I agree with all three of you, do you think they will eventually drag the elders into the "annointed group", adding a little "shock and awe" to keep grumbling elders from thinking?
I do agree they have lost their Biblical compass, and I don't know how to talk to active JWs about this serious topic. I was told yesterday, "Are you not happy we are receiving such good light from Jehovah?". This made me scratch my head and ask, what is wrong with you people? If the GB started to piss from the platform onto the audience, would they believe "it's raining yellow gold!".?
The "Generation" has been a disaster, the "Blood Issue" is slowly being watered down to nothing Preaching "Field Service" and the amount of hours being preached are one-fourth or less, as dubs lie about their field service time.
Meetings are started to fall off a cliff, our Kingdom Hall's attendance is down twenty percent and nobody is heading out the door looking for the missing sheep, because many of our brothers are elderly, sick or working lots of hours to pay the bills. The grief they are getting from a CO who has his life planned out, nothing to worry about financially while he complains at our brother's failures "to put the Kingom First' is bad!
It's easy for a CO who has each bill pre-arranged and paid for, health insurance our brothers don't have (they have), a pension and a home to look forward to once their "time is done", all taken care of by the frugal sheep and elders working full-time. The TOs don't mind biting the hands that feed them, they best watch out, as more rich JWs stop attending, who is going to pay for their health care, food, rent, car, insurance, free trips to "time shares or vacation rentals"
People are sick of feeling guilty for listening to bad advice, what has the GB done for us lately? The don't study lke scholars, what is their job? To decide how much of the "cumin, mint and dill" to give? How about all the sheep and elders quit their jobs and stop giving money to the Organization so everyone can pioneer? How quick the GB would write magazines stating "Should you go back to school to get a better job" "The benefits of higher education and how it can further the Kingdom efforts by giving more money!"
New Light "Jehovah's Witnesses should tithe like Christendom, we need help paying off lawsuits!"
Ray Franz brings out the GB turned down so many paid traveling invitations to speak to congregations worldwide, they had not time to study the bible or go out in field service. What value does the Governing Body add to the World Wide Congregation, the members appear as useful as a paper weight in the digital age! "Smile and Wave Boy's, Smile and Wave" Penguins of New York zoo.