And for the record, every person will definitely have a face to face encounter with God. Everyone.
Thanks for the heads up, I will take record of this.
Sorry I've already dismissed it as complete bullshit.
this is my current bottom-line conclusion after starting to see through the jw game 3 to 4 years ago and going through my own process of waking up.
it helps to write it down and put it "out there".
i hope it helps or resonates with you in your own personal process.. basically if i were given 10 seconds to say something to an active jehovah's witness that i cared about it would be the headline above.
And for the record, every person will definitely have a face to face encounter with God. Everyone.
Thanks for the heads up, I will take record of this.
Sorry I've already dismissed it as complete bullshit.
so, i guess an upcoming wt has some new light on clapping!
evidently, jesus has misinformed the gb/wtbts since the late 90's.
clapping was disrespectful, because jesus felt that those who were df'd should not be given a pat on the back.
Well yippee-doo, I'm going back so I can get a round of applause by a group of strangers.
I was hanging out for the return of tea & biscuits after the book study until I made my return, but this applause is to hard to resist.
I will take a bow and offer a public prayer upon receiving my gratuitous round of applause.
the answer posted on "no.
many millions who lived in centuries past and who weren’t jehovah’s witnesses will have an opportunity for salvation.
additionally, many now living may yet begin to serve god, and they too will gain salvation.
It's doublespeak, as is every answer on the FAQ section of They try to polish nuggets of shit so that they appear shiny to the public.
It's a fine art and they have obviously spent some considerable cash on trying to present the filthy cult as a more mainstream style religion, although it's becoming obvious they are fooling nobody but themselves.
those with substantial experience as jws will likely agree that judicial matters are handled with considerable inconsistency.
elders certainly vary in skill level, understanding, compassion or even knowledge of the talmudlike watchtower rules.
the punishment and, it is actually punishment, for similar offenses can result in anything from private or public reproof to disfellowshipping or sometimes an elder will choose to simply offer private counsel without even bringing the matter before the body of elders.
Elders themselves with a "secret sin" they've been hiding for several years, may even avoid judicial action altogether if its determined that their life shows evidence of "Jehovah's blessing" in the intervening years of concealing the sin. Their theocratic appointment and privileges are considered part of that evidence
Yes, I commented about this little provision on a different thread yesterday, I probably didn't put it as succinctly, I used drugs and hookers to get my point across, your language sounded more like it would straight out of that filthy little book (elders cult instructions manual WT edition).
I would say congregation privileges are used as punishment and reward by dick elders in every congregation in the world. Myriads of elders get off on having control over these pathetic little assignments they call privileges . How small minded can you get?
Sisters should also be able to have some congregation privileges, I think my wife has skills to handle a microphone wonderfully. .
The killing of infidels must take place, it's God's will, kill them all and let's enjoy paradise.
This is what we hear in the OT from Moses and his followers, and from ISIS and their members today and also from Bro Ciro Aulicino and the dedicated members of the WTS.
Nothing says religion like genocide really.
"they don't have a secret elder's book" so said my mother.
"all of our publications are open to everyone.
we all have the same information and nothing is hidden in this religion.".
I think the real gem in that shitty book is the way the elders can basically get away with doing anything, as long as time passes and it goes unnoticed.
The provision in the book allows for elders to remain serving if they admit to previous serious sins, as long as the sins are not known in the congregation and the elder has successfully been leading a double life. Get your slap on the wrist and continue lording it over others and being a hypocrite.
They could have cocaine and prostitute addictions, that is not the issue, they just need to keep the 'appearance' of a having a clean congregation. If the elder has kept his sins secret and still has the respect of the flock, he can remain.
Let's be honest, this is the the WTS, the elders could technically rape children and get away with it, because of loopholes created to protect their image. Sadly this is the reality of what goes on when men are allowed to let delusional ideas fester.
What a loving provision!
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
Kate seems to have gone a bit silly.
It's very subtle though, like a brick to the head.
a 2 million year old hominid has been discovered that had cancer in its foot - making it the oldest neoplasia found in the human lineage.
now, as to why cancer predates original sin by nearly 2 million years, i'd love to hear christian apologists try and explain..
Interesting reading....
It seems the demons have deceived you with quackery and science. Why put your faith in 2 million year old cancers?
The earth is young and Jesus is real.
I always read the articles that Perry copy pastes, so I am absolutely qualified to dismiss everything anyone says.
this weeks book study lesson was on martha, the sister of lazarus.
the chapter in the "imitate their faith" book praised her for being "industrious".. the conductor at our congregation meeting was just positively gushing about how "industrious" modern-day jw women are.. he was so exciting, he could barely get the words out.
following is not an exact quote, but conveys the gist:.
so let's just say that the wt org is now finished.
families with da/df members are now reunited.
everyone is burning their med directive cards.
Any sudden collapse would give birth to splinter groups, so the crazy would never stop....... millions of ex JWs would morph into millions of yet another pseudo Jewish/Christian dooms day cult.
I will probably take the lead of one group, guide them through this wicked system and become their oracle.