Some great posts on this thread and it's interesting to read others experiences.
It wasn't exactly the generation thing that woke me up but it did get me researching 1914/607. I always felt that the overlapping generation explanation did not make sense, since in didn't quite correspond to the generation that Jesus spoke to, who saw the destruction of Jerusalem within 40 years. I got thinking that maybe 1914 was the issue, and not the generation.
I can understand what someone is trying to convey when they say 'this generation'. It's not complicated. But when I looked into 1914, that sh!t is crazy. It is no accident that 95% of today's JWs could not explain how to arrive at 1914. It is probably one of the only teachings of C T Russel that has endured, and it shows.
I think Sir was spot on with his post. This generation of dubs are nothing like the old timers, and the late 90's will go down as a turning point for this crazy end times religious sect.