I can't see them having enough time for field misery. Well, at least not Anthony Morris III, with all his responsibilities and being a shoe maker on the side. He is just a humble shoe maker/gods mouthpiece.
Posts by 2+2=5
by ÁrbolesdeArabia ini heard very few if any, of the new members on the governing body actually go out in field service more than three hours a month.
is there a reason why the governing body would excuse themselves from the master's commandments?
jesus christ never said "spending time writing rules and regulations" was part of matthew 28. .
Unbelievable Assertion!!!!!!!
by The Searcher inwe had our special assembly day this weekend.. what the district overseer stated in his talk totally stunned me, and made me feel sick to my stomach.
he said, "christ is directing us through the governing body, and we cannot get holy spirit except through them!".
i do not wish to reveal all my thoughts on his statement, but i pray to god that it acts as a wake-up call to at least some of the audience.. suffice to say that the gb is now the mediator to our mediator, and from now on, i will have to pray for holy spirit through the name of the gb!!.
This may only be a case of a D.O. overstepping his mark , going off the deep end , with his own ego.Wait till we see it in print.
Suerly no D.O. or C.O. would ever do that!? They have far to much holy spirit gifted to them by the organization for those kinda errors.
Our C.O says things all the time that is just his opinion. He speaks from the platform as if he is Jehovah counseling the congregation. This syndrome is common among the brothers with 'privileges'.
Getting my first tattoo
by akafreelife inwell on wednesday i am going to be getting my first tattoo.
i have had this particular piece of art that i have wanted for years but was too afraid to put it to skin as it will require a great amount of detail.
but i finally decided to go for it.
You will make Jehovah sad.
A little fungicide in your Morning Joe
by designs inmost of the central american coffee growers are having to deal with 'coffee rust' which can cause the plant to suffocate and die.
countries like guatemala have declared a national emergency and are allocating funds to small farmers to increase the use of fungicides and pesticides on their coffee plants.
columbia, known for its arabica coffee plants, has seen production fall over 30% due to the 'rust' and in other central american countries the loss has been over 50%.. .
$11.50 per kilo. That's about average for greens I think. Much cheaper than roasted.
Where did you hear this info on the Coffee Rust?
A little fungicide in your Morning Joe
by designs inmost of the central american coffee growers are having to deal with 'coffee rust' which can cause the plant to suffocate and die.
countries like guatemala have declared a national emergency and are allocating funds to small farmers to increase the use of fungicides and pesticides on their coffee plants.
columbia, known for its arabica coffee plants, has seen production fall over 30% due to the 'rust' and in other central american countries the loss has been over 50%.. .
I just bought a few kilos of Colombian Volcan Galeras Supremo. I asked for extra fungicide so I hope I am not disappointed. I will roast some soon, hopefully the flammable fungicide doesn't effect the roast.
New magazine Carts
by jonno12225 innews from my wife from the recent meeting is that our congregation will be recieving 2 new magazine carts for market witnessing.
we live in a small market town in north yorkshire and have regular street markets.. the congregation is small (75+ publishers, -1 now) so it seems that this is being rolled out pretty conprehensivly now to all congs.
i still have no info as to whether each congregation has to purchase these from the hq or costings per unit..
It looks like I became inactive at just the right time.
Any successful musicians out there? I need some advise please
by WillowTrees ini've compeleted some songs that are extremely raw/catchy/and different.
you've probably heard it before, i'm sure as many people hear things like this before in the industry.. .
i need some guidance.
I am not doubting your ability, creativity or talent, but making a career out of music isn't just a matter of writing some catchy tunes. I think it takes some luck to get a break, it is almost like a lottery. There would be thousands of insanely talented musicians out there who earn a living from music, but could make much more money if they pursued different work.
Mabe try sending some demos out to Indy radio stations and labels. In Australia we have a national radio station called Triple J unearthed where Aussie artists can upload their music. The station constantly plays unsigned bands and artists and many have become pretty successful.
The problem is there are sooooo many bands and artists out there. Many of them phenomenally talented, and we will never even hear of them. Making good music does not guarantee anything. Much of the popular music today is fairly ordinary IMO.
I love listening to and playing music, but would hate to try and earn a living from it. But this would never stop me from playing and writing, just that I would not get my hopes up. But in saying that I think you should pursue every avenue you can if that's what you want. I wish you well and hope you succeed. I am certainly no authority and definitely not a successful musician so take everything I say however you want.
If I wasn't raised a dub I would no doubt be more involved with music, but I always considered it a 'worldly pursuit'.
You-are-too-dumb: Proper handling of nested magazines (BOE Letter)
by pixel into all bodies of elders.
re: proper handling of nested magazines.
dear brothers:.
They are some strange morphed advertising...thing...I can't even think of how to describe it.
I can think of a word. . . . .
What is your religious belief now?
by jwfacts ini have a new poll at jwfacts.mobi/pollsarchive/ as i am very interested to see what people have moved on to believe.
as this is considered sensitive by some, you can answer anonymously at the jwfacts.mobi/pollsarchive/, or answer on this thread.
this is what i have created in the list, but feel free to add comments, corrections, or options i have missed.. .
The fact that I look at the different response options, and can't decide, probably shows that I am still working things out. I swing from Christian belonging to no denomination/spiritual but not religious, to a sought of agnostic view. But I am still thinking about many things. I guess for now I am happy with being a mentally diseased apostate, or maybe a disciple of Jw.net or Jwfacts.
I only ever knew the world inside the walls of the WT. Now that those walls are down, I am looking at the world very differently.
kindness of Jw's
by d inwe got a call from a jehovah witness and they were willing to help shovel our drive way.
i find it strange how these jw's take an interest in our welfare.where as others could care less.
so i realize not all jw's are bad.if only more of them take a geuine interest in others they would not be so bad.
I know many JWs that are great people. Even some of the elders in the cong I am in are genuine caring people. It's just that they are all living in delusion. Sad.