You will be disfellowshipped if you continue to associate with a disfellowshipped person after you have been warned not to. This is the procedure that is outlined in the Shepard the Flock Cult Manual. Someone here might expand, maybe some ex elders here have had some experience.
Posts by 2+2=5
Punishment for not shunning?
by davidsf inso what will happen to a witness if he doesn't shun a disfellowshipped person?
can he be disfellowshipped himself?
Freemason Robert Boyle highlighted in March 2013 Awake! (page 14 & 15)
by Calebs Airplane into some, he's known as the father of chemistry.
to others, he's known as the inventor of the air pump.
to the watchtower bible & tract society, he's known as a great scientist who taught others how to separate truth from fiction (ironic) and one of the main pioneers in introducing the name jehovah (iehobhah) into the bible.... but who was he really at the end of the day?
I notice that Jeffro never comments on the Freemason threads......interesting.
If 1914 is wrong then how is it that it was such a landmark year?
by awakening inthis is the question that came up in my mind.
now dont get me wrong i know the dates from 607 - 1914 are rubbish, but how would you explain to a witness when they will automatically say, look at the momentus year 1914 was.
that is evidence enough that 607 is correct!.
The fact that CT Russel was able to pinpoint the year 1914, all them years in advance, is phenomenal. Or so says Anthony Morris III in the WTS promo DVD.
The Watchtower Penitentiary
by stuckinamovement inlearning the truth about the watchtower society can be very painful for a number of reasons.
first, it is so disconcerting to realize that the core of your existence and the foundations of your beliefs are false that it can throw you for a real loop.
as witnesses we are so confident in all of the answers we have been given, to questions that we never asked, that we mentally put ourselves up on a pedestal above the masses of poor, blind, wicked humanity.
I enjoyed reading that and can relate to the wierd sensation of realizing that we are among the rest of humanity who don't have all the answers. It sits fine with me now, but when you are raised in the religion, you are supposed to be apart of the few people in the world who have the answers. I don't even care to ask the questions anymore.
I am roaming the corridors, and they seem to be getting busier.
If 1914 is wrong then how is it that it was such a landmark year?
by awakening inthis is the question that came up in my mind.
now dont get me wrong i know the dates from 607 - 1914 are rubbish, but how would you explain to a witness when they will automatically say, look at the momentus year 1914 was.
that is evidence enough that 607 is correct!.
1914 is the only year that can truly claim to be the 14th year of the 20th century.
by newdawnfades ini am a long time lurker who has finally decided to post.
i am still in along with my wife, kids and extended family.
i am in my 40s and was raised in the org.
Hello and welcome.
I am also trying to fade without destroying family relationships. Sometimes I just want to explode and tell them what I really think, it is not easy. Trying to balance this religion which you don't believe, with your own mental health and family relations can be exhausting. I know I am over it all, and I have only woken up to it a few months ago.
People here can relate, which helps. It is amazing how many stories and situations that I read here ring true. All the best with the fade, see you around the forum.
A question about lying and the Jehovah's Witnesses
by Change Name ini have seen questions regarding how much jehovah's witnesses lie all the time on yahoo answers.
here is the latest question:.
jehovah's witnesses, is lying at any time something jehovah approves of?.
Hi there TD - cut and paste - nice one! Can you explain what each one of those articles are teaching?
TD's cut and paste is pretty simple to understand. They are deliberately misleading people about what they expected for 1914. They are giving the impression that they expected Jesus to become King. Understand?
The problem is their expectations were not met, and they now are dishonest in representing their early beliefs. Your not silly, this is not hard to understand.
What are the JW's up to now days?
by ForbiddenFruit inso i left around 4 years ago, my family have pretty much left me alone after the first year of harassment, but in the last 6 months i've been hearing about 'the end' a lot again.
so i'm basically wondering if anything has happened?
if anything specific has gone on in the last 6 months (or few years since i've left) to make my family get all zealous about me going back to the 'truth' again?
So I'm basically wondering if anything has happened? If anything specific has gone on in the last 6 months (or few years since I've left) to make my family get all zealous about me going back to the 'truth' again?
Have you not heard??? Armageddon is coming SOON!!!!!!!!! REAL SOON!!!!!
How many former Jehovah's Witnesses bury their head in the sand when it comes to reasoning about the NGO "conspiracy"?
by Change Name inhi all - sure sure, you can call me a troll or brainwashed cult member.
i am totally interested in how your answers to these questions.. .
do you find yourself ignoring anything that jehovah's witnesses bring out in regards to their former status as an ngo?.
WTS have lied many times. You have be shown the proof on your other thread. Is your head in the sand??
I don't care much for the UN issue, the WTS are liars and the UN are a waste of resources.
Just wanted you to know, none of you are intriguing. Rather, you're all quite repulsive.
by Theocratic Sedition innot saying that's my personal opinion, but this week's congregation bible study asks the viewpoint question, "would apostate literature or internet sites intrigue you or repulse you?
"- jeremiah book, page 70, para 7. .
gotta love it.. i guess apostate sites are like crime scenes.
The Jeremiah book is a JOKE. I can't sit through these meetings anymore.
It does not matter what the meeting, what the topic, or who in the Bible they they are talking about..... the meetings are about the s a m e c r a p every time; your choice of recreation, who you choose to associate with, your attitude towards material things, adjusting your schedule to do more witnessing, how you accept counsel from the elders..... Bla bla freaking bla....... week after God forsaken week.
And to make it worse it is the SAME PEOPLE giving the SAME COMMENTS in slightly different terms.... week in, week out, for the rest of your life inside the walls of the Kingdom Hall.
Then after the meeting we can all pat each other on the back for doing 30 hours in the ministry this month. Somebody please shoot me in the face.