Well, the bible is nonsense, so by extension everything they say is worthless tripe.
Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 is a nice introduction to their bullshit. They laid that as the foundation and built upon it with lie after lie.
hey yall, this may have been touched on before, but i here a lot about the lies wt has told on this website.
so what are some of the bold outright lies the borg has told, past and present and can you prove it.
for example, at this district assembly they released a video that showed (the trailer) if you married an unbeliever your marriage is not going to work.
Well, the bible is nonsense, so by extension everything they say is worthless tripe.
Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 is a nice introduction to their bullshit. They laid that as the foundation and built upon it with lie after lie.
are you pleased with the exposure of the society in australia?
do you feel personally vindicated by it?
do you think it gives you credibility with others now that all the things you said were going on, actually are documented?
sorry if this has already been discussed, but,...besides, of course, a black eye on the org, what can come of this royal commission hearing legally or criminally?
according to the rc's website:.
"the royal commission holds formal public hearings to hear evidence about child sexual abuse within institutions.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are not unique, they are plagued by the same diseases, same worries, same societal issues as everyone else on this planet.
Name another organisation that has over 1000 known child sex offenders on record, and deliberately keeps this info hidden from its members and public knowledge? Fairly unique I'd say and pretty much unprecedented in Australia.
Honestly, your comments are disgusting and speak volumes about the level of control and manipulation this filthy cult has on its members. It's pathetic and I pity you.
just about to start on next segment ...
I personally think this is going to have a substantial impact with Aussies both JW and not. The royal commission into the Catholic Church was fairly damning and was all over the news for a few weeks but people have almost come to expect that type of shit from the Catholics. The situation with WT is far worse .
The seemingly benign JW religion is finally being exposed for the evil, tyrannical cult that it is.
I am not usually very optimistic when it comes to WT religion going into any sort of decline or major recession, but this is not just a small issue that will grab a headline and go away. This will only get worse for them and I can really see a major backlash coming,
Australians are already extremely apathetic towards religion and I would say at least 15-25% of Australian JWs are just as apathetic towards there own religion[ie social club].
I can imagine standing behind a JW.org cult cart is going to get awfully uncomfortable for some, and way to embarrissing for many.
just about to start on next segment ...
^^^^ What Simon said
Proud to be Australian when I see the way this commission is bringing these delusional scum back to reality.
13 some youths brought up by christian parents may not see the stark contrast between our current spiritual paradise and satans dark world.
some have even been tempted to see what life in the world is like.
but would you run in front of a moving car just to find out how painful and possibly fatal that could be?
The debauched and wicked lifestyle that the world loves.
Playing Billiards with friends?
Sure, seems harmless enough......... WRONG!!!
Billiards with friends always looks like a good time, but your mind-controlled, cultish conscience will hound you for enjoying yourself instead of devoting time your time to theocratic activities.
And all JW's know Sky Daddy is just itching to slaughter those who even think about enjoying violence. Makes sense.
it's been 12 years since i first read ray franz's books and the scales came off my eyes.
by that time i was in my forties.. since 2002 i went back to school and have worked with 3 very professional organizations.
but my biological clock is ticking away and while my peers are looking forward to retirement, i am only beginning.
The cult took 28 years from me. I will be 30 next month and I feel bitter as hell about my life wasted as a JW.
What is even sadder is that I have younger siblings who are being raised in this Bronze Age bullshit cult.
It is a tragic shame that cannot be overstated, to see beautiful young people that you love have their lives stolen by this filthy fucking disease of a religion.
just heard the special talk about why god allows suffering.
ugh... can't believe i used to believe this crap.
what do you all think of the universal sovereignty issue?
I don’t buy into the idea that the problem of evil dictates that God cannot exist
It doesn't mean he can't exist, it just makes him seem like a sadistic monster. Hardly anyone you could love as a father.
just heard the special talk about why god allows suffering.
ugh... can't believe i used to believe this crap.
what do you all think of the universal sovereignty issue?
When you boil it all down, the bucks stops with God.
The original creator, the one who always was and who caused all things to be, the source of everything.
This universal sovereign has to take responsibility for all the suffering that has ever taken place.
The WT theoology just paints him as a self-centered, worship craving ego-maniac that is out to prove he is right.........by killing billions of humans.
if you had 5 minutes to give the world your personal message and everyone listened, what would you say?.
Who farted?