Hi Kent
I'm not sure if I can find out why they claimed charity status. But I think there's a lot of useful info on the website that Celtic found.
Here's what it says about inquiries:
By law, we cannot act in the administration of a charity, nor can we interfere in its affairs where the trustees have acted
properly. We will, however, consider complaints and concerns supported by evidence, particularly where it appears that:
• the way the charity is run is putting the funds or other assets at risk;
• the funds or other assets of the charity are being used or applied in improper ways;
• the trustees are misleading the public, or us, or others with an interest in the charity (eg beneficiaries or employees)
in a material way;
• the trustees are receiving unauthorised benefits from the charity;
• proper accounts are not kept;
• fund-raising or administration costs are too high; or
• the charity is undertaking improper political activities.
6. We do not have power to investigate criminal matters. If an inquiry uncovers possible criminal offences we will notify the
police. We also have close contacts with other bodies such as the Inland Revenue, Customs and Excise and the Department of
Trade and Industry.
7. We cannot normally assist in legal proceedings taken against a charity, including those for the collection of debts, unless the
Attorney General has asked us to do so.
8. Where the complaint concerns an internal dispute between members of a charity or its trustees, it will usually be looked into by
staff in our Charity Support Division, who may seek to help the charity resolve the dispute. We do not usually regard internal
disputes alone as circumstances in which to use our powers of inquiry. For further information please see our publication
Resolving Charity Disputes: Our Role (CC25).
Members of the public - how to alert us
9. The first step is to write to our Investigations Division (at one of our offices) with the following information:
• the name of the charity and its registration number (if known);
• a summary of your complaint or concern, and the background to what has occurred;
• details of the assets which you believe have been misused or are at risk;
• details (or copies) of any documentary evidence in support of your concerns;
• details of any attempts you have made to get the charity to address your concerns;
• details of any previous correspondence or contact with us about these matters;
• details of any correspondence you may have had with the police or other public bodies about your concerns; and
• your full name, address and telephone number and connection, if any, with the charity. Please note that we
cannot promise to take any action on the basis of an anonymous complaint (but see below).
10. It will be difficult for us to deal with your concerns properly unless we can use the information you provide. If you write to us,
please therefore state:
• whether we may put your complaint and any evidence to the charity; and
• whether we may reveal your name to the charity as the complainant.
11. If you do not wish these to happen, you may nevertheless pass information to us. We will respect confidences so far as we
are able, with due regard to the individual's rights to privacy under data protection and human rights legislation. However, a
person who is under inquiry is entitled to know the nature of the allegations being made, and any person criticised by us as a result
of an inquiry has a right to be told the nature of the evidence upon which the criticism has been based. While we will take every
step to try to ensure that a complainant's identity is not revealed without their consent, in some cases the nature of the allegations
or evidence may give an indication as to their source. Also, in limited cases there may be an obligation to reveal information under
freedom of information legislation.
12. The results of inquiries may be disclosed under the Code of Open Government, or under freedom of information legislation.
The results may also be used in Court proceedings and some, of particular public interest, are published. Documents and
information gathered during the course of, and for the purposes of, a formal inquiry will be treated in confidence, unless and until
we decide to publish the results or they are required under a Court Order during legal proceedings.
13. It is a criminal offence knowingly or recklessly to supply us with information which is false or misleading.
What happens when we are alerted?
14. All complaints are examined first by an evaluation officer, in order to assess the seriousness of the complaint and to decide if
on the face of it there is cause for concern. This may involve gathering more evidence if necessary.
15. The evaluation officer will take a view on whether:
• the complaint is groundless; or
• the problems in the charity are minor and can be put right by providing advice; or
• the charity needs more substantial help from staff in our Charity Support Division; or
• from the evidence to date, the matter is serious or complex enough to warrant a formal inquiry.
16. We will let you know as soon as possible what action we propose to take, and in any event will endeavour to reply to your
approach within 15 working days.