Her grandson was shot to death. Leave her the h#ll alone.
We tried to leave it alone, but she used her grandsons death to promote a vile cult with a pathetic and hypocritical religious image.
this grandmother found the best way to advertise jw.org by wearing a huge lapel pin.. .
some of the comments are really interesting.. link to article:.
Her grandson was shot to death. Leave her the h#ll alone.
We tried to leave it alone, but she used her grandsons death to promote a vile cult with a pathetic and hypocritical religious image.
http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=local&id=4183089&ft=printinjured husband talks to action news.
tioga-nicetown - may 17, 2006 - a philadelphia man is recovering from an attack, allegedly at the hands of his wife.
the assault on his private parts has become public knowledge.
every religious group know the story of adam & eve.
for me, i understood what they did was wrong but i never felt they were bad people and considering that they never murdered anyone and seemed to live normal lives after being kicked out, i found it hard to accept that they deserved to die forever and that we would be responsible for suffering for their mistakes.
i personally feel like i might have done the same thing adam did when eve offered him the fruit.
Maybe at that breezy time of day when Jehovah of Perverts was known to be out spying on his naked primate creations, instead of covering his genitals and hiding, Adam could have played it cool and just stayed full nude.
or so says the jw's around me who heard it from someone who apparently "knows".
i'm no expert in the music of prince so perhaps someone else can tell me, does the songs of the wt sound similar to princes work?.
article dated 4/19/16, says jonathan sanders is asking for statements from uk residents, about jw experiences that have happened since 2011, to assist the investigation.. marina.
saw this while browsing through the good news brochure:.
is it any wonder people aren't listening to jws anymore?
what an absolutely delusional scene!
Pirates in the new system.
It's the Truth, silly.
the new wt 2013 june tells kids that they might get to study with a pirate someday!
perhaps johnny depp will be resurrected for just that purpose?.
Bumping this timely reminder from our Heavenly Father.
It's important to reflect on the resurrection hope where we will be reunited with pirates. Peg legs and hooks will be done away with and scurvy will be no more. Because of the infinite fruit platters.
there are some people that do in fact want to die.
these people include the mentally unstable, emotionally imbalanced, and those suffering from ailments or diseases, just to name a few.. i've never met however, anyone, or heard of anyone, who is of sound mind, who just awoke one day and thought it would be an excellent day to die......naturally.. your thoughts?.
i received this via email and i'm posting it here for someone who wishes to remain anonymous
i'm not up on legal stuff, but it sure seems to me that this further shows how the wts is positioning kh properties to be exempt from financial impact due to adverse judicial decisions (eccleciastical privilege, and all that stuff).. from septmeber:
articles of incorporation changes
is it just me or does it grind your gears when you see #bestlifeever hashtag after every damn jw post on fb and instagram?.
i rarely get on instagram anymore because i dont want to deal with the jw propaganda but i swear sometimes i just want to comment on one of those pics 'jw life is the worst life ever wake up already'.
does anyone else know what i'm talking about?