Upcoming WT articles-
The Truth About Pants
Avoid Satans Pants
How We Can Maintain a Balanced View of Pants.
tight pants - tempting the gays to chase you: you cannot resist their advances bad bad bad!!!!!!!!!!!!.
baggy pants - in a 1993 witchtower baggy pants were a sign you are a rapper : bad bad bad!!!!!!!!!!.
pants just right?
Upcoming WT articles-
The Truth About Pants
Avoid Satans Pants
How We Can Maintain a Balanced View of Pants.
here's a few from me.. no more having to go to stupid boring meetings.. no more having to go knock on doors in field service and waste my time!.
no more mind numbing elders meetings..
Freedom of mind.
... btw it was soooo boooorrrinnng!!!
draw close to jehovah(tm)/bookstudy:.
excruciatingly boring.
BluesBrother, I noticed you have been a member here since 2001, and you are still attending. Thats tough, I feel for you.
Remember, he who endures to the end is the one who will be saved. I'll ask the flying spaghetti monster to give you strength.
i think the organization is worried most about how jws will stay loyal to their families even as it rejects the admonition of the gb and elders..
Looking at how the GB fill out their suits, I'd say running out of bacon would be pretty high on their list.
i was always told that god did loads of stuff that was evidence of his existance.
ususally very brutal things too (b#st@rd).. jesus walked on water and raised the dead we are told.. it seems to me also that the older the story, the more exaggerated it is...y'know...talking snake......global flood.. there are those that claim god speaks to them now and they alone 'know' it.
I don't know, I kinda bought the whole talking snake story. Sounds pretty legit.
when perry posted: who made the code?
many responded in nervousness and frustration.
here are some man-made mysteries (forget about god-made codes), which the scientists can simply puzzle over.. 1) the still un-deciphered harappan script.. 2) the illustrated voynich manuscript written in a completely unknown script.
When Perry posted: “Who made the code?” Many responded in nervousness and frustration.
I stopped reading after this.
i was always told that god did loads of stuff that was evidence of his existance.
ususally very brutal things too (b#st@rd).. jesus walked on water and raised the dead we are told.. it seems to me also that the older the story, the more exaggerated it is...y'know...talking snake......global flood.. there are those that claim god speaks to them now and they alone 'know' it.
"This time period has been Satans time period to prove his ability to rule."
Really? God just sits back and watches while a sadistic monster has a turn at playing boss?
Would you let a serial-killing-rapist raise your children? Could you even leave them alone with him for just a minute? maybe to prove a point?
I find it ironic that in trying to prove satan wrong and man incapable of ruling himself, God has proved himself useless by allowing the whole effed up situation in the first place.
The whole univesral sovereign thing is a load of nonsensical rubbish.
morris in italy, january 5, 2014. http://forum.infotdgeova.it/viewtopic.php?p=281371#p281371.
This man is a disgrace.
i'm not ignoring the pain that thousands of disfellowshipped jw's suffer or the needless deaths or undealt with abuses.
to all these people the watchtower society is far from irrelevant - it's the cause of their misery, isolation and loss.. so what do i mean?.
if we want to make a difference then our focus needs to be on people.
Pretty much.
look i don't care what you believe, i really don't.
just leave me out of it.
if i were interested in your beliefs i would pursue them, but trying to force your literature and views onto people is just rude.
Can I ask you Keith, why you don't like religion?
It is true that religion causes many problems in the world today.
I have a magazine here which explains.......