The UN turning on religion theory is one of the main doctrines that helped me discover TTATT. It is so incredibly stupid.
They love crapping on 'Christendom', well what about Islam? How are the UN going to get rid of Islam? This would be impossible. Even if this was possible it would take many generations, and I mean the 100-200 year WT style over-lapping generations.
Look at how hard it is to destroy the Taliban in Afghanistan. How will they stop nuclear armed Muslim countries like Iran and Pakistan? The answer I get from JWs is 'god puts it in their hearts'....
JWs love speculating how the worlds political powers are going to go after religion (any day now) to fix their financial problems. This kind of deluded reasoning shows how little some of them understand basic economics. They don't take time to think about it, they just know that it will happen because they read it in a WT.
Just about every JW expects to wake up one day with 'The UN Turns On Religion' plastered all over the news. Poor suckers.