The photo looks like one of the early "Heinz Katsup" salesman photos from 1899-1910, the author of the book had a photo and asked the question "how does it make you feel to know all those eager salesmen are dead now?" The Bethel photo, is anyone still alive from that feast?
JoinedPosts by ÁrbolesdeArabia
Watchtower's Weirdest Photograph?
by Marvin Shilmer inwatchtower's weirdest photograph?.
you wont believe it when you see it.
and is available at:
How do I disprove "New Light"?
by DarkFireWolf ini currently am a jw and my parents are too.they seem either confused or dislike it when i raise questions and recently, when i questioned them about 1925 and 1975, i've been told it's changed due to "new light.
" i don't remember nor do i have very much knowledge of "new light.".
this "new light" just dosen't sit with me and neither do the false light first of all, breaks a scripture in deut.
Do you parents feel the Congregation is full of love, love being practiced circuit wide? I have found this very topic to be the "Achilles Heel" of Witnesses, the majority of dubs are not willing to show love that Jesus Christ said his people would.
Has the rescent change in the identity of the FDS been released in print yet
by A.M. Number 1 injust wondering what wt issue has actually put it down in print.
i know that some of my jw frineds already know about it, but they didn't tell me if it was an announcement at the hall or actually in the wt..
How long was it before the gaff of the "overlapping generation" from the Annual Meeting, until it made it's way to the confused ears of most Traveling Overseers? Twelve to Eighteen months before a tasty insight like this can be polished and "dumb downed" for the masses who don't read their magazines?
How will the traveling overseers explain away this core teaching, even though we always knew the WatchTower never considered that "all anointed are annointed" but "all governing body are annointed".
Eisenhower and "Project Jehovah"
by ÁrbolesdeArabia inhow much information has been released with "project jehovah"?
eisenhower's name was part of the file with the heading "project jehovah", what was this?.
relating to ancient aliens and ufos or some other top secret material?.
How much information has been released with "Project Jehovah"? Eisenhower's name was part of the file with the heading "Project Jehovah", what was this?
Relating to Ancient Aliens and UFOs or some other top secret material?
I think I stumbled onto the eventual plan for the governing body teaching today.....
by EndofMysteries inon the site, look at the 2/1/2012 public wt, page 27 of the pdf...section 4"how are jehovah's witnesses organized today".
if anybody noticed, i mentioned i thought that no mention of 'faithful and discreet slave' possibly since 2010 in the public placed wt's.
i've read all of them backtracking to 2/1/2012 so far, and so far, my suspicion has proven true, no mention.
EOM, you have found the link that is going to transfer the non-annointed into the position once reserved for the annointed only.
I thought of talking to one of the ancient JWs who saw this coming decades ago. Which Watchtower mentioned they were starting to train "the other sheep" to pick up the slack the Governing Body "Faithful Slave" was needing help with? Old "Brother Ancient" told me in secret "this is how they are going to allow the non-annointed to enter the position we were told only the annointed could hold". To long-term JWs who know doctrine and JW-Theology, this is equivalent allowing non-Levites to hold the office of High Priest and offer up the sacrifice.
Disfellowshipped for reading "apostate literature"?
by Vanderhoven7 inis reading apostate literature a disfellowshipping offense?.
do you know of people being disfellowshipped for this or for receiving apostate literature?.
"Tornapart", in my experience most reasonable people keep their study to themselves until the opportune time. I thought I knew someone well, during their "walk-about" they could not contain their newfound information and started to call their spouse "a stupid idiot", "dumb cult member" and finally the spouse went to their elders. Granny Goodness said "more flys with sugar than vinegar" same with JWN resources, tact and correct timing make the case strong, insulting and abusing your spouse forces them to cling on even tighter out of spite! IMHO
by turtleturtle inis templelijah serious when he posted this to his blog?.
what is your take on this elijah?
I agree with "templelijah", I think a big change-up is inevitable. The appointment of a 40something year old, changing of definition of the "Faithful Slave" that no longer includes the "annointed" has crossed the line.
I was thinking about the NGO status the Society had with the United Nations, was this common knowledge, I say this because I do recall Bethelites talking about WTS members attending the United Nations and using their research facilities in early 1980s.
by turtleturtle inis templelijah serious when he posted this to his blog?.
what is your take on this elijah?
Temple, was there a magazine in the 1980s with profanity in, or on the cover? A story by some fundamental Christians I recall, was the local traveling "apostate" ex-JW was doing a slide-show of strange magazines and imagines of the occult. Are you aware of the "Profanity Issue" of the "Awake Magazine" or was it the "Watchtower?" thanks!
East Coast Roll-Call,You Friends Keeping Warm Dry? Let us know if your safe!
by ÁrbolesdeArabia ini saw anderson cooper hanging in the surf, jwn friends are safe and sound?
keeping dry everyone?.
may the force be with you, in a possitive way!.
I saw Anderson Cooper hanging in the surf, JWN friends are safe and sound? Keeping dry everyone?
may the force be with you, in a possitive way!
I just finished Crisis of Conscience today....
by dontplaceliterature indisclaimer:.
i really hate to hijack this thread, but i wasted my one 24hr post on that window washing thread last night.
i don't think i'll have an opportunity to post this up here if i wait, and would like to get it done before the weekend.
Your wish came true during the Annual Meeting of the Watchtower 2012, should the Watchtower come to JWN for "new-lite"? It seems the friends here are one step ahead of the Org, possibly two steps?
On page 382 regarding "The Anointed Class":
"Outside of the [Governing] Body, being of the "anointed" counts for nothing as to becoming an elder, a traveling overseer, member of a Branch Committee, or holding any other organizational position."
I have always recognized this to be the case. It's funny that The Watchtower officially teaches that it is the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" that is appointed over the "domestics," and that this title represents all within the annointed class. Unless I am in error. Yet, indiviual "annointed" brother have no more authority or "say" than the average Joe. That makes the whole doctrine of "Faithful and Discreet Slave = Annointed" kind of pointless. They should just change the teaching to "The Faithful and Discreet Slave = The Governing Body."