Hm, I'm almost afraid to post anything here because I know I'll have to leave people out, and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. So, before that happens, I just want to thank everyone here simply for being themselves. I've probably read something that's been posted by just about everyone who's posted here since I signed on, and it's good that there's so much variety. The constant appearance of new stuff and the nice mix of different ideas are what keep me coming back.
Seems like all the usual suspects have been named already, so I'll just say, "What everybody else said." That, and:
JanH, believe it or not, I like you. I don't always like the way you go about things (you do sometimes give the impression that anyone who isn't an all-or-nothing atheist must have something wrong with them), but I do like you. I really do enjoy reading your posts on the Bible, [the Xtian version of] God, etc., because the historical and scientific facts you present are very interesting. It's just the "opinion" stuff where we might disagree.
Farkel, I don't even know why I'm telling you this since it probably doesn't mean much coming from someone who likely means nothing to you. But I've enjoyed your posts since the H2O days. You're smart, articulate and funny, and your writing is a pleasure to read. Thank you for all of your good work.
Anyone who's ever posted something for me (or sent me a rare e-mail) that I didn't answer, I apologize. I know it's awful manners, but I really don't do it on purpose, and I'm not trying to ignore anyone. I always want desperately to say something more meaningful/clever/useful than just, "Hey, thanks!" -- and usually end up not saying anything. I have the same problem in real life.
And for all my fellow "invisible posters" out there that no one has mentioned by name, hang in there. Even if feel like no one cares about what you have to say, it's a pretty safe bet that someone somewhere has read and appreciated something that you've written. Just keep on thinking, caring and posting. You never know what the result will be, even if you're never told.
"Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
-- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."