Convention is over! (sigh of relief)

by biblexaminer 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • biblexaminer

    What made me the most ill at the district convention.

    The public talk had to be it. Although the drama was a close second. The talk was about "truth", and boy was this word used loosely. The speaker used the phrase "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" and said that Jehovah's Witnesses will only tell you this.

    Made me sick to hear these sad bunch of stinking liars talk about the truth. He said "the truth is not relative", and I immediately thought about what they told us about the "donation arrangement" change and Jimmy Swaggart. I had also the facts concerning Mexico going through my head and I kept muttering "bullshit" and "liar" under my breath. I think the dub in the next row heard me onmce or twice.

    What would happen if I would throw this talk in their face, and go right on up to the CO and inquire [I] Bro. CO, the talk at the asembly was about truth, and you know the phrase used as you gave the talk. Dear Bro, did the Society tell us the truth about Mexico when they said there was restrictions on our work, and there never was -only on holding real-estate as a religious group? Was it, dear bro, the truth we were told about the donation change which said nothing about Swaggart? And dear Bro CO, we didn't charge the $10 for parking this year, and we were told that this was because "it's now included", instead of the truth, that it always damned well was, but you just can't do it anymore cause you have been caught?[I]

    The drama was sick too, but maybe another time.

  • dedalus

    Thanks for your reporting. I always find it very interesting to hear about the incredulities of Witness literature, meetings, conventions, etc. Now please -- tell us about the drama!


  • Fredhall


    So thei will mean that you will not go our next convention. Right? Good.

  • biblexaminer

    The DRAMA was about, what else, the GB's authority. They sat themselves firmly in the seat of Moses. The drama was about when the rebelious sons of Korah wouldn't accept Moses responsibility. This was followed by a talk which allogorized the Bible account with the GB assuming the "seat of Moses" in the same manner as was done by the Pharasees.

    Jesus accused those hypocrites of "seating" themselves "in the seat of Moses" and the hypocrites at the Watchtower, the Governing Body, now commit the pinacle of blasphemy. May God rebuke them for their error.

    They invented words for the sons of Korah, like "Moses is cunning" and he is "brainwashing Israel". All the things they do at WTBTS and now the filthy animals, those vile offspring of serpents, mock those who expose their error by filling the minds of the audience with this refuse. They are programming the dubs in advance, so that when the GB are exposed as "brainwashers", the dubs will already be pre-programmed to respond in the Watchtower way.

    I want to throw up.

  • LDH

    Here, I'll hold my leather pioneering bookbag (with my name embossed on it that I brought from a brother in Tijuana Mexico) open for you!


  • RationalWitness


    I had the same reaction as you to the drama--like the pharisees, the GB have (in effect) 'seated themselves' in the seat of Moses. (Matt. 23:1-7) How hilarious that they would select THAT account to bolster their sagging support.

    You noticed the complaints in the drama emphasized the fact that Moses had not yet delivered Israel into the promised land? Hmmmm, wonder what the modern day application is? Also Moses' supposedly appointed 'younger men' to certain offices. Hmmmm, are some of the older ones at Bethel complaining about younger ones taking over there? Oh yes, and another complaint (and I nearly quote): 'Why should we allow ourselves to be deluded by Moses? He tells us everything we do ... It is just his clever words that result in his authority.' This is so factual that it may have an effect opposite to what the Society wants!


  • biblexaminer

    That's exactly correct RationalW...

    The GB have taken all the complaints about their hypocritical conduct and lying deceits, and folded them into this drama. It was a pile of crap. Or as the Bible puts it "a dungheap".

    Some here and on other boards say "the GB is running scared", and others come along and say "you make too much of it and they are not really concerned"...

    The fact is, if the GB were NOT running scared, then why all this attention to the internet, which was talked about dozens of times at this DC. And why all the attention to their "authority" at this DC. etc...

    The whole assembly was dedicated to bolstering the GB's authority and their feeble attempt to act against the internet. They are loosing, and they know it!

    Howl, you hypocrites.

    This assembly really exposed the fact that the Wa$htower Fable and Crap Society is monitoring this and other boards. They are looking, or feeding, at "Satan's Table" as they call it.

    The idiot hypocrite Governing Body tells all the dobs in the pews to "not look" and to "not read", yet THEY THEMSELVES LOOK, AND THEY THEMSELVES READ.


    Jim Penton 'called out' Miton Henschel, and publically called Milty a hypocrite and LIAR, as there is COURT proof that the WTBTS has read Jim's book Apocalypse Delayed

    Hey Watchtower. You are all damned hypocrites. Tell me again please not to read here, tell me agin not to read the very books that sit on your stinking shelves, and then go to hell!

  • AlanF

    To Bibleexaminer and Rational Witness:

    You're right. The GB and its blindly loyal minions are running scared. These days the only effective GB members are Ted Jaracz and his merry men. Henschel is virtually incapacitated with Alzheimer's. Schroeder is 90 and not doing well much of the time. Barber is 95 and completely ineffective. Jaracz, "The Boss", truly runs the show. His appointees range from mental lightweights to effective, but don't command the respect that the older GB members once had. Gerritt Loesch is supposed to be an intelligent Society man much in the spirit of Jaracz. Guy Pierce is basically braindead and Bethel staffers laugh at him in private. Can't remember the others right now.

    A lot of Bethelites view the present situation as paralleling Israel when wicked Manasseh was king. They're simply "waiting on Jehovah" to clean things up and are hoping that Jaracz and company are taking enough rope to hang themselves. There are factions within Bethel such that the right hand enjoys that the left hand doesn't know what it's doing. Now that Legal has swallowed up Service, they don't let Writing and junior Executive people know what's going on.

    The recent letter to bodies of elders from the "Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses" regarding stonewalling the media is a case in point. This had to be from the semi-conscious Jaracz camp. Depending on exactly who authorized it, heads may already have rolled. Had Legal seen the letter before it went out, there's no way they would have authorized it. Intelligent Bethelites just roll their eyes about the letter because they know that it lets the cat out of the bag to the media.

    I believe that when the upcoming Dateline program is aired, it will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. The large number of upper echelon Bethelites who are now on the fence will see what kind of people have been leading the Society for decades, and they'll jump one way or the other. It will be a bloodbath. It's sad that so many will get hurt, but in a way I don't feel a bit sorry for them because all of them, one way or another, have lent moral support to the wicked, amoral men who now run the JW organization. They're like the members of the German government in WWII who played it safe and went along with the Hitler regime, hoping that something would stop the excesses. What all of them fail to realize is that any time a person quietly accedes to criminal behavior, he reinforces the criminal. Very human, but very much opposed to Christianity.

    This is going to be an interesting, and probably a watershed year for the Society.


  • biblexaminer

    I hope it is a bloodbath. The only times in history when God did something good for the human race, there was alot of bloodletting.

    How can God be kind to those filthy, degraded hypocrites of the Governing Body.

  • crittersitter

    will this "blood bath" have any affect on the lower class rank and file jw's? i'm hoping the the wtbs will get blown out of the water as far as the lies and deciet are concerned. or will the r&f just blindly keep on trudging along?
    i would like for these things to be so blatant and clear that even the most ignorant of followers will have no doubts as to the "truth"
    of these evil hypocrites at headquaters.
    i would love for my 3 sisters to see the truth about the lies they have lived by....and for them to use what free thinking they might have left to figure out that the wbts is not of GOD

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