When the Watchtower developed the "new light" that non-annnoited were not under the mediatorship of Jesus Christ, murmering started to erupt throughout various parts of "Watchtower Land", everywhere in every position this crazy lie about Jesus Christ role with all humanity did not go unchallenged!
If you have not read the book, buy a copy of the E-book or hard copy. This book will answer many of your questions about the "why were we dooped?, Is it wrong to have a opinion about the Bible? How come the Bible does not mention a Governing Body but the Watchtower say's it's in the Bible!"
Newbies and Lurkers please understand this book is not angry, he is not attacking the Watchtower Slave as a "Evil Slave beating his fellow domestics" the malice we were told, he is very loving, a true Bible scholar and loves his fellow Christians. Stop believing the lies spread about him!
"FredFranz, was presiding at the morning Bible text discussion (that being his week to serve as chairman). In his comments, he stated that somewere questioning the Society's position (set forth in a recent Watchtower)that Jesus Christ is the mediator only for the "anointed" ones and not for the other millions of Jehovah's Witnesses..
15 He said of such ones:"They would merge everyone together and make Jesus Christ the mediatorfor every Tom, Dick and Harry."I could not help but think of all the Toms and Dicks and Harrys there present in the headquarters family and wondered how those wordswould sound to them. I knew that there was considerable discussionwithin the family on this subject, some of it definitely unfavorable.The president went on to affirm that the Society's teaching was right.The one text he referred to in Scripture was Hebrews, chapter twelve,and the words:
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