These urban legends are still very popular in my former "circuit area".
From the stage, "the TO tells the dubs how several employers posted jobs asking the employees be Jehovah's Witnesses, these employers knew where they could find honest men and women with integrity. All the vacant jobs were filled with Pioneers, Auxillarys and Regular lay-people dubs and everyone lived happy ever after."
Problem, posting a "Help Wanted" in the Classifieds Sections of a paper requesting you be a certain religion, poses legal problems.
The Nazi War Hero: A traveling overseer was going door to door accompanied by an elderly brother, after receiving a "brush-off" by the angry householder, she complains "You Jehovah Witnesses don't go to War! What if the Nazi's had one the War in WW2, I lost five sons in battle for your freedom! You need to be ashamed of yourselves for sitting back while my children paid the blood-price."
The elderly brother who was silent during the whole time, stops following the lead of the TO who is walking away from the door. Eldery brother says "Guten Morgen Frau Jones, es tut mir leid, verlieren Sie Ihre Söhne im Krieg(good morning mrs jones, I am sorry you lose your sons in war!)
I fought in World War 2, I killed twenty men with my bare hands and personally decorated by Hitler. I was your religion during the "Great War", you should have prayed I was a Jehovah Witness, maybe I kill your sons, maybe not, if all were JWs during WW2 your sons still be alive?"
A great change of heart took place with her next time in field service, she requested our German brother to bring literature.
Flying money in the wind
Four Pioneers were working the dry areas of Colorado, driving on faith and fumes they pull over near a gas station. Nobody has any money, so they say a prayer and walk around the sage brush, "a fifty dollar bill" fly's in front a sister-pioneer and the wind shoots the "bill" up her dress. "Fifty dollars was a fortune in 1952, and Jehovah made sure our sisters knew he was sending them manana from Heaven."
I hated this story, so much for starving children, why can't falling coins land on their villages?
Don't Eat The Candy Children
"Children you should never eat candy a householder hands you, Dear Sister Burns learned the hard way. Sister Burn's Bible-Study had a dish of peanuts sitting on the coffee-table, overweight and hungry Burn's scoops by the hand full, this bible-study's peanut dish. "Yummy peanuts, Sister Burn's compliments her Study how yummy them peanuts are!
Sister Burn's head's to the bathroom and"the Study" pull's out a bag of chocolate covered peanuts, sucks the chocolate off the peanuts, and puts them in another dish. Mortified, the young sister ask's the Bible-study the question and receives the affirmative reply "I hate peanuts, so i suck them off the chocoate and leave them in dishes like this" Sister Burn's yummy peanuts were "spit-backs" from a crazy old lady, moral of the story, "don't eat candy from strangers!"
The burning matress was made of aspestos, your earlier question? Oregon and Northern California has their fair share of "screaming, yelling, cursing, flying, levitating-mattresses that "spit and hissed", refused to burn until a prayer was said by the annoited.