A Lesson Fom OUTLAW..

by OUTLAW 75 Replies latest jw experiences


    So I`m sitting at my desk..

    Finding new ways to Laugh at the WBT$ on JWN and..

    I hear a knock on the door..


    Who could that possibly be?..

    I`m in the middle of Friggin NoWhere!..

    It`s 2 young JW girls 12 or 13..

    With an Invitation to the Memorial..

    They`re both cute little thingsNicely dressed..

    A bit of make up..

    Knocking on a strangers door..

    JW Daddy needs his Head Examined..

    You don`t send little girls out here..

    Girls: We`d like to give you this..

    OUTLAW:No thanks girls..

    Girls: It`s just an invitation..

    OUTLAW: I know what it is,I grew up in it..

    Now I get big smiles from both of them..

    Like they just found a long lost JW Uncle..LOL!!..Very sweet..

    Girls: Ok Bye Then..

    OUTLAW: Good bye girls!..You 2 have a good one..

    Girls: You too!..

    They looked so happy walking away,like they made a friend..

    Little kids like that are to young to debate with..

    They`re just doing what mom and dad told them to do..

    Been there done that..

    They did get to see exJW`s aren`t their Enemy..

    Thats enough of a Lesson from OUTLAW for one day..

    JW Daddy is still an Idiot..LOL!!..

    .............................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    No, you're not an idiot, you are empathetic. We were in their shoes at one point in our lives, and we do not want to treat kids badly. They have enough shit to deal with in the congregation and at home.


    (you are right about the dad being an idiot, a freaking adult should have been along with them)

  • sabastious

    It's a pretty ingenious sales tactic and if you lack morals why not try it out!


  • wasblind

    They Did get to see exJW's aren't their enemy__OUTLAW

    You planted a seed in their memory OUTLAW

  • Iamallcool

    Their Daddys will probably make a return visit after you told the girls that you were raised in it.

  • l p
    l p

    Im with you OUTLAW

    Dad is a f***ing idiot....that is completely irresponsible as a parent to let 2 young children unsupervised go to a strangers door....

    its a shame...if it were here in Australia if you took the girls details you could make a DOCs report...that is a report to the dept of community services for reporting a child at risk...


  • Satanus

    You did the right thing, outlaw.

    Sab - whose morals, the dubs, or outlaws?


  • wasblind

    The safety and welfare of children don't seem to be a top priority for the WTS

  • Lozhasleft

    Well done to the Sheriff!

    Loz x

  • sabastious
    whose morals, the dubs, or outlaws?

    The Society's.

    The Watchtower are master marketers. One of the most choice products is their Lord's Evening Meal celebration which they teach is the ONLY way to acknowledge's Christ's ransom sacrifice on earth. The memorial attendance number is a key figure for their religious image. I think the girl's dad is insane to let his preteen child knock on stranger's doors handing out fliers. They did, however, get an exorbitant amount of fliers out and that's all the Watchtower cares about.


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