This was supposed to be posted in the Jokes and Humour section.
Posts by 2+2=5
Psalm 103
by kassad84 in(a psalm of david).
bless the lord, o my soul, and all that is within me bless his holy name.
bless the lord, o my soul, and forget not all that he hath done for thee, who is gracious unto all thine iniquities, who healeth all thine infirmities, who redeemeth thy life from corruption, who crowneth thee with mercy and compassion, who fulfilleth thy desire with good things; thy youth shall be renewed as the eagle's.
BOTR- Announcement
by Band on the Run inlaw school is obviously not the hardest program to follow.
it isn't something that can be replicated on the internet.
a first year student can find the law.
"When will you humans learn that your 'feelings', as you call them, can stand in the way of big cash payoffs?!"
Thankyou for yet another reminder, you are brilliant. Highly educated and far above most of us poor, uneducated souls here at JWN.
As I slave away in the sun everyday, I often ponder about amazing people such as you, and think myself so lucky that I am even allowed to post on the same forum.
Please don't go. Your humility and reasonableness, along with your short and concise comments that always make perfect sense, will be missed.
However, if you do go, could you at least drop by from time to time and let us know if you are still a lawyer, and still awesome?
Short Video - Interviews with Creationists
by cofty inthis short video demonstrates how faith is impervious to facts.. the contributers are honest about their beliefs but so badly deceived about reality it is quite depressing.
spot the canards - some of them are jaw-dropping.. pastor peter laruffa exudes, "if somewhere within the bible, i were to find a passage that said two plus two equals five, i wouldn't question what i'm reading in the bible.
i would believe it, accept it as true, and then do my best to work it out and understand it.".
"I think sometimes our culture has, like a.....overly heavy reliance on, like... science."
Wise words. Let's get back to the dark ages.
ACTUALLY any form of pants are wrong wrong wrong!!
by hamsterbait intight pants - tempting the gays to chase you: you cannot resist their advances bad bad bad!!!!!!!!!!!!.
baggy pants - in a 1993 witchtower baggy pants were a sign you are a rapper : bad bad bad!!!!!!!!!!.
pants just right?
Upcoming WT articles-
The Truth About Pants
Avoid Satans Pants
How We Can Maintain a Balanced View of Pants.
List Reasons Why You Are Glad That You Are Out Of The JW Religion
by minimus inhere's a few from me.. no more having to go to stupid boring meetings.. no more having to go knock on doors in field service and waste my time!.
no more mind numbing elders meetings..
Freedom of mind.
Observations about last nights meeting...
by DATA-DOG in... btw it was soooo boooorrrinnng!!!
draw close to jehovah(tm)/bookstudy:.
excruciatingly boring.
BluesBrother, I noticed you have been a member here since 2001, and you are still attending. Thats tough, I feel for you.
Remember, he who endures to the end is the one who will be saved. I'll ask the flying spaghetti monster to give you strength.
The Biggest Fear From The Watchtower Organization Is ???
by minimus ini think the organization is worried most about how jws will stay loyal to their families even as it rejects the admonition of the gb and elders..
Looking at how the GB fill out their suits, I'd say running out of bacon would be pretty high on their list.
Why doesn't god do anything tangible now?
by punkofnice ini was always told that god did loads of stuff that was evidence of his existance.
ususally very brutal things too (b#st@rd).. jesus walked on water and raised the dead we are told.. it seems to me also that the older the story, the more exaggerated it is...y'know...talking flood.. there are those that claim god speaks to them now and they alone 'know' it.
I don't know, I kinda bought the whole talking snake story. Sounds pretty legit.
There are many man-made mysteries the scientists can simply puzzle over!
by abiather inwhen perry posted: who made the code?
many responded in nervousness and frustration.
here are some man-made mysteries (forget about god-made codes), which the scientists can simply puzzle over.. 1) the still un-deciphered harappan script.. 2) the illustrated voynich manuscript written in a completely unknown script.
When Perry posted: “Who made the code?” Many responded in nervousness and frustration.
I stopped reading after this.
Why doesn't god do anything tangible now?
by punkofnice ini was always told that god did loads of stuff that was evidence of his existance.
ususally very brutal things too (b#st@rd).. jesus walked on water and raised the dead we are told.. it seems to me also that the older the story, the more exaggerated it is...y'know...talking flood.. there are those that claim god speaks to them now and they alone 'know' it.
"This time period has been Satans time period to prove his ability to rule."
Really? God just sits back and watches while a sadistic monster has a turn at playing boss?
Would you let a serial-killing-rapist raise your children? Could you even leave them alone with him for just a minute? maybe to prove a point?
I find it ironic that in trying to prove satan wrong and man incapable of ruling himself, God has proved himself useless by allowing the whole effed up situation in the first place.
The whole univesral sovereign thing is a load of nonsensical rubbish.