<P>Well, at least there seems there's a couple here like sKally that might help you out...at least not dismissing you outright as a troll or your plight as a scam...a Christian would be cautious but upon reasonable proof of legitimate need, would be generous...</P>
<P>just my 1 denarius...</P>
<P> ;</P>
<P>give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for life...there were good solid leads given by some in this thread to go on...considering the fact that you already are working part-time albeit "working poor"...</P>
<P> ;</P>
<P>It's not like we haven't helped others who we "know" here financially and otherwise...like the Calgary teen's dad whose daughter died from an illness involving the blood issue...and then we never rushed to judgement as to their legitimate need...thank God for the 'net that it is an even greater tool in the hands of the deaf ones...just think of that next time you give advice to "sell their 'puter...." like tell the fisherman to go sell his net and boat!?!</P>
<P> ;</P>