Exwhyzee that is a great list of telltale signs, I can relate to every point you made.
I am always elbowing my wife when the GB worship is being promoted or the speaker is taking scriptures way out of context. I mostly spend the meeting just reading the bible. I cannot stomach the songs and rarely bring my own WT magazine.
I think slim is right, it is very hard to continue a normal JW routine once you have awakened. I have only attended two mid week meetings since the Jeremiah book started and have not been witnessing since I learned TTATT. I got through the memorial season without doing any field service despite some pressure from the elders to participate. I have knocked back a few sheparding visits. I missed the special talk and the zone talk on the weekend.
Eventually anyone who learns TTATT will stop attending IMO. It can literally drive you crazy trying to live the JW life when you know the truth, so you either stop going to meetings or lose your mind.