James Brown - I see you have been reading some crazy bullshit since you last visited the forum.
Like Kent Hovind wasn't enough.
I guess some like their bullshit spread thick.
is there gods true worshipers on earth today as jesus said there would be?
if they are not jws then who are they?.
who else comes close to being gods true followers today?.
australia passed an act in 1960 that allowed doctors to give a blood transfusion, if necessary, to minor children.. i am curious as to whether this act - the blood transfusion act 1960 - is still in effect in australia.
and i would also like to know if any australian jws are aware of this act.
are australian jws still told to resist blood transfusions for their minor children?.
In my experience I would say that JWs in Australia would resist blood for thier children, at the instruction from their leaders at world HQ, and most are not aware that doctors will give blood to a minor anyway....
Back when I was still in the cult, I had one elder try and tell me we can refuse blood for our children, and I was trying to tell him otherwise but he had a WT education. My child had been under intensive care for a week, and received multiple transfusions, so I didn't argue with the fool I just left him in his ignorance. He like many others, are under the wrong impression about laws regarding blood transfusions and children with cult parents.
and how long will it last?
and who will come after that, yahweh, as the old testament says or jesus, as the new testament says?
the scriptures say he'll come to the mount of olives, but surely that's a spiritual mount of olives.
wt 1973 p568.
"did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers that stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become maturbators later on?".
what sick fu... writing this article thought the the average person did this to keep kids quiet..
wt 1973 p568.
"did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers that stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become maturbators later on?".
what sick fu... writing this article thought the the average person did this to keep kids quiet..
did anybody see the service meeting video this week?.
australian sister was sexually abused as a child and thought of ending her life at 14 years old, sometime later jw's call on her father who accepts a study and eventually the whole family becomes witnesses, life gets much better as the sister immerses herself in pioneering etc, she still has some dark days but prayer along with going for walks and swimming has helped her cope with bad memories of child abuse, the new system (just around the corner) will completely fix everything......... i'm dumbfounded, the hypocrisy has literally rendered me speechless......comments anybody?.
The Royal commission in Australia hasn't been and gone. The WTS has it coming to them, and I think they know it. They will almost certainly be hurt financially and it still has the potential to be significant. These child abuse issues will nearly sink them and it's part of the reason they have been preparing for a substantial membership decline, a decline which has already started. They will scream persecution, and trim some fat at the same time.
The religion will be a slow-motion train wreck over the next 20 years IMO.
just a quick question.
who actually writes the awake!
and the watchtower publications ?
I believe they home a large group of Manatees in a giant tank, along with balls that have words etched on them. Some balls have scriptures and the Manatees just pick up balls at random. The words and scriptures found on the balls become the article that goes to print.
This has always been the WTS method for forming the Awake!!! magazine.
ok not to throw no shade or no disrespect to the jw religion.
which i truly do respect because my girlfriend is part of but i just don't understand, i have researched so much about it.
so much about how its discouraged for her to be with me just cause of different religion.
not to throw no shade or no disrespect to the JW religion. which i truly do respect because my girlfriend is part of
The JW religion deserves no respect. It's a filthy cult. Not to say your girlfriend isn't lovely, it's just she's a victim.
Think daddy issues x1000, she is going to carry serious baggage from the cult.
"charisma is a certain quality of an individual personality by virtue of which the person is set apart from ordinary people and treated as exceptional".
as a kid i was afraid of such charisma, as it was usually the quality i noticed elders, head masters, and parents had to exercise with unloving authority over me.. but now i think about it "charisma" doesn't need be only for people with authority.
" charisma" is something even we can have?
please donate.
whether it's your time, money, or influence.
the donation box at mcdonalds does go to an amazing charity.