p. 54 was when Angus began his awesome all-out assault on Jackson.
p. 54:
Q. Mr Jackson, you were baptised at age 13, am I right?
A. I certainly was, yes.
Q. And in fact many Jehovah's Witnesses are baptised at an age even younger than that?
A. There have been some I have met that have been baptised younger.
Q. Do you consider that at that age someone is old enough and mature enough to make a decision affecting the rest of their lives?
A. Yes, I do in some cases. Obviously there are some children that wouldn't be able to make that decision, and
perhaps some question whether I could make that decision at 13 years of age, but I work with people that have been baptised when they were 11 and they have stuck by that determination their whole life.
Q. That may be because they can't leave the organisation without leaving behind everyone whom they know.
A. Anything is possible.
Q. You see, let's take someone who is baptised at a young age and then, as a young adult, decides that actually their beliefs lie elsewhere and they want to choose some other system of belief. They then are still going to be faced with the stark choice that we have identified, aren't they?
A. No, we don't see it that way, but you are entitled to your opinion.
Q. I suggest also that it is in conflict with the idea of a loving and a compassionate God.
A. Certainly that wouldn't be in harmony with what the Bible says, because at times Jehovah disciplined his people by having them go into exile and come back. So Jehovah is someone who believes in the ultimate overall benefit of good for persons, and sometimes that includes some form of discipline.
Q. Do you accept that putting people to that choice makes your organisation in many respects a captive organisation?
A. I do not accept that at all.
and p. 57:
Q: Would you disagree, then, with anyone who said that the efforts to highlight and deal with child sexual abuse in the Jehovah's Witness church are engaging in apostate lies?
A: I guess that's a broad question, because sometimes those who make these accusations make many other accusations as well. But let me assure you, the person making the accusation is not the main thing. The main thing is: is there some basis to the accusation. And if there is some way that we could improve, the Governing Body is always interested in seeing how we can refine our policies.