Rev. 16:14, 16
Zeph. 3:8
Dan. 2:44
Isa. 34:2
Yes yes..ok....see dinosaur comment........
Wicked will be eternally destroyed Matt. 25:41-46
2 Thess. 1:6-9
.? hmmmmm eternally burning , everlasting destruction and ceasing to be is two different may not be in a favorable position but I see no END.......
People God approves will receive eternal life John 3:16
John 10:27, 28
John 17:3
Mark 10:29, 30
God approves of........?..I see believe in him..but isnt that referring to the son......Is not the son in charge of all things now?
There is only one road to life Matt. 7:13, 14
Eph. 4:4, 5
Yes one road...... I never seen the address of Brooklyn
We are now in the 'time of the end' Matt. 24:3-14
2 Tim. 3:1-5
Luke 17:26-30
NOw we are.... and we were in 1879 , 1890, 1900 1914 , 1919, 1931, well you get the idea.......I know we are....... and where there is an end there is a beginning....... see dinaosaurs.......
Human death is due to Adam's sin Rom. 5:12
Rom. 6:23
And I thought it was a spiritual death he died.....?
The human soul ceases to exist at death Ezek. 18:4
Eccl. 9:10
Ps. 6:5
Ps. 146:4
John 11:11-14
SOUL?........which death..the physical one or spiritual one?
Hell is mankind's common grave Job 14:13, Dy
Rev. 20:13, 14, AV (margin)
And we care about this because?..seems to me your just going is where your BODY came from!
Hope for dead is resurrection 1 Cor. 15:20-22
John 5:28, 29
John 11:25, 26
I thought the hope was faith in Jesus...ressurection is the evidence of it......the prize........
Adamic death will cease 1 Cor. 15:26
Rev. 21:4
Isa. 25:8
WIll?..... THE ransom has already been paid..........done deal
Our SPiritual death is now lifted......
Only a little flock of 144,000 go to heaven and rule with Christ Luke 12:32
Rev. 14:1, 3
1 Cor. 15:40-53
Rev. 5:9, 10
See revelation 7:9....
The 144,000 are born again as spiritual sons of God 1 Pet. 1:23
John 3:3
Rev. 7:3, 4
what a perfect number ......we are all born again since the ransom was for all of us...... since adam lost it for all of us....
Prayers must be directed only to Jehovah through Christ John 14:6, 13, 14
1 Tim. 2:5
Funny when asked how to pray ,....Jesus never once said JEHOVAH..he said father.......abba
Images must not be used in worship Ex. 20:4, 5
Lev. 26:1
1 Cor. 10:14
Ps. 115:4-8
Is a BOOK an image?
Spiritism must be shunned Deut. 18:10-12
Gal. 5:19-21
Lev. 19:31
Well talk to the editor of the golden age -woodward?
Satan is invisible ruler of world 1 John 5:19
2 Cor. 4:4
John 12:31
Ok .....and?
A Christian must have no part in interfaith movements 2 Cor. 6:14-17
2 Cor. 11:13-15
Gal. 5:9
Deut. 7:1-5
Interfaith and not believing in christ is that the same?
A Christian must keep separate from world Jas. 4:4
1 John 2:15
John 15:19
John 17:16
You mean they would not be worried about lawsuits, corporations, charitable annuities(time of the end after all), or even research in bloodless surgery?
All human laws that do not conflict with God's laws should be obeyed Matt. 22:20, 21
1 Pet. 2:12
1 Pet. 4:15
Ya ok....... see the post about when there is a serious crime (murder, rape)elders should call the society..not local authorities
Taking blood into body through mouth or veins violates God's laws Gen. 9:3, 4
Lev. 17:14 see below
Acts 15:28, 29
Lev 17:15 And every soul that eateth that which died [of itself], or that which was torn [with beasts, whether it be] one of your own country, or a stranger, he shall both wash his clothes, and bathe [himself] in water, and be unclean until the even: then shall he be clean.
So all you need to do is shower after and your clean...WOW!
Bible's laws on morals must be obeyed 1 Cor. 6:9, 10
Heb. 13:4
1 Tim. 3:2
Prov. 5:1-23
Well then maybe the FDS should read the bible.......
A clergy class and special titles are improper Matt. 23:8-12
Matt. 20:25-27
Job 32:21, 22
Tell the governing body........... anyone had any feet washing lately?
Christ set example that must be followed in serving God 1 Pet. 2:21
Heb. 10:7
John 4:34
John 6:38
he never placed a watchtower or an awake........
Baptism by complete immersion symbolizes dedication Mark 1:9, 10
John 3:23
Acts 19:4, 5
Dedication to whom?
Christians must give public testimony to Scriptural truth Rom. 10:10
Heb. 13:15
Isa. 43:10-12
Well perhaps this should be written in a letter to ALL elders regarding Pedophiles.......
there you have the BELIEFS>>>>>>>
1984 "The Catholic Church occupies a very significant position in the world and claims to be the way of salvation for hundreds of millions of people. Any organization that assumes that position should be willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism." {AWAK Aug 22 1984 28}
and here is their statement of proof for an org to provide salavation.......
do they stand up?
so as i said I read the bible.
there are lots of outrageous things that have happened to each of us in our longer or shorter association with the jay-dubs.
but it's amazing sometimes what teeny things have been the final straw.. being raised as a jw, i swallowed most stuff whole my entire life.
then, as a teen began to question some things, but waited patiently for jehovah to straightened things out.
Perhaps the loving brothers of your city would be so gracious, but here they would just say how we need the new system and let you starve!
i don't know how far back i was thinking about this, but it came to mind once again as i spoke to my father, who was addicted to marijuana for 27 years.
it took everything away from him, including his family (myself, my sister, and my mother).
he says a higher power must have helped him through these times and caused him to stop (4 years clean this december; wahoo!
its quite easy to say s as uffering question generally looking for an argument.
I am not being critical of your beliefs, just wonder if in the beginning man was created... he lacked nothing............has god done anything to increase his plight. or has man increased his own plight.....the example of the starving children is hard to ignore.......though,.there is enough food to feed these children though isnt there?
I heard a story once about a jewish guy in a Nazi camp during the gasings......they would make them watch as their compadres were being exterminated......(terrible term.Ididnt even like it when I typed it) one day two guys are watching their brothers in heritage and one runs back to the barracks and is found praying tp God by the the second guy says "how can you thank god at a time like this"...he responded.."I am thanking him , that I could never do that to another human being........"
If we remember whose ball it is,that we play the game with , it helps with the perspective, not always, but sometimes.......
We are ALL connected , if we live and have life in us....... its that damn energy thing again...where we came from and such......
we will always be safe as long as we Keep this connection in mind, ......
There is more to life than just this NO -thing we look out of!
i saw a recent post of someone leaving the board so they can move on.
it's been years for me and i actually have never come to a board like this until recently.
i'm just curious, how is everybody doing in that regard?
Below an excerpt of an interview to Dr. Myss.
RP: Can you talk about the concept of "woundology?"
CM: I was in an Indian restaurant in Scotland and was talking with two men friends when another friend I'd been waiting for came over. I introduced her to the two men, and while she was there, another man came over and asked her if she was free June 8th to attend a lecture. All he wanted to know was, "Are you free June 8th?" which requires essentially, a "yes" or a "no" answer. Instead, she went into this elaborate treatise about June 8th. "Did you say June 8th? No, no. Any other day, but not June 8th. That's an incest survivor's day and I have to be there because we never let each other down." She went on and on.
A half hour later, I asked her, "Why did you need to let those two men whom you have never met before know that you had; 1) experienced incest, 2) were still in therapy about it, 3) were angry about it, 4) were angry at men, and 5) needed to determine the course of the conversation—all within a twenty second introduction?" She replied, "Well, I am a victim of incest." And I said, "I know that. Why did you have to let them know that?"
Now here's where we go back to the tribal mind. I was asking her a conscious question which would come from my cologne water column. But she is operating by the tribal mentality of how to heal this wound. The tribe says, "You need a group." The tribe says, "You have a right to be angry." And that's when people get together in support group tribes.
It would never occur to her to say, "You're absolutely right. I've been processing this for 18 years and I think that's long enough." Or, "I'm going to forget them, take a look at what its taught me, move on and have a whole new life." Instead, she did the tribal thing which is, "You are challenging the way we think, and the way we've decided this wound should be healed." And I was excluded from the tribe. That was the first time I saw the fact that I was not sure that people wanted to heal.
In our culture, our first language of intimacy has become the language of wounds. In the old days, prior to this therapeutic age which is around forty-years-old, intimacy was the sharing of my first column [first, second and third chakra data]—where your family was from, family secrets, a mad aunt in the closet—that was considered intimate. Divorce and financial information was also considered very intimate. You never talked about yourself, only about what was going on.
RP: No one showed their feelings either.
CM: You didn't show your feelings because you didn't have individual feelings as such; your heart was a tribal instrument. And your journey was to mourn if the tribe was in grief, or to celebrate if the tribe had a good piece of news. It was the tribe that determined the content of your heart and its pulsation.
You can find the whole interview at: display/story display.html?id=358
simon did away with the sex forum - so i must take the tradional route and post under "make new friends.
" how mundane!.
fyi ---- for all of us, please take the time to write a sentence or two about yourselves, and encourage new ones to do the same.
Welcome WHy now?
look around and jump in!
Please share all your insights with us.