Prologos, Hitler was not deeply religious! I read a debate with Cardinal Pell of Australia and Dr. Richard Dawkins where "Hitler Ping Pong" is played between the highest Catholic of Australia and the leader of the Angry Atheists (Richard Dawkins). Interestingly, the two men agree "Mao and Stalin were atheist" while Hitler and his Nazi party remain a secular movement furthering Social Darwinism's agenda of human evolution of the superior race.
Not sure how you come to the conclusion Hitler was deeply religious when that fact eludes historical scholars of Nazi Germany. A distinguished professor, Hugh Trevor-Roper at Oxford was ruined when he authenticated a forged diary claiming Hitler was anti-Christian among many other things. If Hitler was such a religious man, why would Hugh Trevor so erroneously committ academic suicide by authenticating a blatant forgery? Previously to reviewing "The Hitler Diaries" Trevor-Roper was successful (read part of his Bio and the rest on Wiki) worked in the "Her Majesty's Service" with his responsiblity of proving Hitler did not leave Berlin alive. Some conspiracy theorist claimed it was the Catholic Church and Christians who forged the "Hitler Diaries" to cover up Hitler's wicked acts to all the Jews and non-Catholic religions. If Hitler was truly a religious man, I do not understand why a very good Historian would destroy his career when the truth of Hitler's purported religious nature was abundant. It's not obvious from a historical point of view if it fooled him and we are still debating which side of the Ping Pong Table Hitler belongs on.
One more point to add, conspiracy theorist claimed Christians forged Flavious Josepheous works to add the name Jesus into History or he would have been forgotten. Conspiracy theorist had a agenda to discredit Eusebious qouting a more ancient Christian tradition about their flight to Pella. What new information was obtained or was this academic mental masteurbation? I enjoy Alex Jones and other men who challenge the System but I need more information to make a informed decession other than speculation that Christians "Stold the Body", "Wrote Flavious Josepheous Works", "Wrote the Hitler Diaries" and other wild topics!
So where did you get your information that claims Hitler was a deeply religious man? I read Hitler was involved in the Occult, Madam Blatvatsky (Grandma of New Age and dwellers in Sedona, Arizona :), really Sedona is beautiful with some very interesting individuals living there.) and how the Nazi's were trying to communicate with the dead, ancient leaders too.
edited to add more information on Trevor-Rope
Investigating Hitler's last days[edit]
In November 1945, Trevor-Roper was ordered by Dick White, then head of counter-intelligence in the British sector of Berlin to investigate the circumstances of Adolf Hitler's death, and to rebut the Soviet propaganda that Hitler was alive and living in the West. [4] Using the alias of Major Oughton, Trevor-Roper interviewed politicians, military men, and supporting staff who had been present in the Führerbunker with Hitler, and who had been able to escape to the West, including Bernd Freytag von Loringhoven. [5] The investigation resulted in Trevor-Roper's most famous book, The Last Days of Hitler (1947, with revised editions as late as 1995), in which he described the last ten days of Hitler's life, and the fates of some of the higher-ranking members of the inner circle as well of key lesser figures. Trevor-Roper transformed the evidence he gathered into a literary work, with sardonic humour and drama, and was much influenced by the prose styles of two of his favourite historians, Edward Gibbon and Thomas Babington Macaulay. Trevor-Roper claimed he received a death threat from someone in Portugal who claimed to represent the Stern Gang for exalting Hitler. [6]"..