Hi Believer.
I have read through this entire thread and I have no idea what exactly you believe, who you perceive to be God or why or what exactly you believe this God is. It's all become vague and incoherent to myself. Talking about the truth in scripture whilst discarding the bible and something about belief coming from the soul..... I can't follow it. I will try and sharpen up though because it sounds like a fascinating conversation.
I was believer when I first lurked here. I was eager to contribute to the debate but I noticed something as I read through the countless pages of different threads. If I wanted to have a meaningful contribution to the conversation, I needed to increase my knowledge and understanding. So that I did.
As my understanding increased, I became very aware of my ignorance. I didn't know shit. But that's fine, I live by this now, and it serves me well. I don't know shit.
It's easy for those who cherish and gain great comfort from their religious beliefs to get scared away from this place. Those believers usually don't offer any logical or coherent explanations, do not present any evidence but instead refer to some internal 'knowing' or some other untestable form of evidence that exists with them or inside them or something, yada yada ....... basically they don't know shit, get offended and leave.