He was great and sorry for his death.
the greatest soccer player ever of my country died today.
only 68 years old.
he meanta lot to many people because of his skills, as a player and trainer.
He was great and sorry for his death.
i am going to engage on a trip to the past and share with you some of the matters that marked the beginning of the jws persecution in cuba.
you will be surprised that the pattern that was followed is very similar to what happened in other dictatorial countries.. in the cuban case, i am going to surprise you and tell you that like what happened with hitler; the wt was partially responsible for their clash and confrontation with the cuban government.
during the early 60s the revolution was fighting for survival and they were willing and ready to demolish any perceived enemy to their cause.. a prime example was their war against the catholic church that was the most influential religious entity in the country; it took the supreme leader only a few public discourses to send the vast majority of clergy packing and back to their country, in this case spain.. the jehovah’s witnesses were an insignificant minority but they over estimated their importance and displayed a belligerent attitude, it was known that this was a us based religion and an easy target to connect them with the cia.
I was asked about if any JW died as a result of the persecution, it is possible that more than one did but the only documented case that I know is that of Felipe Hernandez, he was a career Circuit Overseer married to Ina. He was about 45 to 50 and he was put in jail suffering from a heart condition, at that time he was also for legal purposes a Vice President of the Society. He died after complaining for more than a week of his ailment and being denied treatment. I put two links, one in English and another in Spanish that document the matter; this man was a fine human being.
His funeral in Havana was a massive concentration of brothers and the Government had the place blanketed with security because they figure it out that some disturbance was bound to happen, nothing did.
In January 1985, Jehovah Witness Rev. Felipe Hernández died in prison of heart failure after Prison Director Col. Edel Castillo refused him medical care: "We don’t give medical care to counterrevolutionaries, let Jehovah save you.”
Así mismo provocaron la muerte en l984, al Ministro Vice Presidente de la Iglesia Testigos de Jehová de Cuba, Felipe Hernández, quien estaba preso conmigo en la prisión Combinado del Este de La Habana, injustamente acusado de propaganda enemiga por distribuir sus publicaciones religiosas.
Estos hechos criminales se produjeron cuando, después de estar reclamando durante siete días asistencia médica por un fuerte dolor en el pecho, Felipe Hernández murió en una celda de esta penitenciaria. En realidad, la respuesta a sus demandas de atención clínica se la había dado un día antes de morir el Coronel Edelmo Castillo, jefe entonces de ese plantel de encierro, al mandar a que llevaran a Hernández a sus oficinas y allí, le expresó que recibiría asistencia hospitalaria cuando dejará de captar y formar a nuevos miembros de los Testigos de Jehová entre los presos.
i have posted one other time on this website.
just for the mere fact that i wasn't anger and bitter and ready to declare the gb the sociopathic criminals that so many here ascribe to, my initial question digressed to bickering over ad hominem attacks against the gb and not my beliefs that i'm questioning.
some did give me some help on my questions.
My two cents worth, this board and the WT are as different as night and day.
I come here post when I feel like, read what I like and have the choice of participating or not, as long as I don't break the rules I don't have to answer to no one and generally speaking I am free.
Compare that with the constant surveillance and suspicion in a congregation, try to open yourself even your most closest friends and you will see what happens.
i am going to engage on a trip to the past and share with you some of the matters that marked the beginning of the jws persecution in cuba.
you will be surprised that the pattern that was followed is very similar to what happened in other dictatorial countries.. in the cuban case, i am going to surprise you and tell you that like what happened with hitler; the wt was partially responsible for their clash and confrontation with the cuban government.
during the early 60s the revolution was fighting for survival and they were willing and ready to demolish any perceived enemy to their cause.. a prime example was their war against the catholic church that was the most influential religious entity in the country; it took the supreme leader only a few public discourses to send the vast majority of clergy packing and back to their country, in this case spain.. the jehovah’s witnesses were an insignificant minority but they over estimated their importance and displayed a belligerent attitude, it was known that this was a us based religion and an easy target to connect them with the cia.
As previously mentioned, one of the Government conditions for a relaxation of the JWs situation was the replacement of the Branch Committee that was impossible to monitor. The WT agreed and a brother form Panama was brought in as Coordinator and most of the Branch control was taken over by the Mexican Office.
As far as I know one of the members of the previous committee died a little bit thereafter, another one left for USA and the third one remained in Cuba without any significant duties. Like or not these negotiations relaxed the pressure and persecution over the flock and were positive changes. Kingdom Halls were opened, arrests went down to almost nil, an Assembly Hall was built, Bethel was officially opened and many other good things happened for the locals.
The highlight of all of this back and forth was a visit about 1999 by a GB delegation, brothers Barr, Barry and Loesch; they were able to meet with Governmental dignitaries, visit different conventions over the country and encourage the brothers with their presence; it was similar to a Papal visit.
Things have been mostly quiet since then, due to their heavy infiltration State Security knows exactly what the JWs are doing and that they pose no danger. Growth has been steady, always affected by the migration to USA.
Almost done, maybe one more.
Thanks for reading
during our wt life we met a good number of friends involved in the circuit and district work.
i am sure that we share the same experience and that we remember fondly some that we caring, loving and generally interested in the brothers.
at the same time we might remember others that were arrogant, selfish, abusive and oppressive.
during our wt life we met a good number of friends involved in the circuit and district work.
i am sure that we share the same experience and that we remember fondly some that we caring, loving and generally interested in the brothers.
at the same time we might remember others that were arrogant, selfish, abusive and oppressive.
during our wt life we met a good number of friends involved in the circuit and district work.
i am sure that we share the same experience and that we remember fondly some that we caring, loving and generally interested in the brothers.
at the same time we might remember others that were arrogant, selfish, abusive and oppressive.
i am going to engage on a trip to the past and share with you some of the matters that marked the beginning of the jws persecution in cuba.
you will be surprised that the pattern that was followed is very similar to what happened in other dictatorial countries.. in the cuban case, i am going to surprise you and tell you that like what happened with hitler; the wt was partially responsible for their clash and confrontation with the cuban government.
during the early 60s the revolution was fighting for survival and they were willing and ready to demolish any perceived enemy to their cause.. a prime example was their war against the catholic church that was the most influential religious entity in the country; it took the supreme leader only a few public discourses to send the vast majority of clergy packing and back to their country, in this case spain.. the jehovah’s witnesses were an insignificant minority but they over estimated their importance and displayed a belligerent attitude, it was known that this was a us based religion and an easy target to connect them with the cia.
Almost done
i don't think anyone's actually considered this, but a post in the forum made me think about the many changes (not just one) on the back cover of the awake!
thanks to for scanning all of the magazines in pdf format, since there is a lot lost with the wt library.. take a look at the following paragraphs in the awake´s back cover throughout the years:awake!
You are correct 100%.
Kudos to the original poster, he comes from the Spanish forum and doing his best to contribute.
back in the early 60s the phrase .
"the new world society..." was used a lot to promote assemblies and even congregations.
of course no new world has come but that saying appears to have been quietly buried along with any hope of a new world..