JoinedTopics Started by sunscapes
Help me get to the root of the library card issue!
by sunscapes inunited nations .
dear ms. xx,.
the procedure for a library pass is the following: the interested party needs to fill out an application form and supply a letter of recommendation in support of the research.
James and Back To Square One Of JW Theology
by sunscapes injames said in this topic
so for me it takes me back to square one -- we all bought into the most important compondent that made the whole "system" work and work like a charm and that is:.
we all sincerely believed that they spoke for god and we didn't want to get god pissed off for not listening to his boys:.
We're getting warmer...Dateline NBC
by sunscapes inwe must be getting warmer...the friday dateline just previewed on tonight's show is about the financial misdeeds of a church...should be a wedge in the door for the wts show.
What is so wrong with independent thinking?
by sunscapes inamarie.
you said in
it's almost like my soul and mind wanted to grow but couldn't because of the jw limitations.
You Don't Want To Mess With THIS NGO...
by sunscapes infrom
pak n-scientists had plans to deliver anthrax by balloon .
agencies .
Is It really evolution vs. creation?
by sunscapes inabaddon said:.
whether you believe in the theory of evolution, and if not, why not?.
this is the dichotomous aspect of the argument i mentioned a couple of weeks ago.
The UN Requirements and how the WTS measured up
by sunscapes in .
the link above points to the economic and social council's resolution with regards as to consultative relations.
excerpts follow, afterward my comments: .
LOVE really conquers all...
by sunscapes infrom the website:.
a message for this time of sorrow .
Judgment Day Before 2024....
by sunscapes inthe link is
recent guest on art bell show...
as posted on website under "a brief history": .
I'm Officially Returned!
by sunscapes inafter seeker's hard-edged reply to my post (maybe deservedly so; but i'm still reeling from it), i've decided to repost this and say hi to you all out there who remembered me from h20!!!.