but CO was non-stop eye fucking me while he was on stage
That sounds painful and messy. This religion keeps getting crazier.
here is what got my spidey senses tingling: paragraph 16, reference to daniel p mannix book, was wondering if his statement was mis-quoted so i did my research.......but was even more shocked when i saw this: .
from amazon dot com reviews................ probably the most provocative work of historical fiction published this century,"those who are about to die" is pure mannix at his best.
a uncensured exploration of what likely took place in the circuses of ancient rome.
but CO was non-stop eye fucking me while he was on stage
That sounds painful and messy. This religion keeps getting crazier.
i have seen questions regarding how much jehovah's witnesses lie all the time on yahoo answers.
here is the latest question:.
jehovah's witnesses, is lying at any time something jehovah approves of?.
I would be interested to see Change Name take this test.
It is amazing how some avoid the obvious answer to support want they have already made their mind up about.
I tried it with my mother, she could see the contradiction but tried to downplay it. Sadly, her husband insisted there was no contradiction, he just couldn't get it. Incredible.
glibness/superficial charmgrandiose sense of self-worthpathological lyingconning/manipulativelack of remorse or guiltshallow affect (genuine emotion is short-lived and egocentric)callousness; lack of empathyfailure to accept responsibility for own actionsthe hare psychopathy checklist-revised by robert d. hare, 1991. multi-health systems, 908 niagara falls blvd, north tonawanda, new york, usa, 14120-2060. psycopaths do not feel empathy but learn to imitate those who do.
psychopaths don't even understand charity.. .
i was thinking today how much psycopathy is reflected in the governing body leadership and especially manifested in policy.. jehovah's witnesses are not led by people devoted to charity, benevolence, outreach or social provision for those less fortunate which.
here is what got my spidey senses tingling: paragraph 16, reference to daniel p mannix book, was wondering if his statement was mis-quoted so i did my research.......but was even more shocked when i saw this: .
from amazon dot com reviews................ probably the most provocative work of historical fiction published this century,"those who are about to die" is pure mannix at his best.
a uncensured exploration of what likely took place in the circuses of ancient rome.
I saw one review where the person said they stopped reading it because of the historical inaccuracies. It might be similar to the movie Gladiator, in that while it is historically accurate in some aspects, it is not suppose to be a history lesson, it was created for entertainment.
I think this book may be more Shindler's List than maybe something like Braveheart, as far as trying to stay true to history, but that is only my take on it after doing some quick searching on the google machine on my Internet thing. Not written to educate but written to entertain, with plenty of sex and violence.
can anybody here from australia fill me in on this guy?
i did the search thing and the only thing i could find seemed to imply that he had been shipped off here to poland to avoid problems there.
i talked to him at a ca in warsaw and he seemed kind of 'off'... it also seemed to me that he had lots of 'handlers'.
I got no idea what has happened to any of them. Can someone help out?
George Hammett passed away recently. They say don't speak ill of the dead..... but he was the worst speaker every year at the DC without fail.
i have seen questions regarding how much jehovah's witnesses lie all the time on yahoo answers.
here is the latest question:.
jehovah's witnesses, is lying at any time something jehovah approves of?.
Change Name, can you please read my post again and then try and defend the accusations about the WTS lying. The way you try and defend the WTS on this might reveal to some here the level of your delusion. The Watchtower Society clearly lies about it's past teachings and expectations. Guilty as charged. Case closed.
i had the pleasure of conducting a telephone interview with "truth be told" filmmaker gregorio smith yesterday.
he is a fascinating, intelligent person and has an intimate knowledge of the destructiveness the watchtower society has wreaked upon people's lives due to shunning, the blood ban, etc.. some two years in the making, this full-length documentary film entitled "truth be told" seeks to expose the watchtower for what it is.
a debut screening for the public will take place in brooklyn new york on march 27, 2013. other major cities will follow.
Sweet, I will check it out..... please let there be a DVD.
here is what got my spidey senses tingling: paragraph 16, reference to daniel p mannix book, was wondering if his statement was mis-quoted so i did my research.......but was even more shocked when i saw this: .
from amazon dot com reviews................ probably the most provocative work of historical fiction published this century,"those who are about to die" is pure mannix at his best.
a uncensured exploration of what likely took place in the circuses of ancient rome.
Mega earth shattering face palm. For the love of God, could these men get any dumber. The 'celebrated Watchtower scholars' are at it again.
A few weeks or months back, the WT quoted from an apostate book, and they referenced the author and title of the book. There should be a link to that thread on this one, because if these gems keep coming, it would be nice to have all the garbage compiled on one thread.
i have seen questions regarding how much jehovah's witnesses lie all the time on yahoo answers.
here is the latest question:.
jehovah's witnesses, is lying at any time something jehovah approves of?.
Here are some WTS publication quotes post 1914.
As for the time of Christ’s second presence, Daniel’s prophecy is again the one that gives the chronology for it. (Dan. 4:16) It was figured out as pointing to A.D. 1914, and TheWatchtower called notice to the significance of 1914 in the year 1879.
WT 1952 November 1 page 658
a prophecy providentially caused sincere 19th-century Bible students to be in expectation. By linking the "seven times" of Daniel 4:25 with "the times of the Gentiles," they anticipated that Christ would receive Kingdom power in 1914.
WT 1998 September 15 page 15
For over thirty years before that date and for half a century since, Jehovah’s witnesses have pointed to the year 1914 as the time for the end of "the appointed times of the nations" and the time in which Christ would begin his Kingdom rule.
WT 1966 February 15 page 103.
4 Why, then, do the nations not realize and accept the approach of this climax of judgment? It is because they have not heeded the world-wide advertising of Christ’s return and his second presence. Since long before World War I Jehovah’s witnesses pointed to 1914 as the time for this great event to occur
WT 1954 June 15 page 370
The above statements are misleading. The early bible students taught and believed that Christ's presence began in 1874. They definently did not anticipate, point to or preach that Jesus would return in 1914, as they were absolutely certain that Jesus had returned in 1874, and begun ruling in 1878. They taught and believed that the end times, or times of trouble begun in 1799. The expectations for 1914 were for the end of the times of trouble, and when WWI broke out they expected 1918 to spell the end. The point is 1914 was never what they expected.
Here are some older Watchower publication quotes that prove it.
Our Lord, the appointed King, is now present since October 1874, A.D., according to the testimony of the prophets, to those who have ears to hear it: and the formal inauguration of his kingly office dates from April 1878, A.D.
(Studies in Scriptures Vol. IV 1897 p. 621)
Pastor Russell...believed and taught that we are living in the time of the second presence of our Lord, and that his presence dates from 1874...
(WT December 1, 1916 p. 5998)
The Scriptures show that the second presence (of the Lord) was due in 1874... This proof shows that the Lord has been present since 1874...
(WT March 1, 1923 p. 67)
Surely there is not the slightest room for doubt that in the mind of a truly consecrated child of God that the Lord Jesus Christ is present and has been since 1874.
(WT January 1, 1924 p. 5)
THE WATCHTOWER SOCIETY make many post-1914 statements claiming that prior to 1914, JW's pointed to 1914 as the time of the second coming.
All the pre-1914 statements claim the second coming occured in 1874
. It was not untill the the 1930's that the first record of claiming that Jesus returned in 1914 can be found. SO.......JWs cannot say that they pointed to 1914 as the date for
Christ's invisible return
The birth of God's heavenly Kingdom
Beggining of the time for the end
JWs can't say that they preached the good news of that established kingdom at or before 1914. None of these would be truthful. If any of these were either stated or implied deliberately, it could be viewed as attempts by the Governing Body to create an idealized history that is more attractive to pontential bible studies today. (telling lies)
The issue is not the abundance of false prohetic statements made by the early WT writers, or the fact that the International Bible Students have been wrong on many issues and made mistakes. JWs misrepresent their expectations for 1914. We could put it down to an accident, maybe poor research, but that is not likely the case. Surely the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses are aware of their own history, they sure like making everyone aware of other religions histories.
At the very least JWs all have to make peace with the fact that they are reading/believing/teaching something that is not true in regards to their expectations of 1914, and what that would bring. I couldn't reconcile with that fact, and thats why I don't identify myself with an organization that teaches LIES.
Thanks for reading Change Name.
It is people like you who defend the WTS on the internet that really help people like me wake up to the TTATT. Change Name, you do a wonderful service.
Sorry if this post is formatted wierd I am using micro word and copy and pasted.
so i`m sitting at my desk... finding new ways to laugh at the wbt$ on jwn and... i hear a knock on the door... *knock..knock..knock*...... who could that possibly be?...
i`m in the middle of friggin nowhere!..
it`s 2 young jw girls 12 or 13... with an invitation to the memorial... .
But wouldn't just shouting out Anthony Morris! Sorry, I mean Jehovah!, protect them from harm. They could defend themselves by rolling up the Watchtowers and beating off any would be attackers, those 'nested copies' can pack a punch.
Seriously though, I don't think I would let my daughter witness alone like this in any area, it is just stupid.