I was asked about if any JW died as a result of the persecution, it is possible that more than one did but the only documented case that I know is that of Felipe Hernandez, he was a career Circuit Overseer married to Ina. He was about 45 to 50 and he was put in jail suffering from a heart condition, at that time he was also for legal purposes a Vice President of the Society. He died after complaining for more than a week of his ailment and being denied treatment. I put two links, one in English and another in Spanish that document the matter; this man was a fine human being.
His funeral in Havana was a massive concentration of brothers and the Government had the place blanketed with security because they figure it out that some disturbance was bound to happen, nothing did.
In January 1985, Jehovah Witness Rev. Felipe Hernández died in prison of heart failure after Prison Director Col. Edel Castillo refused him medical care: "We don’t give medical care to counterrevolutionaries, let Jehovah save you.”
Así mismo provocaron la muerte en l984, al Ministro Vice Presidente de la Iglesia Testigos de Jehová de Cuba, Felipe Hernández, quien estaba preso conmigo en la prisión Combinado del Este de La Habana, injustamente acusado de propaganda enemiga por distribuir sus publicaciones religiosas.
Estos hechos criminales se produjeron cuando, después de estar reclamando durante siete días asistencia médica por un fuerte dolor en el pecho, Felipe Hernández murió en una celda de esta penitenciaria. En realidad, la respuesta a sus demandas de atención clínica se la había dado un día antes de morir el Coronel Edelmo Castillo, jefe entonces de ese plantel de encierro, al mandar a que llevaran a Hernández a sus oficinas y allí, le expresó que recibiría asistencia hospitalaria cuando dejará de captar y formar a nuevos miembros de los Testigos de Jehová entre los presos.