I think the Organization is worried most about how JWs will stay loyal to their families even as it rejects the admonition of the GB and elders.
The Biggest Fear From The Watchtower Organization Is ???
by minimus 69 Replies latest jw friends
Most americans are descended from people who didn't care enough about family that they were willing to cross the ocean for the good life even though they might never see their family again. (I'm referring to the late 1800 and early 1900s)
The JW biggest problem will be in their "fertile" third world countries and countries made up of people who didn't discend from immigrants.
The people who didn't leave their homeland for the "New World (Americas) were genetically predisposed to make sacrifices to stay with their families because of strong dependence and attachment. These people are NOT going to follow the rules of the Watchtower's cold herritage.
That and the r&f gradually losing faith in the GB as time passes. I guess it's all related. Our crazy C.O was on a rampage at a CA about df'ing people who associate with df'ed relatives. Most dubs don't know that the "Flock" book says, " non-relatives." They are some nut-jobs...
That those crazy mentally diseased apostates with soooo much bitterness and empty live's.......
just might be onto something.
Doubting Bro
Based on the tone of Watchtower articles of the past 5 or 6 years, they appear to be deathly afraid of the prospect of R&F JWs no longer heeding their every dictate as if it were the 11th commandment.
By far (FAR) the most common topic in the Watchtower is "OBEY the governing body or God will kill you".
Jon Preston
Id say their own literature from the past and apostates.
The Biggest Fear From The Watchtower Organization Is ???
..Losing Control Of Jehovahs Witnesses "Every" Decision..
The internet, apostates, and money. All three of those have been the most dominant subjects in the last 3 or 4 years. JWdot org is a telling fact that the internet has done lots of damage to them.
my philipina fiancee said she knows a fair few jw's--even dated one years ago. they really do have strong family bonds. shunning there isnt quite what the GB have in mind-----