I think what they are saying is...... It is not wrong to want to associate with your dissfellowshipped family. It is wrong though if you do associate with your disfellowshipped family, you will make Jehovah very sad.
Posts by 2+2=5
NLP, Subliminal Messages and the WT Writing Department
by 00DAD ina few years ago i became interested in the subject of neuro-linguistic programming (nlp).
while the core concepts of nlp have been largely discredited as new-age pseudo-science, there is no doubt that there is at least some validity to the idea.
words and images remain the key way we communicate.
I feel for you, this is a difficult situation.
Reminds me of this. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/249339/1/An-offer-from-the-Governing-Body
Memorial Invites from Door to Door?
by NeonMadman inis this the first year that the jws have been out aggressively handing out memorial invitations from door to door?
i've been out for about 12 years now, but as i recall, congregations used to receive a relatively limited number of memorial invitations, and they were pretty much reserved for bible studies, good rvs, inactive persons, and others who had some sort of connection to the organization.
they were not just randomly handed out from house to house - that was what the "special talk" invitations were for.. it occurs to me that this might be an attempt by the wts to pump up the memorial attendance so as to maintain the illusion of continued growth.
Someone came with an invitation for me Saturday, and it had an invite to the special talk as we.. A two-for?
This has been the same in the past, with an invite also for the special talk. At the end of the Memorial, there is an announcement about the special talk and all are invited to attend.
The problem is, all the visitors are so confused about the other sheep, the bride of Christ, the little flock, the great crowd, the anointed, the 24 elders and the rejecting of the sacred emblems that they don't feel like going back.
The perplexing conundrum 607 b.c.e condensed down to ONE SIMPLE FACT
by Brother of the Hawk ini was encouraged to post this thought, so here it is.. i recently finished reading "the gentile times reconsidered" by bro.
carl olof jonsson, ( third edition).
@Gojira_101 You or your father need not worry about Lars taking the thread of topic.
Most who visit this site regularly are familiar with the content of Lars' posts and don't even feel the need to read them. Telling people here to ignore Lars is like telling people here to ignore the GB.... you are preaching to the converted. Some like to read what he says just to refute him, kinda like reading the WT just to find the errors in logic. But please understand that Lars has not said anything here that he hasn't said before, and his posts have not really taken away from the original discussion.
In saying that, it is a shame that a relatively simple issue, constantly gets clouded by pages and pages of irrelevant information.
Memorial Invites from Door to Door?
by NeonMadman inis this the first year that the jws have been out aggressively handing out memorial invitations from door to door?
i've been out for about 12 years now, but as i recall, congregations used to receive a relatively limited number of memorial invitations, and they were pretty much reserved for bible studies, good rvs, inactive persons, and others who had some sort of connection to the organization.
they were not just randomly handed out from house to house - that was what the "special talk" invitations were for.. it occurs to me that this might be an attempt by the wts to pump up the memorial attendance so as to maintain the illusion of continued growth.
Elders! Elders everywhere!
by Julia Orwell inan elder came around this morning at 9am to ask if my husband wanted to come with him on a bible study.
my husband nipped from the bathroom to the bedroom in his undies to get dressed, while i talked to the elder!
the elder talked about how he just happened to think my husband might be free this morning, and just happened to get a call from someone wanting a bible study, and then he said to me, "why don't you come visit my house some time?
I never got a sheparding call in 5+ years. Expressed some doubts, stopped reporting field service and started missing meetings and now the Elders want to visit every second weekend.
I had a phone call mid week asking if I would like to join the group in the memorial campaign. No thanks.
I got asked if I am available for a visit from the CO. Not available.
Saying no gets easier with practice. Eventually they will stop asking I hope. If not, I might tell them to stop asking.
Sent from an Active JW Elder's Wife: NWT in the News! Jehovah Must be Blessing his People!
by rubadubdub insubject:bill would allow elective bible study in schools.
look at the bible; they are using the new world translation in this news broadcast.
click on the link below to watch.
Unfaithful In What Is Least; Psychoanalysis Invited
by TMS inmy wife and i were longtime jws.
i was an elder for over 25 years and we had two stints of pioneering totally 14 years.
while we considered ourselves loyal witnesses, looking back on it we had some independence working: .
I have never worn a lapel card at the DC, and if I am going out to dinner afterwards I hate sitting with anyone who keeps them on. I don't have to worry about this anymore though.
I didn't even order the calendar, yearbook and daily text for 2013. It is all designed to ramp up the 'us vs them' mentality and keep everyone busy, indoctrinated and burdened with guilt and expectation.
The daily text is one scripture followed by a chunk of WT article that often has nothing to do with the related text. When they say read the bible daily, they actually mean read the WT daily. I always felt bad about how often I didn't use the daily text book, now I am glad I didn't read it very often. I can see clearly how it is designed to keep everyone's mind controlled, it has a real cult flavour to it.
An offer from the Governing Body
by irondork in.
the governing body took us along to an unusually high mountain, and showed us all the friends and family members that had been ripped away and they said to us.... .
all these people we will give back to you if you fall down and do an act of worship to us.
Are we all bitter?
by LouBelle ini posted a link on fb that lead to a topic here.
i then had one of my 'friends' start having a go about how bitter everyone is here....fact he said.
(he used to be a jw elder but left a while back, not sure why he left or if he has even researched the faith since leaving) the more i tried to reason with him that actually it is a support forum, the more he lashed out that everyone here bad mouths the jw's and only attack the jw's.
I think the forum is well balanced. There is a definite bitter finish, but I think that is to be expected.
The bitterness here is pretty rounded. Striaght away I like how seriously fruity the aroma is, think tropical stone fruit or candied pineapple. Then I am hit by sweet malts and caramel upfront, with some toffee and biscuit notes. The finish is a nice orange peel like bitterness. The bitterness is there as it should be, but it is not definitely not harsh, and it is balanced out well by the intial sweetness. All in all a great profile.
I am just glad I woke up now at 28 rather than 58 or something. I do feel for those that spent the majority of their lives in the religion. Their bitterness is to be expected, but it never dominates the overall supportive and positive feel of this site IMO.