JoelBear, I hate to sound blase or cynical, but I think they'd do just fine. After all, we did! I only wish it could have been that quick and while I was still in....would have saved me alot of heartache!
what made me the most ill at the district convention.
the public talk had to be it.
although the drama was a close second.
JoelBear, I hate to sound blase or cynical, but I think they'd do just fine. After all, we did! I only wish it could have been that quick and while I was still in....would have saved me alot of heartache!
most of the stuff posted here is negative, hateful, and blasphemous against god.
even if many of you are right in saying that the jws are wrong on many and important issues, that does not make you right.
so unless you are convinced that there is no biblical god you are facing serious trouble when you die or if the lord comes during your lifetime.
"You are simply repeating what you have herd from your heros here about the alleged crimes of Christianity. "
Hope you don't mind me sticking a toe into this maelstrom of thought and conjecture? : - ) But, Rex, what you accuse Tina or anyone for that matter (your quote above) you must accept that bottom line you do the same thing. Because, my friend, none of us has had the liberty of living throughout history and seeing things with our own eyes. So, at some point we turn to some source as our authority or perhaps not authority but information source. Now, we can get into whether or not they have the story right or wrong, or if they had an agenda and twisted history to their own views, but unfortunately, we all do the best we can, and we all make and are responsible for decisions we make. You aren't responsible for Tina's or my decisions in life...we are. I'ts between whatever Spiritual source we believe in and us, not you! I think that is what we are kind of all trying to get at. We all need to leave each other alone as far as our belief systems go, once we've made a decision, it's our responsibility. I know I am comfortable with my choice, and I am very aware that I might have made a wrong one, but see, that is my privilege, my right. No matter how well meaning, ice cream shoved forcefully down one's throat will not be well received. : - ) We all need to leave the rabid fanaticism alone and give each other the right to worship the way we want to worship.
most of the stuff posted here is negative, hateful, and blasphemous against god.
even if many of you are right in saying that the jws are wrong on many and important issues, that does not make you right.
so unless you are convinced that there is no biblical god you are facing serious trouble when you die or if the lord comes during your lifetime.
Well said Tina! Duh....last time I checked even by Christian standards God created man with a FREE WILL.....
After enduring 25 years of this back and forth yah yahing and rigid thinking I am TOTALLY turned off by so called Christianity! Jesus was a Spiritual Master sent to us to learn a better people turned his words into weapons to shame and judge and beat one another over the head....sad.....
most of the stuff posted here is negative, hateful, and blasphemous against god.
even if many of you are right in saying that the jws are wrong on many and important issues, that does not make you right.
so unless you are convinced that there is no biblical god you are facing serious trouble when you die or if the lord comes during your lifetime.
All of you have pretty much covered all the salient points of Mishna's comments, but I think, having read through them all, I tend to agree with RedHorseWoman.....Great Spirit, God, Allah, Elohim, belongs to NO ONE! My God/dess is a HUGE God/dess and PURE LOVE! I leave my life in His/Her hands and take the lessons as they come to me. Although, considering I've been around this ball of mud a few hundred times before, and set up my own experience this time through, everything is going exactly as it should, and I am exactly where I should be! : - )
Love and Light,
here are a few notes i took at the friday session of the 2001 "teachers of god's word" district convention.
i thought i would share these upbuilding theocratic point with my new friends, along with my thoughts as i was listening to the program.
1st instruction of the day: sing loudly and listen to the prayer!
Slayer.....AMEN!!!!!!!! How long you been out?
here are a few notes i took at the friday session of the 2001 "teachers of god's word" district convention.
i thought i would share these upbuilding theocratic point with my new friends, along with my thoughts as i was listening to the program.
1st instruction of the day: sing loudly and listen to the prayer!
Is that the same thing as "shooting the shit?" : - )
here are a few notes i took at the friday session of the 2001 "teachers of god's word" district convention.
i thought i would share these upbuilding theocratic point with my new friends, along with my thoughts as i was listening to the program.
1st instruction of the day: sing loudly and listen to the prayer!
Yes, same old barf, different year! Gawd, how those notes brought back memories! LOL! But, amazingly......(drum roll please) NO F & G, UH OH, I must really be an apostate now! How quickly it happened....two years out and about! LOL! Free at last, free at last, thank God/dess almighty I'm free at last! 8D
a friend of mine partook of the emblems the other day.
now the elders want to speak with him.
i know he lurks hear so i want him to see your answers?
Hey there! I've had this "handle" for a while now, but yes, I am absolutely full of life's possibilities! Life IS GRAND, and SO PRECIOUS! There are so many things to experience and people to meet and interact with and all without having to "judge" whether they are worthy or safe to speak with! My journey keeps getting better and better and more and more fun every day. With a twist, I can really say today, that "The Truth has made ME Free!" Yes, the EX is still in, happily married to another strong woman. Wonder how deep the elbow marks are in her back? Sorry, that was not worthy of me. He actually is a very nice man, we just never should have been together as married persons. Friends, yes, anything else, NO!! But, you know how the mind set is in the BORG, marry or commit fornication....I also have a sister, mom, 3 nephews "in" that I would love to get out. My mom has always been a "free spirit" (translate has her own mind) and still talks with me and we have tons of fun together. We are closer now than we ever were. Unfortunately, my sis is "walking the straight and narrow" and allowing the Borg to control her mind. Hey, my new philsophy is we are all exactly where we are supposed to be....great for me, and others out but scary thought for those who are still in, wonder what kind of Karma they are working off? : - ) I cannot begin to express how my life has improved! My whole outlook is so different. I wake up with hope and joy in the morning and when things do happen, as they will, I am able to step back and gather my senses, instead of immediately feeling hopeless, helpless and powerless! This is such a major change for me, I can't begin to even express it! Anyways, blah, blah blah, I do go on! : - )
i'm relatively new on this site...but one subject i've noticed that seems to create alot of interest is that of 1975.. our family became witnesses it 1983 so i wasn't around at the time.
forgive me if i do not understand why many were so angry with the wts at the time.. i understand the point that the society blamed individual witnesses and didn't take any responsibility themselves.
i can see how witnesses got angry over that.. but, what i do not understand is why many still research into what the society said, or didn't say, or insinuated.
I only have one analogy, and to some this may seem rather extreme, but I lived through the chaos and destruction 1975 did to people. My question/analogy is this: Do you think that the world should stop talking about Hitler and What Happened to Everyone back then?
Nuff said,
a friend of mine partook of the emblems the other day.
now the elders want to speak with him.
i know he lurks hear so i want him to see your answers?
Howdy everyone.
Just wanted to let you know and be totally HONEST, cuz I'm not ashamed of who and what I am. (not saying any of you are either) I am a disfellowshipped former elder's wife, was in the "truth" for 25 years and just got fed up with all the bulls--- the org. kept pushing out. Since I've left, I have found by personal experience that most people out "here" are wonderful, spiritual people, just trying to do their best to worship a God of their own understanding. They are not into mind or emotion control like the org. was. It is actually okay to have an opposite opinion and oh my God, feelings! GASP!! I personally don't believe in deliberately creating a disturbance at their special ceremony, but if they come to my house, then there is no problem openly discussing dissenting viewpoints. I have great pity for those who are left behind, I have a sister, three beautiful nephews, and numerous friends that I miss desperately, but I am no longer willing to compromise my personal beliefs to make others happy and comfortable and accepting of me. The God/dess I worship today is a loving, non-punishing entity who lets us experience life at our own level and pace, and I feel nothing but peace and deep joy, which is such a difference for me, because I spent so many years dead inside or so depressed I could barely function. All I can say is for me, the decision to leave was the right one. It wasn't easy, and knowing what I was giving up, if anyone accuses me of being selfish for making this decision, oh well, they certainly don't understand what it's all about. I'm sorry if I've mounted a "soapbox" here, didn't mean to, just expressing myself! : - ) Peace,