We had old 80 years run and sit on the toilet during the reading with wireless microphones! You could hear the "plop. poof-boom, bamm bamm of things pouring into the toilet!". Nothing like hearing the plumbing of a brother using the urinal over the microphone, funny as the Hall hears the pee streaming out in spurts! LOL!
JoinedPosts by ÁrbolesdeArabia
As a Watchtower Reader on Sunday, did you ever have to use the bathroom?
by sd-7 ini just had a dream last night that i was watchtower reader again on a sunday.
it was weird because the color scheme seemed like a zombie-green.
my old coboe was conducting the study and he seemed like kind of a jerk.
Deprogramming kids when JWs came knocking
by RayPublisher inso i had my two daughters with me this weekend (their jw mom has them the next one) and it was saturday morning around 10am and i said let's have a short "daddy school" on how to do research on the internet.
so they were plopped on each side of me and my laptop and i was inbetween and was showing them how you can type in "jehovah's witnesses" or "watchtower society" and get lots of vids off youtube on these things and that they can always do their own research if they have any questions on the things they hear at the kh when their mother takes them.. so we were watching one and right then there was a knock at the door and it was two teenage jw girls (from a neighboring cong) offering the magazines... very funny!
my oldest got rid of them and they were giggling and laughing about how weird it was that they would show up right then.. the jws are popping up everywhere in my life lately, ie, at the store, at the mall, at the gym, etc.
Keep the beard you sexy beast, the hell with them!
The Judicial Committee Gossiping Reach, Two or Four Counties? Three!
by ÁrbolesdeArabia inhow far does the "barking chain" of gossip spread from one kingdom hall's judicial committee to another kingdom hall?
the record to my personal knowledge (three counties away 100 miles.
)is i had a brother call me and ask if "brother so-and-so was going to be disfellowshiped on thursday night", he heard it from our cobe.
I think some of you missed my point, I should have clarified things better. How about "There different men who share confidential talk with their wives, this is a fact that's undisputable." "Some wives do pry information from their husbands so they can appear "in the know" with their peer groups (A Jezebel Factor) and insult other good elder wives and friends in the Kingdom Hall. This makes these women feel more secure in their personal assessment of their family's spiritual holinesss.
Ladies, have you met a real life Jezebel bitch in your life? We brothers know a "Diatrophes, Nicolaus, Ahab,", and a Judas Iscariot who is quick to sell us out for theocratic advancement.
long-haired-girl: Crazy ideas are going viral, Witnesses are not the best source checkers. I think somone read a tinny bit of the historical "Under-ground Railway", talked to a crazy brother in San Diego who believed we would be put in caves the way Jehovah's prophet Elijah was kept, feed with meat from the ravens. None of this makes sense, as Jehovah Seer told his faithful (at the time) ancient people "Stand back and see the Salvation of Jehovah" Jehosaphat was told. The ancient Christians who fleed to Pella, were not living in caves or escaping "in the underground". Some Witnesses are toning down the message and moving towards a "Rapture-End Times" message, more palatable to new members.
There sure are plenty of mean and evil people who spread gossip, this does not feel like Love. Witnesses love is "Scared Straight" love, you earn love by following everyone elses ideas and keep your mouth shut, for fear the prisoners or jailer will scream at you!
Even JW Apologists Are Having Doubts.
by Bangalore inhere is a blog article by a active jw who is worried about the recent developments in the wt and its implications.
looks like even some loyal jw's are waking up.. .
How Pro-WT is this apologist?
"He who loves me will OBEY my commandments...
by AGuest into the household of god, israel, that is on jw.com, and all those who 'got with' them:.
may you have peace!.
because israel has, at this 'season' fallen asleep with regard to many 'things' that our lord, the son of god, jah-eshua mischa-jah ("jah saves"; messiah - "chosen of jah"), 'commanded' us to teach others (matthew 28:20), i am compelled by the spirit of my father, the holy one of israel, jah of armies (psalm 68:4), that is in me, by means of my lord, to remind israel of one of such commandments.. on the night that he was put to death in the flesh, our lord gave a commandment, to which he stated "keep doing this in remembrance of me.
Thank Dear Brother Aguest,
I do enjoy your gifted writing and may Jehovah's love through his Son bring you peace and harmony! Can we stick to your beautiful thread and avoid snippets from individuals whose historical perspective of past times is tweaked? There are plenty of threads they can have a "meet and greet on Topic!", don't allow your thread to be derailed off track, it's a wonderful topic and your insights are refreshing as you qoute Scriptures that are the "Waters of Life!" Peace to you dear friend!
"Do not get involved in foolish discussions about spiritual pedigrees or in quarrels and fights about obedience to Jewish laws. These things are useless and a waste of time. (Titus 3:9)
Deprogramming kids when JWs came knocking
by RayPublisher inso i had my two daughters with me this weekend (their jw mom has them the next one) and it was saturday morning around 10am and i said let's have a short "daddy school" on how to do research on the internet.
so they were plopped on each side of me and my laptop and i was inbetween and was showing them how you can type in "jehovah's witnesses" or "watchtower society" and get lots of vids off youtube on these things and that they can always do their own research if they have any questions on the things they hear at the kh when their mother takes them.. so we were watching one and right then there was a knock at the door and it was two teenage jw girls (from a neighboring cong) offering the magazines... very funny!
my oldest got rid of them and they were giggling and laughing about how weird it was that they would show up right then.. the jws are popping up everywhere in my life lately, ie, at the store, at the mall, at the gym, etc.
Imagine the shock on the JWs when they see you in their comfort-zone! "Arg, Apostate, plug my ears and run" well, not exactly with the young kids who showed up pushing the magazines they probably did not read.
If you shave your beard they might feel more at ease, I remember as a kid it was those scary bearded exJWs who brought back pictures of King Nebuc(whatever) during his time of eating grass outside his kingdom in Babylon. Apostates are creating a new imagine on Social Media, the Society is getting flustered from the message of their preceived enemy if we don't act like raving lunatics.
I thought of these scriptures while watching your videos you created: "these are not the sayings of a mad man", "this man has done nothing deserving of death", "You too have not been mislead by this man, none of the Scribes and the Pharisees have put faith in him, have they?" "no man has ever spoken like that man".
You showed by your video you have a gift and talent to be gentle, prove your accusers liars, (this could change the minds of those, including your ex-wife) who really are the lying murmering, back-biting ones, you are a victim of legalism. I hope you can seperate these personas for your two kids sakes, don't prove the in-laws and ex-wife's case and overload their brains at their fragile age. You have the rest of your life to teach them the Truth.
The Judicial Committee Gossiping Reach, Two or Four Counties? Three!
by ÁrbolesdeArabia inhow far does the "barking chain" of gossip spread from one kingdom hall's judicial committee to another kingdom hall?
the record to my personal knowledge (three counties away 100 miles.
)is i had a brother call me and ask if "brother so-and-so was going to be disfellowshiped on thursday night", he heard it from our cobe.
Ray, your's goes far past the 100 mile line, you mentioned that in your video and my heart broke because it's something you have to experience first hand, to know exist in the Organization we thought had boundaries. Freedom of Conscience does not come cheap with the Organization, the young ones need to know there are men who document everything and share confidential talk (not all men). I hope you are holding your head up high, it could not have been easy what you did and the nobody should have to make the sacrfices you had to.
Instead of following procedure, some brother decided to kept logs of the exact sins of wrong doers going back forty years. Zealous Secretary had the "Sin-Book" at his house for posterity sakes. One example of his overzealous notes were "sister (name) committed fornication with brother (name) oral sex, Jose Cuervo, three times in one night". This is not suppose to happen, there are forms that need to be filled out, not this descriptive and detailed and often they can be dealt with in-house.
Zid, boredom and "playing the Prince over your brothers and sisters, showing how "dialed in you are!" authenticates evil men in front of their followers!
Returning to school at age 45
by irondork innot the university, mind you... just taking some classes so i can spend the last 20 years of my secular life doing something other than golf course irrigation.
a fellow at the golf course has talked me in to getting my real estate license.. .
so, off to school i go.
Iron Dork, simply awesome for you!
The Judicial Committee Gossiping Reach, Two or Four Counties? Three!
by ÁrbolesdeArabia inhow far does the "barking chain" of gossip spread from one kingdom hall's judicial committee to another kingdom hall?
the record to my personal knowledge (three counties away 100 miles.
)is i had a brother call me and ask if "brother so-and-so was going to be disfellowshiped on thursday night", he heard it from our cobe.
How far does the "barking chain" of gossip spread from one Kingdom Hall's judicial committee to another Kingdom Hall? The record to my personal knowledge (Three Counties Away 100 miles.)is I had a brother call me and ask if "Brother so-and-so was going to be disfellowshiped on Thursday Night", he heard it from our COBE. I told him he had no business asking me this question, his reply "Don't be that way, I am trying to get our Hall ready because he has family up here!" These types of jerk-offs we all were forced to work with, men who can't keep their mouths shut to their prying wives (some annointed members or mentally diseased women with a Jezebel influence) insatiable ears for bad news. What takes place when the Society has appointed wicked men into the highest slots of the Kingdom Hall? Do you think that bad men bring good vibes into a body of elders, or is it possible the bad spirit spreads into other members with a low fortitude of standing up for good? You be the judge.
Why are members of the JW Congregation in such a hurry to spread bad news about their brothers and sisters? I think they really love to see people fall out of their Organization, those they deem worthy of Gehenna!
The everlasting saga of The faithful and discreet slave class.
by MacHislopp inat the 128th annual meeting of the watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, on october 6 th 2012 .
during this meeting “food at the proper time” was given and the most important, was given during a symposium of six talks by members of the governing body—brothers jackson, lösch, pierce, herd, lett, and splane— which analyzed and discussed the meaning of jesus’ words recorded at.
" (matthew 24: 45, 46) it must be conceded, then, that at the end ot the world, at the "time of the end", during the presence of the lord, during the harvest, he would have in the earth a servant who would be faithful and wise.
Time for the Governing Body to call Sirus and ask for directions to the "road of life".
The shape of this doctrine, think of a downhill race track with "S-curves", follow their snake shaped doctrine, swinging wildly back to "all annointed our part of the composite Slave", gyrating back to "only the Cardinals of Bethel are Jesus Christ Slave".
The shape of their S track takes away parts of their old doctrine (John's disciples, Jesus followers and Apostles are now ommited from this version of the "faithful slave) each time we swing back to our little turning point in the road.
The next logical step is to mess with the congregations views of the elders and ministerial servants as something more than the Bible say's they are. Moving the definition away from "to minister to others" for "to be minstered to". The COs enjoy being ministered to and their wives love the fact they are more than a over-glorified elderette.
The next doctrine heading down the "Snake-Road" will be adjustments with "blood", the current understanding is madness!