In the Aid book, it admits that when the Bible refers to God's
name, it often doesn't mean "Jehovah" - as in Ezekiel, when it
says "they shall know my name".
Yes Metatron, thank God for Ray Franz, co-writer of the lovely Aid book, which sought to support fact rather than WTS dogma.
/you know said
Instinct shouldn't be a deciding factor. After all, animals are governed by instinct. Jehovah expects us to use our powers of reason to discern from the Bible and determine what his will is for us.
Well, first of all, we should use both. Instinct is important to use, but society and religion generally discourages it, so it sits and becomes an unused muscle. Unlike many claim, it is not "spiritistic" or "demonic". Elsewise God wouldn't have created this inborn sixth sense within us.
And, of course, YK is right in saying that God expects us to use our God-given brains to discern stuff. Remember that when you're reading the next WT copy. Reserve for yourself the right to DISCERN and actually see for yourself what's wheat and what's tares.
And, finally, remember that the Bible itself is full of mistakes and human error (that's what makes it believable): just because an apostle says something in the first century, don't assume it's endorsed by Jesus. Apostles often adjusted thinking on matters as they went on in life. What was done then should/shouldn't be copied today, depending on the circumstances and in accordance of what Jesus DIRECTLY taught.
In reality, our load is LIGHT, and people trying to add extra burdens/requirements were condemned by Christ. Nobody on their own can measure up to perfect requirements. That's why we are saved by a gift of grace, not works. There are people out there who truly cannot deep down believe this is true, and the way they treat their fellow man betrays this.
Just remember, the boyz making the rulez in Brooklyn always have this niggling thing to require TWO-THIRDS majority to sign off on anything; this makes change slower than reversing the Titanic, and causes unneeded heartache and suffering. If you read Ray's book, he goes in to eloquent detail in all that supposedly "spirit-directed" men really do behind closed board-room doors.