As previously mentioned, one of the Government conditions for a relaxation of the JWs
situation was the replacement of the Branch Committee that was impossible to monitor. The WT agreed and a brother form Panama was brought in
as Coordinator and most of the Branch control was taken over by the Mexican
As far as I know one
of the members of the previous committee died a little bit thereafter, another
one left for USA and the third one remained in Cuba without any significant duties. Like or not these negotiations relaxed the pressure and
persecution over the flock and were positive changes. Kingdom Halls were opened,
arrests went down to almost nil, an Assembly Hall was built, Bethel was officially
opened and many other good things happened for the locals.
The highlight of all
of this back and forth was a visit about 1999 by a GB delegation, brothers Barr,
Barry and Loesch; they were able to meet with Governmental dignitaries, visit
different conventions over the country and encourage the brothers with their
presence; it was similar to a Papal visit.
Things have been
mostly quiet since then, due to their heavy infiltration State Security knows exactly
what the JWs are doing and that they pose no danger. Growth has been steady,
always affected by the migration to USA.
Almost done, maybe one
Thanks for reading