I agree with the OP's premise.
Those who know the TATT and yet continue to stay in are helping to prop up and enable this evil.
It would greatly damage the organisation if those hypocritical people just left. There are elders who are disfellowshipping and destroying the lives of others (some are active on this board) who know the real truth about the society. This is just wrong.
The jws thrive on numbers. They beat their flock around the head with the statistics of growth and the numerical weight of the amount of people attending. Everyone who goes along to meetings helps them in this regard. Your presence is noted, recorded and used to keep the rank and file in line. Even lowly "sisters" warming a chair in the hall assist in this.
Yes it is difficult and painful and it can have long lasting consequences, if you decide to make a stand and stop being part of the organisation. But if you choose to stay in while knowing the TATT you have to acknowledge that you are contributing a small part to the misery of others.