*** w74 3/15 p. 168 Is It Gluttony? ***
Actually, whether a person is thin or fat, his attitude toward food has much to do with whether he is being gluttonous. Is food the big thing in his life? If in the presence of others, does he selfishly ignore their needs and take far more than his share? Is he grossly overweight but exercises no restraint at all as to food, habitually gorging himself? Does he feel uncomfortable, perhaps even getting sick, because of having eaten too much? If this is the case as a matter of course, the individual has a definite problem. He needs to learn self-control.
In areas of this nature, the Christian does well to examine his inclinations. He is under divine command to do all things, including eating, for God’s glory. (1 Cor. 10:31) Manifestly the person who gorges himself whenever given the opportunity is not bringing glory to God. He impairs his mental and physical powers. Owing to his lack of self-control, others come to look upon him with disdain, and he brings reproach upon Jehovah God. That is why one who persists in making a glutton of himself has no place in the congregation of God’s people. Greediness, with which gluttony is definitely associated, is one of the works of the fallen flesh. Concerning those engaging in such works the inspired apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians: “Those who practice such things will not inherit God’s kingdom.”—Gal. 5:21.
So the Christian has good reason to work hard in being a good example in moderation. His relationship to God is involved.