I agree that Rich people as a percentage do not create jobs, they have a tendancy to bleed the companies of all the wealth and intellectual capital and humanity from the "once great" companies that created good products.
Slim, why do people who work with a Union contract vote Republi-Con and speak bad of Unions when their pay is distorted because of the Unions paying the averege worker a high wage than the companies without a Union contract.
Take the Prison system in California, I know many lopheads who work for the prison system, prison guards who are staunch republicans. One company I researched who runs a "for profit" prison, their pay-package has been slammed down to one-third of pay, benefits and vacation and sick days than the Unions in California. When I researched Wackenhut, Correctional Corps and especially "Cornells Companies" out of Texas, I noticed the Prison guards were making $13 a hour while the California Union Prison Guard made $32 for the same pay grade.
I know there are some prison guards and public employees who learned with Arnold how ugly the rich people can be when they take power, but there are still crap4brains who believe the Republicans and Rich People will share the wealth and create more jobs. How can we reason with low level brain power like them?