Besides, in transfusing blood it's taken in as a tissue replacement, not "eaten" i.e. consumed as food. The WTS are fools for not harmonizing that view with the infamous flip-flop on organ transplants. That shoots it all down for me right there, even WITHOUT the erroneous interpretation of the Acts scripture.
JoinedPosts by sunscapes
Evidence that the WTS Claims to be Inspired
by Lionel_P_Hartley inmuch evidence has been provided to demonstrate that the wts is a false prophet even though jws will say anything to deny this unpleasant fact.
generally they act and teach explicitly that the gb speaks for god - that it is is god's sole channel of communication - but also claim that the gb is not inspired.
that is a distinction without a difference.. this has caused you know to be on the lookout for jw teachings "channeled" to him by the slave but which are without a bible basis.
The Other Side of the Blood Coin
by Lionel_P_Hartley inby what authority, and on what scriptural basis, does the gb disregard the apostolic decree - to abstain from blood?
why do they support the blood industry whose factories take countless gallons of blood - in clear violation of the command that blood must be poured out - and extract vast numbers of extracts for medical usage.
where in scripture is the gb given the authority to violate god's law to noah and the apostolic decree?.
I thought I'd quote Daniel 11:35 for those (like me sometimes) who are too lazy to look up the scripture!
"And some of those having insight will be made to stumble, in order to do a refining work because of them and to do a cleansing and to do a whitening, until the time of (the) end; because it is yet for the time appointed." - NWT.
From the kick my self in the butt and look up scripture class,
sunscapes. -
We're getting warmer...Dateline NBC
by sunscapes inwe must be getting warmer...the friday dateline just previewed on tonight's show is about the financial misdeeds of a church...should be a wedge in the door for the wts show.
We must be getting warmer...the Friday Dateline just previewed on tonight's show is about the financial misdeeds of a church...should be a wedge in the door for the WTS show.
How many have you helped 'out?'
by LDH inafter last week's post regarding how many people you helped become a jw, i thought it would be fun to see how many people you've helped become apostate.. i received a phone call from norway about an hour ago, ( a poster on this board) who tells me that i influenced his decision to leave the jws.
(thanks, i)we've never met, only been email buddies.
the written word is powerful, and many do read these forums.. hopefully, i'll be able to speak to his dyed in the wool jdub girlfriend, but for now i'm satan incarnate as far as she's concerned.[8>].
Acts 15:20 says abstain from blood but 1 Sam 14:32-5 says Saul's army ate unBLED meat to not starve & no verses show God not forgiving them plus Christ (Mat 7) says God also forgave David's eating temple holy bread & that God wants Mercy Not Sacrifice.
Also, Acts 15:20 applied specifically to the time only when ABUSE of blood through gladiatoral contests was a problem of that day. Transfusions RESPECT blood and life by providing a necessary tissue transplant in time of need.
Don't Job 1:3, 3:1 & 3:3 (you must read all 3 verses) show Job's kids celebrated birthdays?
Enlighten me. I read these verses, and all I saw was a vague reference to Job's "day" (his birthday). His childrens'?Also, just because negative events surrounded Biblical birthdays does not mean Christians cannot observe birthdays in a responsible manner like anniversary celebrations. Again the Christian freedom when used responsibly should override anyone's need to judge; that one judging would be dealt with in the same measuring stick.
Doesn’t Col 12:16 say let none judge you about a holiday.
Colossians 12:16 doesn't exist. A typo, perhaps, because Colossians 2:16 (NWT) reads, "Therefore, let no man judge you in eating and drinking or in respect of a festival or of an observance of a new moon or of a sabbath." Good scripture, anyhow.
You HAVE to write about the UN scandal and duplicitous writing in the '92-'01 mags as well to really drive home the point. Unfortunately, all the misdeeds of the WTS fills entire hard drives, let alone a page.
To Jayhawk - Proclaimers Book Quotes
by YoYoMama inc. t. russell had been critical of those who had set various dates for the lords return, such as william miller and some second adventist groups.
*** jv 61-3 6 a time of testing (1914-1918) ***.
the years from 1914 to 1918 did, indeed, prove to be a testing season for the bible students.
A few years ago at a DC I noticed placard-carrying apostates with the caption: "Millions Now Living Will Never Die--Where Are They Now". I couldn't help but look at them and think...could they be right...what do they know that I don' I know who is correct.
Baptism Nullification
by David Gladden inseveral years ago i sent a letter to the elders of the congregation i was in notifying them that i no longer wished to be associated with the organization.
over time my brother has moved up the ranks and has recently come across an interesting piece of information regarding my case.
it turns out that the elders never filed my disassociation papers and never formally disassociated me.
Then you could re-baptize everybody and start a new religion. Ugh.
Excerpt from the Proclaimers book, page 150 is very interesting,
From the 16th century onward, this situation posed a problem for the Reformers. Since the name Christian was being used so loosely, how could they distinguish themselves from others who claimed to be Christians?
Often they simply acquiesced to the use of a derisive nickname given to them by their enemies. Thus theological oppoonents of Martin Luther, in Germany, were the ones that first applied his name to his followers, calling them Lutherans. Those associated with John Wesley, in England, were labeled Methodists because they were unusually precise and methodical in the observance of religious duties. Baptists at first resisted the name Anabaptist (meaning "Rebaptizer") but gradually adopted the name Baptist as a sort of compromise.
The article goes on to explain the many names given to the International Association of Bible Students in those days, namely, "Russelites", "Rutherfordites", "Millennial Dawnists", "Watch Tower People" and the like.The situation today of wanting to annul a baptism to join the Watchtower Society is not unlike that already that has taken place in sectarian religious history. Note the Anabaptists and the Reformers from which Russell based many of the early doctrinal format.
I just recieved an e-mail about Dateline!
by WildHorses inlet's hope it's true.
the e-mail follows.............. hello everyone i've been told dateline will air the jw story on .
you should check your local listings to find out the time.
Dateline almost always has multiple stories in the same show...some run very short.
Malcom typical JW mindset
by JT inyada yada yada the truth answered the questions with sense but u still are bitter demonic humans its sad that u hate the truth but soon jehovah will send a fire ball with your name on it cheers.
i had to show this to some nonjw today is friday and here in dc most gov workers are off till the 7th.
we have over 450 folks in this office and only 21 folks are logged in and 7 which are the folks here in the it dept so it is slow- we got folks cleaning all the "space bars" on the pcs on the floor smile.
yes, 1, I agree with you that although Malcolm's posts are a crude extreme example, they do reflect an underlying mindset to exclusive path to salvation in the clips you quoted:
"boat to Armageddon"; "Israelites all over again in the wilderness";"cry and moan against Jehovah"; "David,Moses,others"...all this points DIRECTLY to teachings the WTS uses to clamp down on any murmuring as rebellion of the same calibre as the OT examples of murmuring against Jehovah and his govt arrangements...However there is a huge difference between those examples and the situation today in the WTS. In order to be at par with the OT, Jehovah would clearly have means of choosing his reps like Moses, etc. through miracles and divine means of choosing, for example.
Wasted Life Story..The Uncaring Husband 1.2.02WT
by ISP inthis is the wasted life story from the feb 1 2002 wt.. i would have entitled it the uncaring husband........ this guy gets married in 1954. tragically his wife has to have an operation to remove a brain tumor in 1957. this leaves her in a fairly desperate state.. as a result, my wife was left partially paralysed , and her speech center was badly affected.
now a whole set of complicated challenges arose for both of us.
even the simplest task became a major obstacle for my dear wife.
Hey Cyg, whasssup? You have to say "fuck" to get rid of all that snow-removal frustration down there in Fluffalo? God, the snow's taller than me and my kid put together!
Anyway, you're right. It is f....d up. The wife "never complained or became demanding" because she took seriously the marriage vows and stuck by this theocratic twit no matter how much she pained inside.
Disfellowshipping-when did it start?
by target indoes anyone know when the practice of disfellowshipping by the jws started?
i doubt that it was done from the very beginning.
i was asked that question this morning and it is not something i have ever thought about before.. target
Almost. Notice he said A.D. as opposed to the "Watchtower-ese-speak" "C.E." for common-era.