I personally think this is going to have a substantial impact with Aussies both JW and not. The royal commission into the Catholic Church was fairly damning and was all over the news for a few weeks but people have almost come to expect that type of shit from the Catholics. The situation with WT is far worse .
The seemingly benign JW religion is finally being exposed for the evil, tyrannical cult that it is.
I am not usually very optimistic when it comes to WT religion going into any sort of decline or major recession, but this is not just a small issue that will grab a headline and go away. This will only get worse for them and I can really see a major backlash coming,
Australians are already extremely apathetic towards religion and I would say at least 15-25% of Australian JWs are just as apathetic towards there own religion[ie social club].
I can imagine standing behind a JW.org cult cart is going to get awfully uncomfortable for some, and way to embarrissing for many.