I prefer bat-shit-crazy-religion, but cult or high control is fine.
Posts by 2+2=5
10 Hottest Issues about Jehovah's Witnesses-Your Opinion Please
by raymond frantz inhi guys ,i'm currently updating my website (www.new-jw.org) and would like to build a page with the 10 hottest issues about jehovah's witnesses .i'm still a believer therefore i would like to concetrate most on doctrines and less on policies.
i build a list below, please tell me what you think ,your feedback is much appreciated :.
united nations affiliationbaptised in the name of an organizationmemorial ,jesus' sacrifice denial mealblood idolization of the governing body 1914pedophilia casesjesus is not your mediatorharsh disfellowshiping policycounter productive witnessing of the good news
The idealization and revision of the Watchtower Society's history is a major issue that has helped many wake up.
They deliberately mislead and misrepresent their past beliefs and doctrines in order to make themselves look like prophets or an organization that has God's backing.
They cannot hide from this, their worst enemy is the abundance of false prophetic statements and unfilled expectations that they have put into print over the last 100+ yrs. The fact they try to revise their history to create an idealized image that will make themselves more appealing to the public was the game breaker for me when I was learning TTATT.
This should be on the list for sure IMO. All anyone needs to do is compare what they use to believe, to what they now say they use to, and they will prove themselves dishonest liars. No need to argue doctrine or theology, their lies are on record for all to see.
Bible Teach Book has been getting a facelift WT Style
by RayPublisher inwell the book they use to conduct bible studies is already showing its age, and just like the changes they made to the live forever book they are doing it to the bible teach book as well.
here is something i found on the kool aid site jw talk .
Witnesses accept everything the society puts out whether it is in writing or in an illustration.
That caption in the picture and the stupid picture itself is an example. "The casting of Satan and his demons from heaven has caused woe for the earth. Such troubles will soon end."
Like prior to 1914 the earth was enjoying peace with non violent people everywhere, no wars to speak of and not a hungry person in sight. So misleading the way they present 1914 as a huge turning point in history, when the world plunged into a state of constant war and violence (because of demons obviously).
Pumping up Field Service Time to the Billions of Hours
by RayPublisher inwe know that wt has been inflating the hours spent for a long time so that their "growth" looks good on paper and for bragging rights.
here is a quote from the 2008 km:.
*** km 9/08 p. 3 question box ***.
Just before I stopped witnessing I was talking to a couple of elders in my Cong about how ineffective the witnessing work has become. Both these elders have a few young children like me.
I told them about the 5000+ hrs to get 1 convert. I explained that even if they spent two hours every weekend out witnessing, and did their family worship every week, they still would not get one covert based on these statistics, not even their children. If their children get baptized and remained witnesses they would be doing way better than this average.
Witnessing in western lands has become redundant. I love speaking to my witness family and friends about this. In Australia we have had a about a 2-3% increase in JWs in almost 20 years. The Mormons are almost 20%. Tell this to a JW and watch the cognitive dissonance kick in.
What is your experience when you stop turning in time?
by gingerbread infor the past year or so, i've been turning in just one or two hours of service time.
it has been mentioned to me from an elder "friend" that i'm never seen at any meetings for field service.
i get his implication.
For the first time in more than 6 months of inactivity, I have not been asked for my report.
I had been getting asked every month for my report, but continually said zero. I would get asked about counting time for family worship, my reply would be zero. It was getting ridiculous, they ask every month and get the same answer every month.
I thought I was going to have to ask them to stop asking. It is still not to late for someone to ask for this months, but I think they are finally getting the message.
For me, I stopped suddenly so they did or do hound me a bit. I was always regular, then witnessing stopped and meeting attendance declined. And to make it worse, I expressed doubts to elders before I was fully awake to TTATT and became inactive. This is probably part of the reason they hassle me, they want to know what I am really thinking.
So my experience has left a bizarre cultish taste in my mouth. Hounded for reports and sheparding calls constantly. But it sounds like you're doing a better job at fading. I was more of a sudden implosion.
What is the most damning watchtower publication?
by zound ini want to purchase a couple of vintage watchtower publications to help in my helping jw's break free.
some of the older ones are expensive or hard to come by - i know you can buy them on cd's but i'd like to own one or two of the "classics of propaganda"- some of the ones that speak for themselves as to the ridiculousness of this religion.. of course any magazine i pick up today speaks to me of the ridiculousness, but you need something much more hardcore for the jw's.. any recommendations?.
"children" has some pretty good quotes in it..
The problem is, if you want to show a JW some old WT literature and they get even the slightest sense that you are trying to criticize their beliefs, they will not listen. They will just put their fingers in their ears and scream, "The light gets brighter! The light gets BRIGHTER!!". You have to be very subtle.
It's a cult.
Amazing Video, A must watch for every JW
by His Excellency inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jespkydgizu.
Good video, I have seen it a few times and showed it to some of my non JW family.
I believe that a video like this with a bit of humor can be really effective on JWs who are having doubts and researching on the Internet. Using humor is much better than being angry or bitter, which would make JWs turn it off straight away. But if they listen to a video like this and can see the funny side, a small part of them will realize that it is all true, and a few cracks in the wall begin to appear.
I know for me, the funny and sarcastic style videos like this one helped me immensely when I was learning TTATT.
How long has this been going on!?
by Julia Orwell inok, i've suddenly got heaps of time for stuff, i can cuddle with my husband on weekend mornings, and i don't have to spend money on meeting clothes!
i've got all these great clothes i hardly wear!
we can make pancakes on saturday mornings!
And missing the evening meeting is a devine blessing.
It is so good now to just get home from work and settle in for the night. I forget it is even on now, I have only attended a few in about 6 months. It seems so crazy now to come home from work, get the whole family dressed in their best clothes and then sit in the hall while struggling to stay awake for two hours.
How long has this been going on!?
by Julia Orwell inok, i've suddenly got heaps of time for stuff, i can cuddle with my husband on weekend mornings, and i don't have to spend money on meeting clothes!
i've got all these great clothes i hardly wear!
we can make pancakes on saturday mornings!
I know the feeling. I look forward to the weekends for the first time in my life. I sleep in, play with kids, maybe get out and do something. And the best part is...... no guilt. I use to dread Saturday morning witnessing. What a waste of life being a JW is.
MUSIC - Giants of the Past V Wimps of the Present .. are kids losing out ?
by *lost* inchance encounter with cantleave.
re; led zeppelin, iron maiden ect.. combined with a little chat with my daughters yesterday about drink, drugs and society.
( the herb being harnless v the shrooms ).
Soontobe is exactly right.
Heaps of good bands and musicians around today.
The thing is though, popular music of the 60's and even 70's was nearly all good, and some of it will go down as the most influential and defining of all time. Hendrix and The Beatles...need we go on.
Popular music these days is mostly crap. But there is tonnes of great bands out there, it just seems they don't get commercial success.