With God all things are possible.
Posts by 2+2=5
Do You Think It Possible That A Member Of Governing Body Would Ever Commit Suicide Because Of The Pain From Cognitive Dissonance?
by frankiespeakin ini think as things get real tuff for the governing body that the build up of stress from dealing with a corporation founded on lies and manipulation of people that is comming to a head and all the lawsuits and possible criminal prosecution and the day today pressure of having all your decision back fire on you.. the final stage of wishful thinking is the nightmare stage where the whole delusion falls apart.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/wishful_thinking.
i'm thinking just like hitler killed himself rather than face life anymore, that some on the gb may reach that stage..
question on resurrection
by Skbj ina bit of background first: my mom's sister died 2 years ago.
she wasn't a jw.
she was far too smart to be one to be honest.
I believe the official WT stance is that she will get a resurrection. Because she was never a dedicated baptized JW, there is still room for repentance.
However, she wil have to have a bible study in the new system and become a JW otherwise she will be directly executed by Jehovah during the millennial reign. This is the 'hope' your mother is clinging to.
Aust. Election in 1 week - A review of Kevin Rudd, PM
by fulltimestudent ini'm still determined not to vote - just to write something unpleasant about pollies on the ballot paper.
if i lived in victoria, i just may, as an act of sheer bastardry, vote for julian assange (of wikileaks fame), but i don't live in vic, so i cant.. my objection to voting is that the political choice offers two self-perpetuating oligarchies (who are something like the governing body).
they make up a slate of candidates and election advertising consists of attempting to persuade swinging voters to vote for their slate of candidates.. anyway, i noted that k.rudd has made a video in chinese, aimed apparently at mainland china.
Like the Baby Bonus to buy that new plasma that baby needs.
Was not the Baby Bonus introduced by the Libs? I am pretty sure it was Peter Costello's doing.
Who is your favorite "Apostate"? Who helped you see the truth about "The Truth"?
by minimus ini would have to say that ray franz was the biggest influence for me.. when i first got on this board, a poster by the name of james, a former bethelite and organization heavy, helped me understand a lot of the inner workings in the upper echelons of the society.. .
and of course, farkel's common sense approach was (usually) helpful..
Larsinger58. The memories.
Are You Upset My Miley Cyrus' Performance On MTV Awards?
by minimus ini'm not, even a little bit and i don't understand what the outrage is all about..
Miley, you should NEVER go full retard!
Oh the irony!
by Captain Blithering inhahaa, ive gotta do a demo this week about responding to the question 'are jw's false prophets'?
shall i throw in a couple more arguments than the o es i'm given?......
You could really use this part to get some cognitive dissonance going with their minds. Get some old WT and Awake quotes read out. 'What will the 1970's bring? Is time running out for this generation?' And the classic, 'Generation that will not pass away'magazine. You could have people falling out of chairs with the uncomfortable feeling that you produce.
by clarity inthis has to be one of the worst 'talks' that i have ever heard!.
creepy & evil ciro!
This is the same talk that the JWfacts has a piece of I think. It's fairly disturbing, sounds very cultish, and the speaker sounds like a psychopath the way he seems to get excited talking about all the death at the big A.
What is with Jeremiah 5:8 in the NWT
by HowTheBibleWasInvented inas already posted im agnostic... but i find the texts of the bible the world's most famous book.. .
check jeremiah 5:8 out in the nwt.
while thismight now be shocking in the judean prophets what is shocking is this is a mojor addtion to the text to make it sound vile.
What? No way!! Wierd stuff in the bible??! But how can that be! Neigh neigh.
Did Jesus ever shunned anyone?
by UBM101 inhttp://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/258772/1/shocking-talk-from-2013-district-convention-urges-parents-to-shun-disfellowshipped-children.
i am sick to my stomach after watching this video by cedars.
that pharisee stephen bell said we should follow the example of jesus but did jesus ever shun anyone in the bible?.
He doesn't talk to me :(
Are JWs creationists?
by Jeffro inif you believe what is officially stated on the jw website, jws are not creationists.
the fact that the exact jw belief is in fact specifically called "day-age creationism" seems to have alluded them.
So I just looked at Jehovah's website, and I really liked this little gem:
Although Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in creation, we are not anti science. We believe that true science and the Bible are compatible.
Okay. So JWs are not anti science. They are just against any science that conflicts with their beliefs or superstitions. Mmmmm.
And what the hell is "true science"!?? That's the science that doesn't conflict with their belief in magic and fairytales!