Don't tell me what happens at the end, I haven't read it yet.
Posts by 2+2=5
who has actually read the entire Bible?
by losingit inno matter how many times i've tried, i just couldn't get through the whole thing.
you know, there were always those reminders to read the bible, have a personal study, go out in service, and.... the other two of the five things we were supposed to do i already forgot.
so, i constantly felt guilty that i just had no interest.
Cheers Simon, this place is awesome.
Heaps of people do it has been discussed here before. Maybe it's my wife that looks for dates online?
I just realized that there are no ads on this site anymore.
The beauty of this site is all the pictures of the girls that come with the dating agency/website advertisements.
3rd or 4th revision of Bible Teach Book???????
by itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat innote changes below.... note that the changes to this edition are far more extensive than the previous two sets of changes.. all revisions and page numbers are for standard sized english-language editions.. changes from 2009 edition to 2012 edition bible teach.
page 1 (title page/publishers' page):.
old:2009 printing.
Old lie: During the 19 th century, sincere Bible students calculated that the waiting period would end in 1914. (Regarding this date, see the Appendix, pages 215-18.) World events that began in 1914 confirm that the calculation of these sincere Bible students was correct.
New revised lie: During the 19 th and 20 th centuries, sincere Bible students progressively discerned that the waiting period would end in 1914. (Regarding this date, see the Appendix, pages 215-18.) World events that began in 1914 confirm that the understanding of these sincere Bible students was correct.
It's a disgrace that they get away with deliberate deception like this. If it wasn't for WWI, this religion would probably never have got any traction. They have used this stupid, prophetic-lie as evidence for their divine approval for the last 100 years. It is well past it's use by date.
Members who spam threads with the same post over and over
by Apognophos inhow do you guys feel about someone who gets an idea in his head that we want to hear the same phrase, often a nonsensical one, repeated in a dozen or more threads which may not have anything to do with the phrase in question?
it seems to me that we already have a rule, #5, about this..
I have noticed a supply of these kinds of posts lately. Not that they really bother me, because now that I am aware I don't even bother reading any of it. I just think it makes the poster look a little silly.
I can't really talk, 99% of the stuff I post is just as stupid and irrelevant, just not as repetitive.
There she goes with that "thank Jehovah" again
by ShirleyW injust once after serena williams says "thanks to jehovah god" i would love to hear the commentator ask her "when's the last time you've been out in field service or attended a meeting"?.
JWs are some of the most superstitious people on earth. If she lost, she would be blaming Satan.
Do You Think It Possible That A Member Of Governing Body Would Ever Commit Suicide Because Of The Pain From Cognitive Dissonance?
by frankiespeakin ini think as things get real tuff for the governing body that the build up of stress from dealing with a corporation founded on lies and manipulation of people that is comming to a head and all the lawsuits and possible criminal prosecution and the day today pressure of having all your decision back fire on you.. the final stage of wishful thinking is the nightmare stage where the whole delusion falls apart..
i'm thinking just like hitler killed himself rather than face life anymore, that some on the gb may reach that stage..
With God all things are possible.
question on resurrection
by Skbj ina bit of background first: my mom's sister died 2 years ago.
she wasn't a jw.
she was far too smart to be one to be honest.
I believe the official WT stance is that she will get a resurrection. Because she was never a dedicated baptized JW, there is still room for repentance.
However, she wil have to have a bible study in the new system and become a JW otherwise she will be directly executed by Jehovah during the millennial reign. This is the 'hope' your mother is clinging to.
Aust. Election in 1 week - A review of Kevin Rudd, PM
by fulltimestudent ini'm still determined not to vote - just to write something unpleasant about pollies on the ballot paper.
if i lived in victoria, i just may, as an act of sheer bastardry, vote for julian assange (of wikileaks fame), but i don't live in vic, so i cant.. my objection to voting is that the political choice offers two self-perpetuating oligarchies (who are something like the governing body).
they make up a slate of candidates and election advertising consists of attempting to persuade swinging voters to vote for their slate of candidates.. anyway, i noted that k.rudd has made a video in chinese, aimed apparently at mainland china.
Like the Baby Bonus to buy that new plasma that baby needs.
Was not the Baby Bonus introduced by the Libs? I am pretty sure it was Peter Costello's doing.