correction: meant to say "Matthew's prophecy 'FULFILLMENT ATTEMPT' is 100% accurate"
JoinedPosts by stocwach
Jesus' Sword
by JosephAlward inim reposting here an argument that appeared in november, 2001, which received little in the way of meaningful rebuttal.
perhaps rwc and other die-hard inerrantists on this forum will be able to show why we shouldnt believe that matthews claims are ridiculous.. here it is:.
the author of the matthew gospel was by far the most unreliable of the bibles writers, as evidenced by his appalling lack of understanding of the old testament and his willingness to imagine that it was filled with prophecies of the coming savior.. .
Jesus' Sword
by JosephAlward inim reposting here an argument that appeared in november, 2001, which received little in the way of meaningful rebuttal.
perhaps rwc and other die-hard inerrantists on this forum will be able to show why we shouldnt believe that matthews claims are ridiculous.. here it is:.
the author of the matthew gospel was by far the most unreliable of the bibles writers, as evidenced by his appalling lack of understanding of the old testament and his willingness to imagine that it was filled with prophecies of the coming savior.. .
Joe Joe Joe, tsk. tsk. tsk.
Instead of taking Bible verses out of context, why don't you give readers a better background of what was happening in Matthew.
Jesus had assembled the 12 apostles and instructed them to announce to the people of Israel that the Kingdom was near.
In addition to mentioning that they would be handed over to the courts, beaten in the synagogues, arrested, etc. Matt. 10: 21-22 says (NLT) "Brother will betray brother to death, fathers will betray their own children, and children will rise against their parents and cause them to be killed. AND EVERYONE WILL HATE YOU BECAUSE OF YOUR ALLEGIANCE TO ME. But those who endure to the end will be saved." My how this changes everything eh Joey boy?
Matthews prophecy is 100% accurate! It has nothing to do with Jesus being kind or not. It's about Bible prophecy being fulfilled that Jesus would be rejected, so much so to the very core of the family unit.
Interesting verse however is one that can be appropriately applied directly to you Joe--vs. 26 says "...For the time is coming when everything will be revealed; all that is secret will be made public."
Joe Alward debunked yet once again.
Why Didn't They Know?
by JosephAlward inthe following is excerpted from an article by frank r. zindler, "did jesus exist?
" at
emphasis is added.. john e. remsburg, in his classic book the christ: a critical review and analysis of the evidence of his existence (the truth seeker company, ny, no date, pp.
Pagans are considered hedonists, non -Christians, and for that matter, those with no religion whatsoever.
The fact that Jews have as a majority rejected Christ is no mystery as well.
The Bible foretold that many would reject the message and Christ.
Meaningless and irrelevant drivel once again Joe.
It is very sad that all you have time to do is post nonsense like this, with no hope of anything at all, other than living for moments like these.
Who is actualy a jehovah witness here? I mean Jeez
by ShyGurlie inim a young high school girl who thinks that this is crazy.
Shygurlie, you said:
Also it is a known fact that not everyblood transfusion is safe. Blood may contain disease that will end up killing the indivual. Things like Aids, hepitatis and other disease can come from tainted blood.
That statement is really lending credibility to how naive you really are. Science can prove all day long to you that the benefits of blood transfusions far outweigh the risks of contracting some type of disease from blood. The WT simply leaves out the very fact that tainted blood represents a very small percentage of blood that is available.The amount of deaths that have occured on the operating table because no blood was administered however is a travesty!
Shygurlie, do yourself a favor and sincerely read the Bible, and leave the WT publications out of it. You will be very enlightened!
Also do some research on the WT continual flip flopping doctrinal change that has occured throughout the years, as well as the numerous failed prophecies they have uttered. The Bible says to beware of false prophets. Need I say more?
Who is actualy a jehovah witness here? I mean Jeez
by ShyGurlie inim a young high school girl who thinks that this is crazy.
Shygurlie, you say:
im sorry for u losing a loved one, but the bible (if u belive in it)says "but to write to them to abstain from .... blood"- Acts 15:20
Blood consists of 4 components: white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, and plasma. The WT Society since 1990 has said it is okay for one to take albumin, which comes from plasma. In fact, science has proven that there is more albumin in blood than there are white blood cells. However, the WT Society prohibits white blood cells. And since June 2000, the WT has said now it is okay to take all fractions from blood, yet not whole blood nor the major components. Where is the scripture and verse that reveal this policy and distinction is from God?
and because witnesses belive in the bible adn God and want to live by the standards of god adn Jesus christ we dont accept blood transfusions. If some man made this law up we would not practice it.Bottom line--WT blood policy is man made law, not God's law!
And one more question for you Shygurlie:
The Governing Body will give the excuse that this change in policy is related to "new light". If this is the case, then I ask you--how is it possible for JWs pre 1990 who took albumin or other blood fractions and were not repentant because they disagreed with policy be disfellowshipped, only to find years later in hindsight that they were right all along, which would then mean these "apostates" actually received "new light" ahead of the Governing Body?????
Only one simple answer--WT is not God's organization.
Who is actualy a jehovah witness here? I mean Jeez
by ShyGurlie inim a young high school girl who thinks that this is crazy.
Shygurlie, you said:
oh also about the pedifile thing..yes all types of ppl of ALL religions can be pedifiles. in the Jehovah's witness organization these ones who commit wrong doing are disfellowshipped .....kind of like ex-communication
The fact that there are pedophiles in the JW organization just as there are in all other religions IS NOT THE POINT AT ALL!What is at issue is the WT policy that if the accused denies all allegations, the accuser must produce not one, but two witnesses, otherwise the issue is dismissed! In fact, the accuser is strongly admonished not to bring the matter up again, and strongly discouraged from taking the matter up with the secular authorities, for fear of bringing "reproach on God's organization"! If the accuser continues with their allegations, ironically it is that person that could lose privilege in the congregation, be reproved, etc. Meanwhile, if the accused is let's say an elder, all privileges remain and he stays in good standing!
If you truly are who you say you are, you have a lot to learn about the organization!
I sincerely ask you, how can such a policy exist if JWs truly are God's organization?????
Whistler, BC...part 2
by Princess inon sunday my husband and i drove to whistler for a few days without kids.
our first time leaving them overnight.
the kids were very excited at the prospect of a sleepover with grandma (mulan) and we were able to escape with no tears...yay!
My uncle and his family live in Burnaby, and they have a cabin at Whistler. My wife and I went skiing for a couple days for the 2000 millenium, and it was awesome!
You Know--Way Off Base Once Again...
by stocwach inquote:.
we could also say that the apostolic decision on circumcision was "new light.
" which, incidently, cause many jews to stumble out of the truth and become enemies of the torture stake as judaizers.
You Know: Wrong again.
but apparently the prevailing mindset was that is was necessary and for years the apostles allowed that thinking to prevail in the congregations by simply doing nothing.
Ridiculous! Scripture and verse were the apostles allowed thinking to prevail to their knowledge by simply doing nothing? C'mon You Know! Scripture and verse?! Face it...your key operative word there is "apparently", meaning you are grasping at straws with your creative imagination. Bottom line, there was no "new light" from the apostles, which is the very reason you brought up the circumcision issue in the first place.circumcison issue was the most devisive issue that confronted the congregations. The apostolic decree was not accepted by everyone. That was my point. Many of the Jewish Christians were set in their ways and were stumbled on account of the radical change in view and became apostates.
Meaningless and irrelevant. There is no parallel to JW's stumbling because of obvious WT error in blood policy, only to have that policy change years later! The Jewish Christians that were stumbled were wrong, bottom line. Nothing came out later that showed the Jewish Christians were right all along did it? Scripture and verse please? Sad that this example is your best defense.That's just plain silly. Back before 1995 no one could say that they knew that the system wasn't going to end before the generation of 80 years passed away. Some may have had strong opinions, but no one could say that they KNEW anything. And, if someone taught something differently back then, then, they were setting themselves up as teachers in competition with the Society for the minds and hearts of the brothers.
Interesting you would say "that's silly" when the WT has numerous records of people who were disfellowshipped for not adhering to the belief systems, of which the 1914 theology is the foundation for the WT. And absolutely, those that spread their doubts to others look like prophets now don't they? Of course they were in competition, but again, it proves my point that "apostates" can have "light" ahead of the GB, just as with the blood issue of taking fractions pre 1990, yet getting disfellowshipped for it, only to be proven right all along. For you simply to deny that this phenomenon exists shows how truly superficial you really are. Call it what you want, you can't deny it happens, but simply make excuses for why it does.And rightly so, just as brothers today who take blood transfusions bring themselves in line for disfellowshipping because they undermine the stance of the brotherhood and create confusion in the minds of doctors just what our beliefs really are. If a person calls themselves one of Jehovah's Witnesses then they come to represent the entire organization. If they adopt beliefs that are significantly different from the beliefs and practices of the rest of the brotherhood then they bring into question whether they can continue to represent the organization. And just like the apostles, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses has the right and the obligation to establish what our doctrines and policies are going to be.
You sure like to waste time by bringing up meaningless info don't you?
We all know on the board what the policy is of JWs, so we don't need your constant redrivel of it.Your reasoning is faulty, which no doubt is why you have allowed yourself to be stumbled in the first place. The fact is that God does allow those who represent him to make greivious errors that cause others to stumble. Look at the history of Israel. They were a nation that had an exclusive relationship with Jehovah, and yet many of their kings and prominent men stumbled the entire nation by things that they did. According to your reasoning if Israel was really God's special people, as Jehovah himself claimed, then he would not have allowed their kings to lead them into error.
Yaaaawwwn. Again, you simply are either completely inept at comprehension! Of course God allows his people to stumble others! Read my post again. You bring up in an older post that look at who was stumbled because of Jesus. Again, my point is that that is a meaningless irrelevant analogy, it doesn't prove anything! Those that were stumbled were not later proven correct were they? Nor were those that were stumble by Israel later proven to be correct in their false expectations of God's chosen people! Again, your bogus examples have no parallel to the flip flopping blood issue. I'll tell you what is faulty, it's your reasoning skills!LOL! I will explain it to you very simply. David was Jehovah's hand-picked anointed king. The scripture says that Satan over-reached David and against the advice of his own general David ordered a census to be taken. This brought Jehovah's displeasure and resulted in a plauge that killed many of David's subjects. God allowed his anointed one to stumble and fall into Satan's trap and it cost the Israelites dearly who paid the price for David's foolishness.
Again, drivel drivel drivel. It simply is not relevant!!! This has nothing to do with WT constant flip flopping on doctrinal issues! Is that the best you have? Sad.However, it doesn't mean that they are not God's sons, just as David was still God's anointed king, it just menas that Jehovah will not give them exemption from punishment.
LOL! The only reason why the JW religion exists is because of your "anointed Governing Body", which as a whole are responsible for JW doctrine! You are basically saying, so what if the GB falls under Gods punishment, it is still the only true religion! The GB are the ones responsible for creating the religion for what it is today in the first place. You have made comments in the past that the WT will have served its purpose at Armageddon, blah blah blah, etc. The more I hear your thinking you are a religion of one, and not a true JW. You can't be both. If the GB knew your true identity, you would be disfellowhshipped in an instant for your rogue views. Don't you see that you can't be a true JW by default of their own doctrinal belief system you don't 100% adhere to, by your own admission. Therefore, you by default are not part of God's true organization. Why can't you see how bizarre a bird you really are? -
Joseph Alward are you ignoring me?
by stocwach inonce again you appear to selectively choose not to respond to legitimate rebuttals to your mumbo jumbo, just as you never responded to repeated efforts for you to reveal your letter to the wt society, although you were more than happy to provide a letter from the wt to you.
don't you realize how your credibility is affected by your cowardly actions?.
Once again you appear to selectively choose not to respond to legitimate rebuttals to your mumbo jumbo, just as you never responded to repeated efforts for you to reveal your letter to the WT Society, although you were more than happy to provide a letter from the WT to you. Don't you realize how your credibility is affected by your cowardly actions?
You Know--I'm still waiting for a rebuttal...
by stocwach inwhy have you chosen to ignore me?
please respond with rational answers, not rhetoric like i don't know what i'm talking about, or you can't dignify with a response blather!.
Why have you chosen to ignore me? Please respond with rational answers, not rhetoric like I don't know what I'm talking about, or you can't dignify with a response blather!