Gumby, Ozzy & E-man: I analyzed what you said in your first posts. Gumby said,
"Stop associating with him. Yet do not consider him an enemy, but admonish him as a brother";Quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother who is a .......
In both of these scriptures the SAME greek word is used for 'stop associating with'. However, the society applies different meanings in these two cases and even changes the wording in NWT.
Both scriptures show you wouldn't RUN with someone of that caliber.
However if one scripture shows to admonish him as a brother, then the same application applies in the other scripture.1st. corinthians 5:11 was a case of bragging by the sinner AND the congregation of the sin. This was a unique situation that would rarely occur
So I went to the NWT for wording on these, and compared them thru the Society's own Kingdom Interlinear.
2 Thess. 3:14 reads, "If but anyone not is obeying to the word of us through the letter, this (one) be you putting sign on, NOT TO MIX UP SELVES WITH him, in order that he might be turned in; and not as enemy be you considering, but be you putting mind in as a brother."
1 Cor. 5:11 reads, "Now but I wrote to you NOT TO BE MIXING UP SELVES WITH if ever anyone brother being named may be fornicator or covetous (one) or idolater or reviler or drunkard or snatcher, to the such (one) not-but to be eating with."
Yup, your right, the identical Greek is used here in the two scriptures. In order for consistency, the "putting mind in as a brother" would have to be applied to both, yet the NWT has contrarily translated the two, even though the Greek word with the Greek characters are identical in both scriptures.
As Englishman mentioned, anyone handled this way would have no lower status as "a man of the nations" that is, not any different than one who they would meet on the street or call on in the field! Thus the shunning policy is proven unscriptural.
You think you have worries? You should know what the US military knows.