Because the Watchtower says so.
Posts by 2+2=5
Why Do Christians today need a "governing body" of elders to be their spiritual "teacher"?
by I_love_Jeff in...........and to provide direction for their lives?.
since the bible reports that jehovah led first-century christians individually through instruction directly from the holy spirit, with no accountability to a "governing body" in jerusalem, why do christians today need a "governing body" of elders?.
here are some examples of non governing body activitiy:.
missing the JWD glory days
by fresh prince of ohio indon't get me wrong, this forum currently has plenty of interesting discussions and posters, but, for those of you who weren't on the old jwd board in the early-to-mid-00s, man...i'm sorry but you really missed out on the glory years of this forum.
it was really a special, unique place then.
again, not dissing the current, but, that huge exciting wave of ex-jw internet activity that occurred in the early part of this century seems to have leveled off.
Sparlock was 2012 and that was glorious.
Can somebody explain the changes I read in the WT??
by diana netherton inmy grandmother asked me to read to her so i asked her what she wanted me to read.
was the watchtower, but she specfically asked for the one with "the timeline.
it for a few days and apparently hasn't read up.
What you read was a "new idea" by the Governing Body. According to GB member David Splane, the GB "love this new idea".
The GB have been handed a promotion from Jehovah, which gives them the authority over 7 million people.
The idea is that Jesus handed over the control of all his belongings (JWs), to the Governing Body in 1919. Never mind that there was no Governing Body in until the 1970's, or the fact that the GB were not made aware of their own identity until just now.
The point is, it's a great idea from Jehovah that we should love.
Does Almighty God think about......... ?
by Phizzy inalmighty god must have had a lot of time for thinking, so he must have sat there, at least once and thought along the lines of:.
"i wonder if i am actually almighty god, or is there something or someone greater than me ?".
"how can i know i have always existed?".
So YHWH was danced into existence. And 2 trillion years ago, YHWH's creator sent his Son, who made a square circle to give evidence of the only true inspired ebook, so that YHWH would have no excuse.
Cherrypicking scriptures to suit your own silly ideas!
by punkofnice incherrypicking individual verses out of context from scripture to fit our own theorums.. i randomly used 3 scriptures and stitched them together watchtower(r) style for a joke and to prove a point.. nb.
this is under the jokes section so don't take it seriously .
matthew 23:23 then jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples:2 the teachers of the law and the pharisees sit in moses seat.. evidently this is a very old seat and probably needs a new cushion by now.
I have seen sillier ideas in actual WT publications.
scam job or real??
by Aussie Oz inmy wife got the following message on facebook.
(she is an artist) screams scam to me but hell...every artist wants more exposure dont they?
i think they are just name dropping in the hope of what?.
Yes it definently sounds suspicious.
But if your wife wants to be a successful artist, I can make her famous and wealthy. I will need a deposit up front.
USA | California | 10-year-old Jehovah's Witness Girl Shot Dead
by jwleaks inslain 10-year-old girl spoke of devoting her life to ending violence hours before she was shot.
by stephen magagninipublished: friday, may.
just hours before she was shot to death, 10-year-old elvira campos said she wanted to devote her life to teaching people the bible "and its promise that one day all the violence would end," said her best friend and teacher, olga cruz.. "that afternoon i picked her up for bible study, and we talked about the future," a tearful cruz recalled thursday afternoon.
That is real sad.
With the July 15 WT approaching, would this be the ideal opportunity to start an ACTIVELY VOCAL fade?
by Captain Blithering inby 'actively vocal', i do not mean openly criticising the articles and pointing out the inconsistencies or flipflops (not footwear, reversals).
i do mean letting people know that you're finding it hard to understand the new truth, and the fact that there is therefore old truth, or falsities, (is that a word?
it is now), therefore if there are falsehoods (that's the word, of course), then that puts into doubt the extent of jah's involvement in the preparation/dissemination of it all... (and making it clear you're not saying they aren't gods prophets on earth, just that you're not sure, don't know).. the reason i ask is cos i'm finding it hard to completely fade without an external reason.
I don't think there is anything to be gained by expressing doubts. I know how frustrating your situation is, I am in a very similar one.
I often think about taking a stand or vocalizing doubts with the next crazy WT doctrine change, or "new light", but this will just make a fade more difficult. You just want to make a clean break from the religion, tell everyone how you really feel and have your family understand, but this is not going to happen...... that's why it's called a "fade", not a implosion.
It is nice to entertain the idea of sitting down with the elders, showing them the errors in their latest "new idea", and have them say "We understand, it's a crazy WT, take a break from theocratic activities, everyone in your family will understand your position". It will never play out like this.
I expressed doubts to the elders about 1914 when I was waking up. I regret this. It just puts you on their radar. They want to "shepherd" me regularly, they constantly want to know if I have resolved my problems, phone calls, messages, even pop in visits. I also believe that the elders talk among themselves about this, then go home and talk their wives, who will tell their friends, and then the whole congregation suspects you are turning apostate.
You are better off just playing the discouraged-exhausted card. Stay under the radar. By all means talk with wife, but just take it slow.
Besides 607/1914, the thing I mentioned to my wife was some Noahs flood stuff, and how I can't agree with the whole earth being covered in water just 4500 years ago...... how did native animals get back to Australia and other islands? Did some hyper evolution occur after the flood? How did coral reefs and vegetation survive in the deep water? What about marine life, salt/freshwater? Over 9 metres of water fell per hour, every hour, for forty days!? Where did it go? And on and on you can go. Things just snowballed from there, I guess am lucky to have my wife out with me.
Take it slow, all the best. Many here share similar circumstances and feelings.
The Bible - Which books get to stay or go decided my men - cut & paste old school
by HarryMac inwestern traditioneastern orthodox traditionoriental orthodox traditionassyrian eastern traditionbooksprotestant.
[o 1]roman catholicgreek orthodoxslavonic orthodoxgeorgian orthodoxarmenian apostolic.
(part of 4 esdras)no.
The book of Enoch is not on the list. Does it not make an appearance anywhere?
My chat with 2 Dubs yesterday about UN membership
by jookbeard ini live close to a resonanbly busy street, 20 odd shops banks, a train station,a couple of cafes and coffee shops etc and usually see dubs doing street work close to the station and i'm now on nodding terms with an elder who is out most days of the week and have got close to recognizing most of the hard core of about a dozen of them , i was walking out of the cafe yesterday to be greeted by a couple of newbies i'd never seen before , a scruffy short dumpy man and a fairly well presented middle aged lady, i'll try and abridge the conversation as best as i can, we must have chatted for about 15 minutes and it was all in a good mannered style;.
me " have you sold many of those this morning ?".
jw guy " oh no we dont sell them we give them away for free" (like i didn't know that).
You silly apostates.
It does not matter if the WTS was involved with the UN because they have consistently held the position that the UN is a political organization that is manipulated by Satan. So rest assured whatever association the WTS has had with the UN was done with pure intentions.
The WTS has also held the position that Christians should be strictly neutral in everything political. Remember the situation in Malawi? Witnesses must maintain strict political neutrality. So the WTS would never get involved or agree to support the agenda of a political organization.
Think about it, how could God's Organization be so hypocritical? It is unthinkable!
Only a corruptible human organization with it owns selfish motives, such as the proliferation of its published works and property holdings, as well as its public image and own preservation, be capable of such deceit and hypocrisy. I hope no one is suggesting that the WTS is just another human organization.
Even 1975 was the rank and files fault....... you silly apostates.