I have come to the conclusion that so many of the Society's doctrines are not scriptural (both major and minor ones) that I can no longer cal it "the truth". I still go to congregation meetings, but I can't see myself going for much longer - a bit of a crisis of conscience. However, there seems to be one piece of seemingly logical advice from the elders that I cannot come to terms with despite what I have found.
Even amongst the elders that have spoken to me there seems to be some who do not accept the entire body of doctrines of the Society, yet because they see the fruitage of Matthew 7:17, 20 being expressed within the congregation and not elsewhere they stay and advise me to stay too. I said that there are true Christians in many churches, and they replied that it would not be right for me to worship in a Catholic Church or some other were people are disunited over what they believe, who lie and cheat and commit adultery, when there is somuch unity and love within the Jehovah's Witnesses. They say that all worship alike in the organization yet many in Christendom, even in the same churches do not always believe the same even on such doctrines as the Trinity. What they are basically saying is that much about doctrine is not that important when you consider that Christian fruits are far more important.
They brought up the matter of preaching again - saying that they have never had members of another church preaching the Kingdom of God to them before, hence no other church is fulfilling Matthew 24:14.
And once again, they brought out the need to stay away from "apostate sites" quoting 1 Timothy 6:3, 4. (mentally diseased, debates about words etc)
They also said that unity would not be accomplished if one member of the congregation believed one thing and another believed something else - like the churches of Christendom they said. They stated that they cannot find anything in Scripture that supports such a notion.
They carried on detailing the blessings that God has given to Jehovah's Witnesses in that people's lives have been changed for the better etc etc.And, that all of this could only be accomplished via an organized body of worshippers, not a disunited one.
Some of these points are difficult to refute. Has anyone else had a similar experience with this Witness-logic? How would you answer?