how are you?
nice talking
how are you?
nice talking
good greif.
my jw relatives really, really need to get a hobby of some kind to keep them.
busy.. my sister claire stopped by today (with a hilarious story of a comedy of errors and how all.
no you cant write for the Watchtower.....otherwise you would be annonymous......we already know who you are...........
and besides ..it would also mean you have some kind of MAGICAL conncetion with the GB.....magical in ....they dont write it ...but somehow ...........the words of the Watchtower are gods words..........it must happen when they PROOF READ.... if they can they read at all?..
now that is magic.......
Olin R. Moyle, v F.W.Franz, et al. Libel suit testimony, May 10th to May 27th, 1943, New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division:
Fred W. Franz on the witness stand, sections 2596 & 2597 -
"Q. At any rate, Jehovah God is now the editor of the paper, is that right ?
A. He is today the editor of the paper.
Q. How long has he been editor of the paper ?
A. Since its inception he has been guiding it.
Q. Even before 1931 ?
A. Yes, sir."
Nathan Homer Knorr on the witness stand, at the same Olin Myle trial, sections 4420 & 4421 :
"Q. But you don't make any mention in the fore part of your Watch Tower that "We are not infallible and subject to correction and may make mistakes" ?
A. We have never claimed infallibility.
Q. But you don;t make any such statement, that you are subject to correction, in your Watch Tower papers do you ?
A. Not that I recall.
Q. In fact, it is set forth directly as God's Word, isn't it ?
A. Yes, as His Word.
Q. Without any qualification whatsoever ?
A. That is right.".
NOTE - that at the time of the above trial, Mr. Nathan H. Knorr was already the President of the Watch Tower Society. 0#00------------------------------------
is there any wonder we are where we are now!?
hopefully a learned jw can answer this for me.. i have many jw friends & attended a couple of meetings.. one friend dropped by every month or so handing out pamphlets etc.
and we enjoyed the visits.
one saturday i asked him who was savior and he said jesus.
way off the subject but with all the calculations you just did......
how many man hours a day would it take to clean up the SH** from those 10,000 animals.......
and where did they put it!? OUT THE WINDOW?..
not even pleasant to think about !
good greif.
my jw relatives really, really need to get a hobby of some kind to keep them.
busy.. my sister claire stopped by today (with a hilarious story of a comedy of errors and how all.
Yes , Es
I can beleive it... I had elders at my house with articles in hand because I was doing BREATHING exercises and meditation.......
they could have shared the time with their own families........their loss!
yup, it's me, your friendly angel of the presence and.
purveyor of mystic speculations, metatron, at your.
I look forward to all your insight with your background , it should be interesting......
why would the WTBTS change ..its all good to them..........
change is from within.........
since the subject seems to interest many among you,.
[box on page 22].
ways in which some choose to give.
hope you dont mind..but I loved your post......
could not agree more!
reminded me of this song
Well I just heard the news today
It seems my life is going to change
I closed my eyes, begin to pray
Then tears of joy stream down my face
With arms wide open
Under the sunlight
Welcome to this place
I'll show you everything
With arms wide open
Well I don't know if I'm ready
To be the man I have to be
I'll take a breath, I'll take her by my side
We stand in awe, we've created life
With arms wide open
Under the sunlight
Welcome to this place
I'll show you eveything
With arms wide open
Now everything has changed
I'll show you love
I'll show you everything
With arms wide open
If I had just one wish
Only one demand
I hope he's not like me
I hope he understands
That he can take this life
And hold it by the hand
And he can greet the world
With arms wide open...
true story - my aunties husband who is a new jw but not yet baptised wrote a letter to the governing body requesting permission to wear jeans to the meetings because apparently he is allergic to the fibres in wool pants etc.
he got a letter back granting him permission to do this!
perhaps this is not the thread ...and perhaps it is......but why GIVE away this thing in your life.....your spirit..... your energy ....your self esteeem..........why seek the bozos approval............if they D/F you for a beard..or your clothes or because they dont agree with your opinion........ tell them your just reverting back to an older publication.........with as many flip flops as there have been ...its all been covered, and if there is aproblem with that just tell them give it some time its due to change......... again ....soon....
I am no hippie........but isnt it time to let your freak flag fly.........
legally THERE IS NOTHING THEY CAN DO TO YOU! You have religious freedom....express it.......... its not your fault they are confused what month or year it is........... whether in one publication the sodomites , will/wont get ressurected.......(YCLF)
did any one consult you on the new baptism questions.....hell no
and they didn't make a big deal about it either.......but NOW its a big deal
dedication to organization
or as another poster so aptly puts it ..be yourself.......everyone else is taken.........
whether the locals agree with you or not isn't the point....GOD(or whatever creative entity you ascribe to) made you , to be you and be true to yourself....no one else is any different than you are...no better no worse same fears, same sins, same same......
we all is!
lets receive some comfort.... g1975 9/8 26 ...is it not a comfort for them to know that in the local congregation of jehovahs witnesses they will never be tithed to pay out a percentage of their income?
nor will unscriptural money-raising schemes be imposed on them.
it is at the kingdom hall that an unobtrusive contribution box is located for use by those who wish voluntarily to give money to support the work of the congregation.
would LA be a better place for the Pacific educational center.........isn't it easier to fly there............ cheaper.....
maybe its just me......is it the SELECT educational center.?
OR the GB educational center or R&R center.........
was anyone else frustrated at the 'question' and 'answer' sessions where they tell you what to ask?.
i didn't realise the foolishness until pointed out to me by my sister, who gets a kick out of being told what question to ask after having read a prescribed paragraph.. lisa
1983 "Avoid Independent Thinking .. How is such independent thinking manifested? A common way is by questioning the counsel that is provided by God's visible organization." {WT Jan 15 1983 22}
1984 "The Catholic Church occupies a very significant position in the world and claims to be the way of salvation for hundreds of millions of people. Any organization that assumes that position should be willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism." {AWAK Aug 22 1984 28}
So is GODS visible organization(what am I saying!)..I mean the WTBTS, willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism......
why all the hostility when you ask a question........why the...No I dont want to look at that......are these people.....terminators or something..........just robotic borgatics!?
I'll Be back!